i love living in a sci-fi dystopia

The dough has to be really wet, like just barely able to get it out of the mixing bowl and into either a really well oiled bowl or a floured surface to rise. It's sticky. Quite a bit of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons or so per cup of water, dissolve the sugar into the water, add a decent amount of instant yeast and let foam. I am not much help on measuring flour, its like 2 or 3 cups per cup of liquid (when I mess up and it's to thick it goes in the cast iron, I just look at it rather than measure), 1.5 tsp to a tablespoon of salt.

Rises fast, 30-40 minutes. Plop an appropriate amount onto a sheet pan and push out to the edges, use finger tips to get dimples rather than rolling it out flat. You need it kind of on the thin side to cook through, can adjust however you want, but par baking the crust doesn't really work that well here. Its all about keeping it fluffy and getting it all to

Sauce is just basic tomato paste based, just more sugar than usual. Get a pot and put a bit of olive oil in there on medium low heat, toss in a can of tomato paste and saute it for a few minutes to get a bit of fond going on the bottom of the pot, toss in garlic to taste, salt/pepper. Then add water, I use two of the tomato paste cans worth of water per can of paste. Toss in a couple of tablespoon of sugar (to taste, less sugar and more seasonings for regular sauce). Whisk till smooth, making sure you scrape up that fond and incorporate.

Dark color well oiled pan at 420 for 15-20 minutes (play with that as well, dark pan over 400 degrees seems key)
On a Sci fi dystopia note, my child (8yr) has an oculus vr headset, apparently vr chatting is something people do. I wanted him to be safe from weirdos so I set it up so it changed his voice to something grown-up sounding. Bunch of laughing and weird bits of conversation were heard so I asked what he was doing. "I'm tricking teenagers into doing weird stuff! I told them I was a youtuber and would put them on the internet."

The prey has become the predator or something.
This could have interesting implications for cryptocurrency's like bitcoin that depend on the energy cost of (conventional) calculation for value. These are smart people, perhaps they should "practice" mining bitcoin, they could pay for their research for a billion years in no time at all! Looks potentially disruptive for the cryptocurrency market to me, the science is exciting, but let's be practical! ;-)
Harvard-MIT Quantum Computing Breakthrough – “We Are Entering a Completely New Part of the Quantum World” (scitechdaily.com)

Harvard-MIT Quantum Computing Breakthrough – “We Are Entering a Completely New Part of the Quantum World”

Team develops simulator with 256 qubits, largest of its kind ever created.
A team of physicists from the Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms and other universities has developed a special type of quantum computer known as a programmable quantum simulator capable of operating with 256 quantum bits, or “qubits.”

The system marks a major step toward building large-scale quantum machines that could be used to shed light on a host of complex quantum processes and eventually help bring about real-world breakthroughs in material science, communication technologies, finance, and many other fields, overcoming research hurdles that are beyond the capabilities of even the fastest supercomputers today. Qubits are the fundamental building blocks on which quantum computers run and the source of their massive processing power.

“This moves the field into a new domain where no one has ever been to thus far,” said Mikhail Lukin, the George Vasmer Leverett Professor of Physics, co-director of the Harvard Quantum Initiative, and one of the senior authors of the study published on July 7, 2021, in the journal Nature. “We are entering a completely new part of the quantum world.”


According to Sepehr Ebadi, a physics student in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the study’s lead author, it is the combination of system’s unprecedented size and programmability that puts it at the cutting edge of the race for a quantum computer, which harnesses the mysterious properties of matter at extremely small scales to greatly advance processing power. Under the right circumstances, the increase in qubits means the system can store and process exponentially more information than the classical bits on which standard computers run.

“The number of quantum states that are possible with only 256 qubits exceeds the number of atoms in the solar system,” Ebadi said, explaining the system’s vast size.

Already, the simulator has allowed researchers to observe several exotic quantum states of matter that had never before been realized experimentally, and to perform a quantum phase transition study so precise that it serves as the textbook example of how magnetism works at the quantum level.
On a Sci fi dystopia note, my child (8yr) has an oculus vr headset, apparently vr chatting is something people do. I wanted him to be safe from weirdos so I set it up so it changed his voice to something grown-up sounding. Bunch of laughing and weird bits of conversation were heard so I asked what he was doing. "I'm tricking teenagers into doing weird stuff! I told them I was a youtuber and would put them on the internet."

