I Need A Cool Banner


Well-Known Member
With a little more time I can get the background out from behind the marble, and maybe add another. I can change the font size or color, also the back ground could be any color. How would you like to see it?


Active Member
I used to make some sweet ones before, but I dont have a good editor anymore, so I have to resort to using the free web ones =)


Well-Known Member
I brought the program home and can work on it more later if you want.

After looking at it more I'd probably go with a light back ground so the glass would show up better.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I agree!! Thats a good one!! Shit I'm not putting any more work into mine now. 10 min of my life I'll never get back!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Doc. I had to actually work today!! Most days I spend at least 75% of my time at my desk. But somebody called off and I had to do their job too.:wall::peace:


Just wait until some graphic designer attempts one lol. Regardless he wins because he makes money from it.