I miss some of the old members who dont come around

@jerryb73 aint been on in over a year. :( it won't even let me tag him?

I know he had some family shit with his kids going on. I wish him the best. I always liked you jerry.
I always liked jerry . We’ve lived and worked in some of the same towns , he once worked at a lowes up the street from where my daughter lives now. And a couple years ago when a hurricane was rolling over his area I offered him my home but he had already went north past me and then the damn hurricane changed direction and came right over us . Good times .
The member I miss the most is Moebius, he started a thread called "The World of Hempy", in the "drain to waste" subsection of "Hydroponics".

He got busted growing in his UK home and had to drop off RIU...he was one of the nicest guys on this forum.

Awesome @Sunbiz1 ive been wondering about him. Is he good? I forgot you were at SH.. lol.. hope you and fam are well and happy holidaze.. if you talk with mycobro again let him know ive been wondering about him..
He's good, we exchanged some of our work; plus I got this peach moonshine.
Which I drank on Kentucky lake:D
People are super friendly down there, and everything is less expensive...might go back come April.
Happy holidaze to you as well.!
Coming back this morning out of nostalgia and wanted to see how the sites doing and I was ORIGINALLY going to say cannabineer because I checked in around like, 2017..2018? And he wasn't posting at the time but I just saw he posted literally like a few hours ago so thank God I checked poor guy, would've been like finding your own obituary in the newspaper lmao. Instead I'll say this other guy, I can't remember his name but he had like a jester pfp and would talk to me about cars sometimes. 10 years later and I still think about people from here from time to time ❤️
Coming back this morning out of nostalgia and wanted to see how the sites doing and I was ORIGINALLY going to say cannabineer because I checked in around like, 2017..2018? And he wasn't posting at the time but I just saw he posted literally like a few hours ago so thank God I checked poor guy, would've been like finding your own obituary in the newspaper lmao. Instead I'll say this other guy, I can't remember his name but he had like a jester pfp and would talk to me about cars sometimes. 10 years later and I still think about people from here from time to time ❤

I believe you are referencing @racerboy71 maybe. Either way we're thankful he is still around.
I remember from the late 2000's ish + maybe 2 accounts ago, Fdd2Blk ( I missed all the drama) and The Grow Light scammer Scammie Cammie or something, DunHavinFun Heath Robinson, Northern Farmer, and mainly a bunch from the Vertical section most of which I cannot recall their names... TyStikk is still here I think
There was the dirt bike racing daredevil jumping guy. I can see his face but can't recall his name. The dude that moved to Alaska from NY that we had mutual friends IRL too. I liked him.
There was the dirt bike racing daredevil jumping guy. I can see his face but can't recall his name. The dude that moved to Alaska from NY that we had mutual friends IRL too. I liked him.
was that the guy who was running a snowmobile in his avatar back when they were animated?
Maybe slowbus? or james2500 he was up that way but maybe still in continental US
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