The prey has become the predator or something.

is that your wish for your 8 year old? in effort for safety measure, another lesson was learned.
Super Mario 64 Video Game Sells for $1.56 Million
The sale, to an anonymous bidder, set a record just two days after a copy of The Legend of Zelda sold for $870,000, according to Heritage Auctions.


The price sent shock waves through gaming and collecting circles, even after a recent uptick in five- and six-figure sales of rare video games to investment-minded buyers.

The price sent shock waves through gaming and collecting circles, even after a recent uptick in five- and six-figure sales of rare video games to investment-minded buyers.Credit...Heritage Auctions, via Associated Press
Neil Vigdor
By Neil Vigdor
July 12, 2021
An anonymous buyer has paid $1.56 million for a 25-year-old copy of Super Mario 64 in its original packaging, a record price for a video game, according to the auction house that sold it.
Heritage Auctions said that it received 16 bids leading up to and during the live auction on Sunday for the mainly pristine condition 3-D Super Mario game, which sold for about $60 when it was released in 1996 and was the best-selling game for the Nintendo 64 console.
The top bid was $1.3 million, according to Heritage Auctions, which added a buyer’s premium of 20 percent to the gavel price to bring the total to $1.56 million.
This is applicable for future monitor displays. But, also for Quantum Computing:
Ever seen laser light, after being dispersed by a frosted glass, remember where it was supposed to be? And then, fly to where it thinks it should be?
Strange Quantum effects, I give you the phase conjugate mirror experiment. It looks quite mundane ..then, you start to think about it :)

btw -
Not so keen on Quantum computers these days. Seems their first true usage will be processing data ..ours. All the stuff we've done online since the net came 'online'. As well as, countries will immediately use it to hack ..everything. I hope I'm wrong, but it's not looking too good I'm afraid.
Calling all suckers!
$500 'Freedom phone' made in China, cheap rebrand: report - New York Daily News (nydailynews.com)

Right-wing activists push $500 ‘Freedom Phone’ made in China and seemingly available under a less-patriotic name for $120

There’s now a phone just for MAGA supporters wishing to part ways with the Big Tech companies they blame for casting them out of the mainstream following the Jan. 6 attack on the nation’s Capitol.

Freedom Phone, which sells for $499 and comes preloaded with fringe-popular apps including OANN, Newsmax and Parler, was introduced to the marketplace Wednesday by self-proclaimed 22-year-old “Bitcoin millionaire” Erik Finman.

“This is the first major pushback on the Big Tech companies that attacked us — just for thinking different,” Finman announced. “We’re finally taking control.”

Conservative influencers Roger Stone, Dinesh D’Souza, Jack Posobiec and Candace Owens went online to promote the new gadget.

“Today you need to get this phone!” Owens said, boasting that Freedom Phone is not affiliated with tech giants Apple or Google. “If it does not help save the nation I don’t pitch it.”
She advertised on social media to, “Use code: CANDACE for 10% off your new phone.”

But tech site Gizmodo, as well as the Daily Beast, quickly pointed out the Freedom Phone appears to be anything but revolutionary.

“MAGA-Branded ‘Freedom Phone’ Is a Black Box That Should Be Avoided at All Costs,” Gizmodo wrote in its headline.
That site’s analysis warned the apparent “budget phone from Asia” could actually puts its owners security at risk, rather than the opposite, which is what Freedom Phone largely claims to do.

Freedomphone.com, where the device is sold, offers almost no useful technical information about the device, other than several options to “buy it now.”

That site’s own page on Privacy Policy states the company collects usage date that can include users’ IP addresses, browser types, “the time and date of your visit,” and “the time spent on those pages.”

This phone’s features reportedly include “tracking blockers and an uncensorable app store” as well as a “A Free-Speech First Operating System.”

It welcomes users to “Say Hello to Trust.”

The Daily Beast noted that the Freedom Phone seems to be a simple rebranding of Chinese company Umidigi’s “Umidigi A9 Pro.” The company is headquartered in Mainland China. Finman reportedly confirmed to the Daily Beast that Umidigi makes the phone, but said he wasn’t sure if it was modeled after the A9 Pro, which sells for less that a quarter the cost of Freedom Phone. He claimed his phone is manufactured in Hong Kong.

