I just can't

Speaking of smelly things...

Operation Dominic is an interesting choice of words the military used to describe shooting nukes high into the air in the early sixties. That was around the same time high up military officials were going to do a false flag (Operation Northwoods) to lie about reasons to justify a military attack. Would they lie about other stuff? Hmmm.

Operation Dominic.... Did they hit anything or what was the purpose?

Dominic means "of the lord" in Italian. Were they trying to troll people. like they did when they named the "Patriot Act" ? What gives?

Nope, not even a good try. That's a kind of psychological controlled opposition. Not a refutation of why Antarctica is closed to exploration.

They take you on a boat ride to the edge which they control, show you a couple penguins and then charge you inflated prices for drinks on the boat ride back. That's not "exploring Antarctica", that's like saying you looked at porn and you've actually banged all the chicks, but instead you just worked on your wrist strength.
What if the earth is a globe, but they are hiding the other half? Meaning, Antarctica would be like a big tall ice ring, going all the way around the actual equator. That means there would be a whole other set of continents on the other hemisphere (like Admiral Byrd said!), on the other side of the wall, and even another pole area like the arctic. It could have it's own sun and moon too, but we would never see it because they simply don't allow travel beyond the wall.

Only the elite can go through the summer gate :o
Serious questions -

Why do you think there are no stars in the "earth" photos from space and why do you think NASA hasn't put a person back on the moon in the last 50 years? Did they lose the map? No good bathroom stops anymore along the way? Why?
So re: the stars, my guess would be that it's extremely bright up there when the sun is shining (similar to earth in the daytime, but with no atmosphere), and the exposure had to be turned down to the point where the stars don't show up. It just seems like a very silly thing to forget or leave out...

Re: why we haven't been back to the moon, why would we go back? In the 60s and 70s it was basically a very expensive dick-measuring contest between the US and the soviet union. The moon is just a rock, too small to sustain life. The only practical purpose for going there would be as a jumping-off point for interstellar travel, so until we're ready to send humans to Mars and beyond on a regular basis, I don't see the point in spending the time/money to go there...
54,000 visitors to Antarctica. Planes and boats both. 50 expedition vessels along. Hardly off limits…

Adding up the number of people who've been to controlled areas isn't really an answer to why people can't explore some OTHER areas.

You keep flipping up couch cushions and saying, "see, see, I found your keys"...except the keys that were actually lost are out in the driveway.

No use arguing with this depth of idiocy. I mean, really. The stereotypical nutjob is a flat earther. It’s a common think to call someone doing something stupid. It’s synonymous with stupid
Sad that the human genome accommodates the genetic abnormalities of both stupidity and gullibility
So re: the stars, my guess would be that it's extremely bright up there when the sun is shining (similar to earth in the daytime, but with no atmosphere), and the exposure had to be turned down to the point where the stars don't show up. It just seems like a very silly thing to forget or leave out...

Re: why we haven't been back to the moon, why would we go back? In the 60s and 70s it was basically a very expensive dick-measuring contest between the US and the soviet union. The moon is just a rock, too small to sustain life. The only practical purpose for going there would be as a jumping-off point for interstellar travel, so until we're ready to send humans to Mars and beyond on a regular basis, I don't see the point in spending the time/money to go there...

Are you saying it's 100% that people went thru the Van Allen Belt and did go to the moon? How come the Astronauts didn't get fried in those Trailer Park boys looking space suits?

Returned in what looks like a tin foil and cardboard constructed "lunar module" the size of a large car, which left no lift off blast marks on the moon surface, then came back thru the Van Allen belt and didn't burn up on re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere? I remain skeptical.

Wouldn't it be convenient to fake a moon landing to keep those bad Russians scared? I'm not saying that's what happened, but there was that Operation Norhtwoods thing, so we know US government, at least some "higher ups" are willing to lie on a very big scale.

I mean, I know it was gravity that caused building 7 to collapse and everything. "They" would never lie about that event!

Are you saying it's 100% that people went thru the Van Allen Belt and did go to the moon? How come the Astronauts didn't get fried in those Trailer Park boys looking space suits?

Returned in what looks like a tin foil and cardboard constructed "lunar module" the size of a large car, which left no lift off blast marks on the moon surface, then came back thru the Van Allen belt and didn't burn up on re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere? I remain skeptical.

Wouldn't it be convenient to fake a moon landing to keep those bad Russians scared? I'm not saying that's what happened, but there was that Operation Norhtwoods thing, so we know US government, at least some "higher ups" are willing to lie on a very big scale.

I mean, I know it was gravity that caused building 7 to collapse and everything. "They" would never lie about that event!

Not saying I'm 1000% positive it happened, but if it was fake, why hasn't any other country either faked one of their own, or come out and said that they think the US moon landings were fake?
That was an international coordination. Many nations followed the process. Thousands and thousands of people worked on it for a decade.

I suppose everyone but us 4 are in on it after THOUSANDS OF YEARS. The fact that you can’t see the epic impossibility of your assertions…. Oh well