I just can't

Why does a collection of writings like the bible predict what is happening 1000's of years later with 100% truth?
Because it doesnt.
You are also misinterpreting a "New Theory" as a "fact"
I don't get the whole edge thing.. Who says there is an edge, besides those funny memes we've all seen a 100 times?

That means "space" would have to exist. A flat disc floating around in space? Yeah ok, lol.

It's like you guys expect someone to go outside of a dome that is impenetrable by matter.. That only your soul can pass through, with countless records of peoples experiences of seeing the light on the other side, with people on the other side of it.. Almost like someone would have to die, and be resurrected again to be able to tell other people, but you guys still wouldn't believe them..

Or even to go to "antarctica", as if it is really even a continent, and not a wall of ice leading to a perimeter of guards\drones with lazers, blocking access to "the dome".

You want the exact dimensions, when only god even knows what is on the other side or what it is. You expect someone to somehow leak the most secret of secrets on a public internet forum, before you'll believe. Haha :lol:
No fossils have ever been found of anything at intermittent stages of development, that Darwins biggest flaw. No animals today have less evolved versions of them around. Why aren't their humanoids in multiple stages of development changing from ape to human if apes are still around?

That’s a valid point that I’ve been thinking about recently.

When we invent something. There are many many more failed attempts than there are successful ones. Loads more failures. Where are life’s failed attempts at evolution?

We have an evolutionary system that doesn’t seem to make any mistake or if so incredibly few considering the enormous complexity of our living planet. So much so that’s it’s almost ignorant to assume they just magically grew a foot because it works on land or it was an accident how microbes make nutrients available for plants and they feed them sugars. The list is endless!!

If Darwin theory is 100% correct there must be some evidence of the failed attempts but nobody can find a single one.

It solidifies the idea that we individual life forms are actually part of one collective supreme intelligence evolving. Quite extraordinary.

Gets even more juicy when that supreme intelligence (evolving life) entered its own creation (man/women) giving the power of self reflection and the birth of self-conscious beings, me and you.
Check out everything you know is wrong. Loydd Pye (sp?) you gotta open your mind a bit but to me his theory is plausible as any