The Daily Beast also noted that the apps that come with Freedom Phone are all available for free for Android devices on the Google Play app store. Its supporters, including former “Survivor” contestant and right-wing provocateur Anna Khait, can’t seem to shed much light on Freedom Phone’s specifics either.

“Is it an Android?” Khait answered during a livestream promoting the portable device. “I’m not really sure. No. It’s a Freedom Phone.”

Supporters of former president Donald Trump have raged against tech providers like Twitter and Facebook since they banned him for promoting January’s uprising at The Capitol meant to stop the certification of Joe Biden as the nation’s 46th president following his election win. Right-wing groups have also rallied against tech companies including Google, Apple and Amazon.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/07/28/will-metaverse-connect-us-or-just-remind-us-how-far-apart-we-remain/Screen Shot 2021-07-29 at 8.18.23 AM.png
Welcome to the metaverse.
That sentence may sound like the beginning of a techno-dystopian film — a jargony jumble of words fit only for science fiction. And yet in Silicon Valley C-Suites it’s very real: The movers and shakers of the Internet are planning for a future in which the digital and the physical are inextricably intertwined in an all-encompassing virtual reality that allows all of us to exist together, whenever and wherever. Hence, the metaverse.

The thing is, at least half the population will probably never understand it. That says a lot about where we’re coming from — and where we’re going.
The concept of the metaverse came into being before most people had ever sent an email: The writer Neal Stephenson coined the term in his 1992 novel “Snow Crash,” but any sci-fi nerd will recognize the notion in “Ready Player One,” where a whole other world is accessible within our screens, as full as the one we live in away from them. Any normie will recognize the same thing in “The Matrix.” Recently, though, a newer version of the metaverse has entered venture capital vogue. Don’t believe me? Mark Zuckerberg said he wanted to help build it just last week.

This metaverse-to-be, explain its evangelists, is not just a “virtual world” or a virtual reality, or economy or theme park or space — and it’s certainly not just a game. No, the metaverse is more than that, because it will include infinite theme parks and spaces, and because all of those will integrate into a cohesive experience that serves not just a single purpose or human need but all of them. Remarkably, the essayist credited with reinvigorating the metaverse obsession chooses as the best metaphorthe Book of Genesis.

The easiest way, maybe, to think about the metaverse isn’t in the abstract but rather as a bunch of hypotheticals: Epic Games already let you buy Air Jordan 1s as part of a skin for your “Fortnite” avatar — and you could conceivably wear them to a battle royale in the morning before showing them off at an Ariana Grande concert in the evening. Now, say you could show up to an island in Nintendo’s “Animal Crossing” in the same attire.

Okay, now say you could show up to work in your Web-gotten costume, and head off after to a group fitness class. Say you could even give your clothes away to a friend on Twitter, or trade them for an artistic opus in non-fungible token form. You would carry your data, your possessions and yourself with you from place to place and platform to platform — sometimes in 3-D, sometimes in today’s 2-D, sometimes with the aid of virtual reality helmets or augmented-reality glasses, and sometimes with only our eyes.

Maybe this intuitively makes sense to you. Maybe it makes no sense at all.

A lot of people who grew up without the Internet view it, essentially, as a utility: something that enables experiences by helping them to, say, plan a picnic or reserve a ticket to a Bruce Springsteen show or buy a blender. They don’t view it as a place that provides experiences in themselves. Even social media sites, for these folks, exist merely to offer insight into the offline lives of those they care about — a way, every day, to get 1,000 Christmas cards.

A lot of people who grew up with the Internet view it as a place that doesprovide experiences. Yet they also view it as a place apart from the offline realm, a supplement to what happens when we close our laptops or put down our smartphones — which is the stuff that counts. Why else refer, as gamers and chat room occupants of old, to “IRL”: in real life?

More and more people, however, grew up not only with the Internet but onthe Internet. Sometimes they interact with folks they know IRL the same way they interact with folks they don’t — and they talk to the folks they do know IRL as much online as they do off it. They’re in the digital world at one moment, in the physical one the next and in both at the same time. The Internet can’t be separated from real life. The Internet is real life.

