I just can't

Haha you guys think i'm so poor and living in some mentally declined state or something. The sad reality, is that I love being trapped in a dome. I'm the richest sob there ever was, and there is everything I could ever ask for inside of it.

I could hold up my "CAN'T WORK!, The earth is flat and no one will hire me!" sign and make $954.69 in one day, standing by the on ramp smoking j's..
Haha you guys think i'm so poor and living in some mentally declined state or something. The sad reality, is that I love being trapped in a dome. I'm the richest sob there ever was, and there is everything I could ever ask for inside of it.

I could hold up my "CAN'T WORK!, The earth is flat and no one will hire me!" sign and make $954.69 in one day, standing by the on ramp smoking j's..

Cool stoner dude , good one ! How close is the dome of plenty to the on ramp's road ? What a noisy place to be trapped. Regardless, congratulations, it sounds like you've hit your apex in life !
Cool stoner dude , good one ! How close is the dome of plenty to the on ramp's road ? What a noisy place to be trapped. Regardless, congratulations, it sounds like you've hit your apex in life !
but the entire RIU community are the “men in black” and we are all here for one person who happens to be avoiding taxes by holding signs on off ramps for cash under a dome? that or i seriously need to re-read the memo.

I wonder how the helmet diapers are working out?
It's exhausting to try to share fundamental thoughts and pose queries to only be ridiculed by those that refuse to even look at what you put in their face. I would go crazy if I tried to argue everyone on an individual basis, instead i won't argue anyone. I am going to simply share information I feel in my heart need be shared, across a broad range of topics. All of what I post is truly what I beleive at that point. I am not making this thread to argue and won't. This thread is simply a place to share my thoughts on science and what's presented to me, vs what I experience and have personally come to beleive is more grounded in reality.

God bless
This is a rather aggressive forum so I couldn't agree more. I tottaly agree I've experienced it here several times. I'm only still here because I have befriended several members here and kinda stick to talking to only the positive good ones.
This is a rather aggressive forum so I couldn't agree more. I tottaly agree I've experienced it here several times. I'm only still here because I have befriended several members here and kinda stick to talking to only the positive good ones.

If you publically insist moon is made of cheese it shouldn't come as a surprise that people will ridicule you.
This is a rather aggressive forum so I couldn't agree more. I tottaly agree I've experienced it here several times. I'm only still here because I have befriended several members here and kinda stick to talking to only the positive good ones.
Echo chamber.
Just lost a few more IQ points reading this thread. Got to cut this out or I'll get so stupid I'll start thinking this shit is real and sound as nutso as the OP.
That's what I thought when i read the first page of this shit months ago, then came back, read to page 9, and found your post. I'm out. :peace:
They quit doing any space walks on the ISS recently because the helmets were filling with water, and apparently the diapers weren't soaking enough of it up. Too many stunt doubles must have kept drowning, lol. You can clearly see bubbles coming out of the helmets in many live feed videos (the ones they didn't cut the transmission off in time anyway), meaning that's where the water is leaking in from. Most of those "space" walk videos are shot underwater, obviously. Just like the training videos, but with added cgi\augmented VR. The whole reason they shut down is because too many people are becoming aware, and they need Tom Cruise to go "up" there and build an all new hollywood studio first, that has better equipment. No space walks are allowed, but Tom can go "up" there and film huh? They are currently installing new super quantum computing tech to help fake the new generation of "space" walk videos. New suits and everything I'm sure.. Hahaha!. Need newer updated equipment, just like all those 360 degree VR telemetry camera's on Bezo's disney rocket, but better. Way better. That way they don't have to shoot old school underwater videos anymore..
We are NASA's fake universe? Are you saying NASA is God?

Mixed message. "It's all a lie"; "We are going to drill for oil on Mars:

Isn't "planet" Mars a fake and a lie too?
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