i love living in a sci-fi dystopia

I live in a city......I remember when you could see more than 8 stars at night... :(
I still get that and it’s really nice at night in the boat. We go out a lot in summer and just cruise around and get high. Now we see a huge amount of satellites streaking across the sky. I have a satellite identifier app but gave up a few years ago lol.
I still get that and it’s really nice at night in the boat. We go out a lot in summer and just cruise around and get high. Now we see a huge amount of satellites streaking across the sky. I have a satellite identifier app but gave up a few years ago lol.
thats what i liked about camping in Baja.....the stars at night!!!!
Tesla Model S Plaid sets new record for fastest 1/4 mile time of any production car
Tesla has set a new official record for the fastest quarter-mile time of any production car in their new Model S Plaid.

The time was set on May 11, 2021 at the Autoclub Famoso Raceway in Bakersfield, about four hours south of Tesla’s Fremont factory in California. According to a source who was at the event, the Midnight Silver Model S Plaid set an official time of 9.23 seconds with a trap speed of 152.16mph (244.88km/h).

That handily beats the previous record of 9.4 seconds held by the Bugatti Chiron Sport. At a base price of $3,260,000 USD ($3,946,000 CAD), the supercar is considerably more expensive than the Model S Plaid

True story. 50 years ago my step-dad, a tow truck driver for the city of San Francisco, and his 5 brothers decided to start racing. In a less than legal way. My dad would spot cars during his third shift, hook them on his way home and dissappear them in our garage. His brothers would descend on our house the next day and the car would be disassembled and sold to others in the auto industry.
Eventually they ended up with a 70 Corvette and shoehorned in a 454 engine from a Chevelle SS of the same era. Some tuning later and more additions from the the street and they took it to the 1/4 mile just a few miles from where Tesla is headquartered today.
They set the record for the first street legal car to crack the 10 second quarter mile, 9.89. We called that vette The King, and it never lost. Not once. Blew a shitload of rear ends, but it never lost a race it finished.
But there will be unlimited internet ...... woohoo! “That kids is how you get to stream Netflix and play games at the same time out in the middle of butt fuck nowhere”. Thank you Mr. Musk!!!!

Can't lie, it's made my day to be way up in the mountains and realize I have full service. Nights can get boring and its also fun to tease my family members that live in an area just rural enough that fast internet has been promised for 20 years but they are still stuck on bad satellite.

Wait...this was supposed to be a dystopia. If you can stream porn on top of pikes peak...how can one claim this is a dystopian nightmare.
Seems like a good place for this, I wonder when Canada is gonna have something like this. America and Canada should be microchipping antivaccers and not allow them into grocery stores! POV or a cop shoots a chip into the center of their forehead with a special gun and slaps a big band aid over the wound that says MORON!
Cats must be microchipped under animal care plan - BBC News

Cats must be microchipped under animal care plan
Microchipping pet cats will become compulsory under a wide-ranging new animal welfare plan.
Environment Secretary George Eustice told the BBC the policy would be monitored by vets and enforced in the same way as it is for dogs, which he said has led to over 90% compliance.

The plan will also formally recognise the sentience of many animals.

But Mr Eustice said this measure was aimed at pets and livestock, rather than wild animals.

The government's Action Plan for Animal Welfare also includes measures to ban exporting live animals for slaughter, the keeping of primates as pets and importing hunting trophies. There may also be changes to the ways that animals can be confined - such as the practice of keeping them in cages.

However, there is no plan to require imports to meet the same welfare standards as in the UK, which the National Farmers' Union (NFU) described as "hypocrisy".

The plan will also see remote-controlled training collars for dogs outlawed and the government says it will look at banning the sale of foie gras - a food made from the livers of force-fed ducks or geese.

Tesla autopilot videos posted by crash victim

The driver of a Tesla involved in a fatal crash that California highway authorities said may have been operating on autopilot posted social media videos of himself riding in the vehicle without his hands on the wheel or foot on the pedal.
So its kinda officially confirmed....Tesla will produce a "SpaceX" package roadster with jet thrusters and 1.1sec 0-60 times..... :shock:
but how long will it take to put the battery out on this model?
I'd say the odds are about 205,000,000 to 1 of it ever happening...not so much with ice cars
The company does have a "Tesla Vehicle Safety Report" section on its website where it says its vehicles "are engineered to be the safest cars in the world." In the section on vehicle fires, Tesla says that between 2012 and 2020, one Tesla vehicle caught fire, on average, for every 205 million miles traveled.