So the value of a metaverse with all the trappings the rest of us associate with, well, the literal universe seems obvious: bridging two spaces between which we’re already constantly moving, and making them look even more alike. All this is more possibility than probability at this point — yet those with the most sway over our technological tomorrow are intensely devoted to an idea entirely unintelligible to the inhabitants of an analog past. Our minds have been transformed.

The metaverse, stressed Zuckerberg in an interview last week, will help us feel “present with other people” — to which many might reply that the way to feel present with other people is to be present with other people. They mean actually, physically, literally within reach.

Those who live life online already might ask what the difference is.
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WARSAW, Poland (AP) — A Belarusian Olympic sprinter who criticized her coaches at the Tokyo Games said Thursday that she showed police a translated plea for help on her phone as she tried to avoid being put on a plane home, where she feared reprisals from an authoritarian government.

Krystsina Tsimanouskaya described a dramatic series of events at the Olympics that led her to flee to Poland, where she arrived Wednesday.

After posting a message on social media that criticized the way her team was being managed, Tsimanouskaya said she was told to pack her bags. Team officials told her to say she was injured and had to go home early.

On her way to the airport, she spoke briefly to her grandmother, who explained that there was a massive backlash against her in the media back in Belarus, including reports that she was mentally ill. Her grandmother, she said, advised her not to return.

At the airport, she sought help from police, translating a plea on her phone and showing it to them.

As the drama unfolded, European countries offered to help her, and the runner ended up at the Polish embassy, where she received a humanitarian visa. Many of Belarus’ activists have fled to Poland to avoid a brutal crackdown by President Alexander Lukashenko’s government.

At a news conference in Warsaw on Thursday, Tsimanouskaya thanked the people who supported her during the standoff.

“It was the whole world, and these people make me much stronger,” she said.

She also had a message for her fellow Belarusians.

“I want to tell all Belarusians not to be afraid and, if they’re under pressure, speak out,” said the runner, who spoke in both English and Russian at the news conference.

Still, she expressed concern for the safety of her family back home. Her husband, Arseni Zdanevich, fled Belarus this week shortly after his wife said she would not be returning. Poland has also granted him a visa.

The events have drawn more attention to Belarus’ uncompromising authoritarian government. When the country was rocked by months of protests following an election that handed Lukashenko a sixth term but that the opposition and the West saw as rigged, authorities responded with a sweeping crackdown. Some 35,000 people were arrested and thousands of demonstrators beaten. The government has also targeted independent media and opposition figures.

In a sign of the lengths authorities are willing to go to silence their critics, Belarus officials diverted a passenger jet to the capital of Minsk in May and arrested a dissident journalist who was on board.

But Tsimaounskaya has insisted that she is no activist and only wanted to be allowed to compete in her preferred event at the Olympics. The standoff began after she complained that she was scheduled to participate in a race she had never competed in.

The 24-year-old said Thursday she hadn’t thought about seeking political asylum but did hope to figure out soon how she might continue her career. She said she will speak with Polish officials on Friday about her next steps.

She added that she hoped the Tokyo Games would not be her last Olympics — and that she wants to return home one day, when it is safe.

While Tsimanouskaya’s criticism was aimed at team officials, her defiance may have not sit well with political authorities. Lukashenko, who led the Belarus National Olympic Committee for almost a quarter-century before handing over the job to his son in February, has a keen interest in sports, seeing it as a key element of national prestige.

“I just wanted to run at the Olympics, it was my dream,” Tsimanouskaya said Thursday. “I really aspired to do that, and I hope that I can continue (doing) that.”

the pandemic lockdown really highlighted how easy it would be to make a difference carbon footprint-wise by getting rid of those expensive corporate leases and have remote employees..everything would/could change with this simple step also less people dying from auto accidents being murdered or raped..hospitals were wondering where CV patients were..home is much less stressful in so many ways.

this is (one of) THE keys in making our planet sustainable for generations to come.

repeat after me: we're safer at home..safer at home..safer at home.
And don't forget the CCP!

