I just can't

So the farther away from an earth you get , where you CAN see stars, but going out into space and getting closer to those stars, would mean the stars get harder to see?

Okay, you're in your house and can see bigfoot kind of blurry standing on the edge of a field 100 yards away. You grab your camera and go outside your house and get 50 yards closer, then bigfoot gets harder to see even if he/she/they (it's a woke bigfoot) never moved ? Freaky.
You don't see stars during the day on earth, even though they're still there in the sky. And in all those pics taken from the moon, the moon's surface is lit up, so it's "daytime," i.e. the sun is shining on it.

There's no atmosphere on the moon, though, so the sky looks black, but just like on earth, it's way too bright for a camera to show both the stars and the sunlit ground at the same time. When you turn the exposure down far enough to see the ground and the earth in the background clearly, the stars disappear from the image. If someone took pics from the far side of the moon, maybe then you could see stars in the sky.

Either way, if the pictures from the moon and space were fake, it would seem really silly to just forget to put in any stars at all, right?
They will never show any stars because it was all staged, and they knew people would be able to determine it was faked by their positions, especially if they put them in back then. Going all black was a well thought out decision, with no going back on it. Their fake stars would never match up perfectly, and they didn't have as advanced of cgi yet to pull it off. They have to stick to the same reasons they used 50-60 years ago, even today when they could render it so easy... So, Never a straight answer..

NM the camera's not being able to see the stars.. Some of the astronauts say they seen them, and some didn't. Some had to be reminded about it. The only stars ever seen were from the guy buzz tried to knock out if you ask me, haha..

For some reason they only went during the day on every mission ever, and always work on the bright side of anything in orbit, which sounds bogus to me.

They claim to see the stars if they stand in a shadow on the lunar surface, so how is it the camera somehow never got behind something, or shadowed out for even a second, showing glimpses of stars?

Not even once, ever? BS!
We can't fly drones in Antarctica because the environment ruins the batteries, and hurting the abominable snowmen..

Why they fly helicopter drones around mars in 4k. Hahaha!

They can fly drones on mars like its no big deal, but not to the moon to prove Americans landed there?
How do propeller blades work without air anyway?
Very stiff, broad, 4ft long blades spinning at 2800RPM with a total weight of 4 lbs. Helicopters on Earth spin at around 250-500RPM. Mars has a very thin atmosphere, about 1% the density of Earth's. Gravity on Mars is also less than 1/2 that on earth.
The latest artemis mission.. that flew 80 miles over the apollo landing sites, but was unable to get a picture of the flag or anything isn't hot air though?
You don't see stars during the day on earth, even though they're still there in the sky. And in all those pics taken from the moon, the moon's surface is lit up, so it's "daytime," i.e. the sun is shining on it.

There's no atmosphere on the moon, though, so the sky looks black, but just like on earth, it's way too bright for a camera to show both the stars and the sunlit ground at the same time. When you turn the exposure down far enough to see the ground and the earth in the background clearly, the stars disappear from the image. If someone took pics from the far side of the moon, maybe then you could see stars in the sky.

Either way, if the pictures from the moon and space were fake, it would seem really silly to just forget to put in any stars at all, right?

That's a reasonable explanation.
Science is a systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

Step 1
Devise a practical, reproducible experiment that will clearly demonstrate that the earth is flat, by way of predictable assertion, and testable results.

Step 2
Carry out your experiment, and record your result data.

Step 3
Publish your data along with your clear logical interpretation of said data, to back up your assertion, for review by your peers. (sic)

Tin foil hat not required.