I just can't

have you ever noticed that there is more powrful hurricans in the pacific than the atlantic? that because of La Nino, when that stops which is prolly be next year, then we in the SW will have more of a rainy season than a dry......we want La Nina to happen

and those pic of the moon, yes those are right simply cause no one had an idea of where to land so they made topicgraphical maps and then remade them here to pick out landing spots....
We've been in La Niña for 3 consecutive years....
So the farther away from an earth you get , where you CAN see stars, but going out into space and getting closer to those stars, would mean the stars get harder to see?

Okay, you're in your house and can see bigfoot kind of blurry standing on the edge of a field 100 yards away. You grab your camera and go outside your house and get 50 yards closer, then bigfoot gets harder to see even if he/she/they (it's a woke bigfoot) never moved ? Freaky.
Exactly. Climb on your roof and try to get your yard and mine in the same pic. You have a panoramic lense with 4.5 light years field of view?
Also the example isn’t really the same. In your example, to be the same, would have me walk 50 yrds closer to bigfoot then turn around and take a pic of the house so ya bigfoot would be harder to see
Exactly. Climb on your roof and try to get your yard and mine in the same pic. You have a panoramic lense with 4.5 light years field of view?

That's a good point, but it doesn't address the possibility the "round earth" photo shots could have been constructed from inside a darkened Nasa space craft shot thru a round window with all the lights turned off within the space craft to make it seem like deep dark space.

I don't think those "space suits" the astronauts wore look capable of withstanding the temperature extremes which are supposed to exist on the moon either. It's funny we all drank that shitty orange juice substitute tang after the Apollo missions, but the technology for those extreme temperature high and low space suits never made it mainstream. I wonder why?
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Just curious here as to how the ISS operates at 4500 F. With a exterior layer of thin aluminum covering most of the pods and even shutters over windows. Wonder what temp aluminum melts at….
Just curious here as to how the ISS operates at 4500 F. With a exterior layer of thin aluminum covering most of the pods and even shutters over windows. Wonder what temp aluminum melts at….

How does the ISS not burn up in the thermosphere?

Answer 1
While the temperature of the thermosphere can reach almost 2,000 degrees Celcius (3,632 degrees Farenheit), there are not enough gas molecules to transfer the heat to materials, which is why astronauts and the Space Station do not melt.

Answer 2
The key to understanding why satellites do not melt or burn up is the difference between temperature and heat. Temperature measures the thermal energy of particles, but as the air in the thermosphere is thin – as if it were a vacuum – there are not enough particles to transfer energy, causing low heat

But don't listen to the facts. Facts are fake news in this thread. Bloody academics and scientists ... m'eh.
As far as I can tell, there are two possible scenarios:

Scenario 1. The earth is round, despite appearing flat to the casual observer because of its enormous size. The Greeks proved this like 2000 years ago. Since then, lots of folks have made observations and done experiments to further understand the size, structure, and motion of the earth, sun, other stars and planets, galaxies, etc. People have also developed technology which has allowed them to do some pretty amazing stuff, like propel large objects beyond earth's atmosphere, and survive in the vacuum of space. They've also built submarines which can safely carry people to the bottom of the ocean, and airplanes which transport millions of people per day, through an environment that would otherwise be completely inhospitable.

Scenario 2. The earth is flat, yet some mysterious group has engaged in a coordinated disinformation campaign lasting for centuries, to convince the majority of people that it is round. People are indoctrinated into this way of thinking basically from birth, and are constantly exposed to new "scientific discoveries" to further elaborate and expand on the hoax of a round earth floating in space. Thousands of "them" have worked on the campaign, creating everything from fake pictures and videos requiring extensive set and prop design, to giant telescopes and other "scientific instruments" such as the Very Large Array and LIGO, which either serve no purpose other than perpetuating the hoax, or have some nefarious purpose known only to "them." Any experiments which might provide legitimate evidence that the earth is flat are quickly discovered by "them," and either discredited or silenced before they can be released to the masses. The end goals of the campaign are sort of unclear, and so far, no one involved in it has ever been able to come clean to the public, at least not in a way that gained much traction or credibility. Because of the breadth and depth of the disinformation campaign, very little is known about the true structure of the earth and its surroundings, except by "them."

It's funny I heard this 10 years ago and it's was supposedly fake news. Here we are again with more proof
Proof = literally just some dude saying it's true. That is some absolutely irrefutable evidence right there...

There is definitely controversy over the use of the HEK 293 cells, in many applications unrelated to artificial flavorings, but it's not like you are "drinking some aborted babies." The cells came from one fetus almost 50 years ago, and have been kept alive like a "mother" plant ever since. There are better reasons to avoid buying Pepsi, Nestle, and Kraft products.
