I just smoked my first joint from my first harvest!!


Ok I know I am stoned...but I tried the water cure to get a quick sample of my very first harvest...and I have gotta say: I don't think I have ever been so friggin baked in my entire life! :o Maybe I'm prejudice to my own...but by far the finest tasting bud I have ever smoked! From now on it's homegrown for me!
It takes so long to grow it and you invest so much time care and love into this plant, almost treating them as your babies and now it's like Christmas Morning!!

I'm sooooooo glad I decided to grow my own, I'm hooked for sure!

I know this is a stupid random post but I'm baked and having a excellent time bongsmilieand wanted to share my joy


Well-Known Member
congrats i know how you feel when i harvested my first crop i was doing backflips even tho the harvest was small it was mines i grew that shit and it was killer


Well-Known Member
i bet it was real good....i read on it before about water curing and thats something i'll be trying in the future....congrats


I know...it's an amazing feeling. But the crap I been buying does not even come close to this. I have only had it curing in the water 3 days, but had to try it. I can't imagine how much better it will be after 7, it's so crystally and yummy...I am the happiest chic on the planet right now :hump:


Active Member
all love. it is a great reward and i love the felling of homegrown. I share in your joy, mine is up in 2 weeks.


Yeah, it does shrink alot but it's really potent...I am drying out some more "sample buds" when they are dry I will post some picks of them they look kinda strange but the potency is amazing..


Well-Known Member
congrats on the harvest! have any harvest pics?

i hear water cure lessens the smell and taste but cleans the bud well


Thanks everyone! I'm so proud. :hug:

I actually had 2 plants and this is the smaller of the 2. This one was damaged early on and didn't really get to big at all. The bigger one I still have flowering.
Since this is my first grow I wasn't to sure when they were quite ready so I harvested the smaller one on Wednesday and left the bigger one. The tricomes are cloudy and the pistols are about 70 % brown. So I am thinking of harvesting the bigger one next Wednesday. That crap should be mind blowing.

I don't even own a scale...lol so I have no idea how much...If I were to wager a guess I would say a 1/4 oz...not much but I think the bigger plant should get me about an oz * fingers crossed * but next time I won't be in a rush and hopefully can learn from my previous mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to dry/cure your big plant the normal way?

By the way...now I feel like a dick...never said CONGRATS! It feels good, doesn't it!


damn im jealous my plant feels like it is taking forever!!! its only been 3 months but damn i hate waiting


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone! I'm so proud. :hug:

I actually had 2 plants and this is the smaller of the 2. This one was damaged early on and didn't really get to big at all. The bigger one I still have flowering.
Since this is my first grow I wasn't to sure when they were quite ready so I harvested the smaller one on Wednesday and left the bigger one. The tricomes are cloudy and the pistols are about 70 % brown. So I am thinking of harvesting the bigger one next Wednesday. That crap should be mind blowing.

I don't even own a scale...lol so I have no idea how much...If I were to wager a guess I would say a 1/4 oz...not much but I think the bigger plant should get me about an oz * fingers crossed * but next time I won't be in a rush and hopefully can learn from my previous mistakes.[/QUOTE]
+rep for this comment, that view should set you in good stead.


Yeah, I was thinking I would try both ways and decide what I like better. I know I like the water cure method, but I want to try it the ol' fashioned way too