i love living in a sci-fi dystopia

What's hysterical is that you see this as innovative when in reality it's desperation.

You're saying that...nobody knew electric vehicles have been around for more than a century??

Someday, Tesla and Bitcoin will Thelma & Louise, and it will be the perfect ending to a wild ride.
Tesla lands more approvals for Gigafactory Berlin
Tesla is taking another incremental step forward as it looks to open the Gigafactory near Berlin as soon as this year.
Not sure about the car but the company sure made me some money till 3 months ago when I moved it to shopify ;). Glad I didn’t sell a year ago when there were rumours it was about crash from some in house stock wizard lol.
You just have to know what it is and what it isn't. It's not a merit based stock, it's a hype based stock. You have to really keep your finger on the pulse of a hype stock so you're not left holding the bag. It's not a set it and forget it stock to go all in ten years from retirement. It's a pay attention with money you don't care too much about kind of stock.
You just have to know what it is and what it isn't. It's not a merit based stock, it's a hype based stock. You have to really keep your finger on the pulse of a hype stock so you're not left holding the bag. It's not a set it and forget it stock to go all in ten years from retirement. It's a pay attention with money you don't care too much about kind of stock.
Well I certainly have kept a close eye on it in the last 8 years ;).
I wonder if the build quality from China is as shit as the ones made in the US?
It's worse. That's why China is raking Tesla over the coals. Sales have fallen off a cliff down 60%.

Tesla lands more approvals for Gigafactory Berlin
Tesla is taking another incremental step forward as it looks to open the Gigafactory near Berlin as soon as this year.
It's also been postponed indefinitely by Tesla as has the expansion in China.
Well I certainly have kept a close eye on it in the last 8 years ;).

I hear you that it's worked great for a long time and it seems like it'll go on forever, just keep the hot hand fallacy somewhere in the corner of you mind. And again, none of it matters if you're playing with money you're not too worried about.

Just the last few articles today. He always starts his BS tweeting when things start to get really bad. It's cheaper for him to pay the SEC fines than to watch his stock continue to nose dive.
And the hits just keep on coming. Now there are two recalls in the States because the seatbelts weren't properly installed.

And the stock is falling yet again because new reports show that Nio and others are eating up Tesla's market share.

Oh for god's sake. Bump (or start) a Tesla therad! No offense folks, it's just that I keep hoping Pin is back every time I see a post. I know Pin's first post contained Tesla info but I doubt he intended it to be about Elon Musk, the relative merits of various E cars or whether Tesla stock is overvalued.

This was supposed to be about Sci-fi dystopia.

Shit like this would fit better IMHO

You know; all our hopes and dreams of a brighter and better future being perverted and used againt us! Didn't any of you ever read cyberpunk novels like those of Stephenson or Gibson?

I think Devo can explain it better than I can, but that's nothing new.

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