I need advice from a cloning pro

Is there a lesser chance of clones surviving if i first sex the plant and as soon as they show i cut from them? And i am having a fuck of a time with a botanicare aero cloner *spray mist to 2" net cups_ very low % of survivers any tips?? Thanks


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you want to vert them back b4 cutting clone. the best way is to lable your plants,then cut clone labe them as to the plants you cut from,then root them. when time to flower then you will now what clones to throw out.. this is the best way to clone from a plant started from seed.


Well-Known Member
Not that many things can go wrong. Is your reservoir nute concentration low enough? Have you checked the misters to make sure they're hitting the stems? Is your room humid enough or are you using a humidity Dome?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I use the same Aero cloner and have had 100% success rate. I use clonex rooting gel and Clonex clone solution at 1/2 strength.

I have them under a 125W 6500K CFL about 24".

You have to watch the sprayer closley as the get clogged easy, I use a thin peice of copper wire to clean them out.

I've never used a humidity dome as I was told they were unnessary (true in my experience).
Thank you for the help i use olivias gel for the stems and clean 5.8 ph tap water WITH OLIVIAS SOULTION ABOUT 1/2 STREANTH the temp is between 75-80 degrees there is 2... 24" 70 watt floresents that are about 2 inches from the tops of the plants i spray 3 or 4 times a day .......but i am STILL getting a poor % of survivers


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the help i use olivias gel for the stems and clean 5.8 ph tap water WITH OLIVIAS SOULTION ABOUT 1/2 STREANTH the temp is between 75-80 degrees there is 2... 24" 70 watt floresents that are about 2 inches from the tops of the plants i spray 3 or 4 times a day .......but i am STILL getting a poor % of survivers
are they wilting and dying? - then you need higher humidity. what is the quality of your tap water? - it may have a very large ppm and you're giving the clones too much mineral content. or, your nute solution is still too strong, water down some more.
are they wilting and dying? - then you need higher humidity. what is the quality of your tap water? - it may have a very large ppm and you're giving the clones too much mineral content. or, your nute solution is still too strong, water down some more.

my water with the soultion is around 250 tds how far should my floresent light tubes be from the plant tops?


you need to keep the humidity way up till te roots start poping. if you can give them a clear cover to trap the air that might help.and dont let them get cold

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I have the exact same set up as the OP. You do not need to put anything over them as I have said 3 xs already humidity is not an issue with these units.

I was going to put domes over it and the pros I pay to give good advice said with Aero the domes are not needed. I have confirmed this myself.