CCP Flew a hypersonic, nuclear capable, glider/missile around the globe . All without telling ANY other countries (that couldn't cause issues)
The CCP now have awesome drone swarms, including biological and nuclear capable.
Weaponised weather too (like using Lasers to control lightning in storm clouds etc etc)
CCP recently hacked/harvested DNA from women of all ethnicities (by stealing dna through online pregnancy tests). Allowing them to create biological weapons to kill each and any ethnic group on the planet.
Forget Supercavitating Russian torpedoes, the CCP are building Supercavitating submarines.
The CCP space station ..is certainly not a front for a secret, military, space weapons platform
Became the first nuclear country in History (breaking all past treaties), to threaten a non-nuclear country (Japan).
When Japan said it would defend Taiwan, the CCP stated: "We will nuclear bomb Japan over and over again if they interfere"
ANY news agency that censored these words ..is a CCP asset (btw). And Japan, won't take those words lightly either!

Now, even though their media dogs in the West are working hard to keep their exploits secret.
I hope we all know the parallels with history:

CCP wants to invade Taiwan, Korea, Buthan, Thailand (etc). Because historically, the CCP view them ALL as China. And want them back.
CCP talk of being a superia human race (the Han people).
They Segregate all ethnic groups inside their borders.
And cull ethnic minorities in concentration camps.
Talk about genetically creating a race of super humans ..they are saying that right now!

If you don't see the parallel ..oh dear.
Did I mention, multiple countries have built 'extinction level event' bases around the globe (and under the sea). These bases make the older nuclear bases look puny in comparison. Now, why do you think these were built? And, do you think they give confidence to our leaders, in starting the next big world war?
Oh yeah ..and I hope we all know how WW3 was going to start (most who served knew this back during the Cold War mk1).
A global biological attack would start it. And the public would be kept ignorant for as long as possible.

Fun times.
Last edited:
And don't forget the CCP!

CCP Flew a hypersonic, nuclear capable, glider/missile around the globe . All without telling ANY other countries (that couldn't cause issues)
The CCP now have awesome drone swarms, including biological and nuclear capable.
Weaponised weather too (like using Lasers to control lightning in storm clouds etc etc)
CCP recently hacked/harvested DNA from women of all ethnicities (by stealing dna through online pregnancy tests). Allowing them to create biological weapons to kill each and any ethnic group on the planet.
Forget Supercavitating Russian torpedoes, the CCP are building Supercavitating submarines.
The CCP space station ..is certainly not a front for a secret, military, space weapons platform
Became the first nuclear country in History (breaking all past treaties), to threaten a non-nuclear country (Japan).
When Japan said it would defend Taiwan, the CCP stated: "We will nuclear bomb Japan over and over again if they interfere"
ANY news agency that censored these words ..is a CCP asset (btw). And Japan, won't take those words lightly either!

Now, even though their media dogs in the West are working hard to keep their exploits secret.
I hope we all know the parallels with history:

CCP wants to invade Taiwan, Korea, Buthan, Thailand (etc). Because historically, the CCP view them ALL as China. And want them back.
CCP talk of being a superia human race (the Han people).
They Segregate all ethnic groups inside their borders.
And cull ethnic minorities in concentration camps.
Talk about genetically creating a race of super humans ..they are saying that right now!

If you don't see the parallel ..oh dear.
Did I mention, multiple countries have built 'extinction level event' bases around the globe (and under the sea). These bases make the older nuclear bases look puny in comparison. Now, why do you think these were built? And, do you think they give confidence to our leaders, in starting the next big world war?
Oh yeah ..and I hope we all know how WW3 was going to start (most who served knew this back during the Cold War mk1).
A global biological attack would start it. And the public would be kept ignorant for as long as possible.

Fun times.
Yeah and they fart thunder too!

I view Trump and the republican's ally, Russia as more of an immediate threat. China is doing very well with the world economic order and the plan is to compete the west into the ground, they don't want to upset the apple cart. China has the world by the nuts and has a plan, it is more of an adversary than an enemy, Russia still has more nukes pointed at America. A plan might be to get China looking at all that virgin Russian territory just north of their border then set them against each other. If Russia can take Ukrainian territory, China can take Russian turf.

Don't forget the economic crises they are under going right now that could collapse their economy. We have enough trouble with corruption fucking society and policy up and we elect politicians every few years, imagine what it is like where they don't? The current leader wants to be dictator for life and these are indicators he's going off the deep end before he dies, which could be sooner than he thinks!

In short, China has ambitions in it's own backyard, like America figures it owns South America. They are doing very well as things now stand and it's hard to see how they can grow much faster economically and socially than they are now. It would be really stupid for them to fuck up such a good situation. However they are facing a huge financial crises and a war with Taiwan might be a distraction, but one that will cause further economic collapse if they should attack. A wise man makes his neighbors his friends, if he can, a fool makes them his enemies.
Yeah and they fart thunder too!

I view Trump and the republican's ally, Russia as more of an immediate threat. China is doing very well with the world economic order and the plan is to compete the west into the ground, they don't want to upset the apple cart. China has the world by the nuts and has a plan, it is more of an adversary than an enemy, Russia still has more nukes pointed at America. A plan might be to get China looking at all that virgin Russian territory just north of their border then set them against each other. If Russia can take Ukrainian territory, China can take Russian turf.

Don't forget the economic crises they are under going right now that could collapse their economy. We have enough trouble with corruption fucking society and policy up and we elect politicians every few years, imagine what it is like where they don't? The current leader wants to be dictator for life and these are indicators he's going off the deep end before he dies, which could be sooner than he thinks!

In short, China has ambitions in it's own backyard, like America figures it owns South America. They are doing very well as things now stand and it's hard to see how they can grow much faster economically and socially than they are now. It would be really stupid for them to fuck up such a good situation. However they are facing a huge financial crises and a war with Taiwan might be a distraction, but one that will cause further economic collapse if they should attack. A wise man makes his neighbors his friends, if he can, a fool makes them his enemies.

I understand what you are saying, countries like that (normally) have no true allegiances with other countries.
Russia/Soviets and China/CCP have a funny, long, old, history though.
I was just pointing out a stark parallel with past history. And how Leaderships, exactly like the CCP have started past global conflicts.
Especially when left to their own devices. And civil wars, inside a countries power structure, can cause war outside their borders. The political factions in China are also squaring off :)

As for connections with Trump/Russia etc ..isn't the Steel dossier (I think thats its name?) turning out to be a 'product' rather than fact?
Which, if true, would be sad.
Because that would empower exactly who the document was aimed at.
I personally never liked the Trump hate in the media, the radicalisation etc. I always felt it was a little over the top (shall we say). And, in itself, a breeder of radicalism on the other side of the debate. Better to have left him to his own devices, he would have done the work for those against him (imo)
Now, I'm not saying this because I supported him (I didn't), but because:
attacking the position of US President (like that), the head of the free world, set a very dangerous historic precedence.

imho, a precedence that (I think) would have helped Russia far more than having someone like Trump (who they viewed as a clown) in your pocket.
In fact, if we believe Russia could be behind Trump ..who's to say Russia were not, really, behind causing the Steel dossier ;)
Fragmenting society in the US, was always a KGB dream/goal. They tried it before (during the sixties) but failed ..then.

I think that it would be far better story if they were sending up the 'Flat Earther' Kyrie Irving or some other famous moron that believes the nonsense.

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“Good Morning America” co-host Michael Strahan is going to space next month.

Strahan, who turned 50 on Sunday, will join Laura Shepard Churchley, the eldest daughter of astronaut Alan Shepard, on the Dec. 9 mission aboard the New Shepard, a spacecraft named after her father and the first American in space.

The Blue Origin flight, the company headed by Jeff Bezos, will also carry four paying customers and will be the third by the New Shepard craft this year to shuttle humans to space.

Blue Origin has not disclosed the ticket price for paying customers.

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The 10-minute flight, five minutes less than Alan Shepard’s 1961 Mercury flight, will launch from West Texas carrying six people, two more than the previous two flights this year with humans aboard.

Similar to previous jaunts, Strahan’s flight is likely to include about three minutes of weightlessness and a view of the curvature of the Earth. Passengers are subjected to nearly 6 G’s, or six times the force of Earth’s gravity, as the capsule descends.

Strahan, who played for 15 years in the National Football League with the New York Giants, reported on the first Blue Origin flight for “Good Morning America.”

“I want to go to space,” Strahan told “GMA.” “I think being there at the first launch, it really was mind-blowing.”

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Star Trek star William Shatner flew to space on separate New Shepard flights this year. Shatner became the oldest person in space, eclipsing the previous record — set by a passenger on Bezos’ flight in July — by eight years.

Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson went into space in his own rocket ship in July, followed by Bezos nine days later on Blue Origin’s first flight with a crew. Elon Musk’s SpaceX made its first private voyage in mid-September, though without Musk on board.