I need advice from experienced LSD users. :)


Active Member
lol amsterdam goodies i had an experience one time when there was like 20 people tripping at my apartment and some of them were first timers and they couldnt roll a blunt and i have tripped enought to know what im doing and i couldnt either anyways it was like 3 hours into trippin and we still didnt have the blunt rolled and one of my buddys got off work and he opened the door and there was 20 people running up to him asking him to roll it felt weird and when he was rollin the blunt we kept laughing at him but it felt like he was pissed off and we ended up asking him after the trip wore off he thought it was the funniest shit 2 see so many people trippin at once


Well-Known Member
I think your first acid trip is like your first peice of tail. Even if you find better acid later on the first time always stays with you. White Lightning back in the summer of 67 in the mountians of CO... I'll never forget it!

Maybe have some salvia around for a kicker? Nah!


Well-Known Member
the first acid i took was kind of bunk and not that good of a trip. i took 2 hits and remember my back hurting like a bitch and being starving hungry... the next time i took it, again i took 2 hits, and i travelled to another dimension with roger waters..


Well-Known Member
C'mon man drop both hits of that shit & chill out,whats up with all this baby sitter stuff nowdays?

We dropped pysedelics like mad in the 60's & 70's & didnt have babby sitters,just make sure you got some smoke,some beer,some munchies & your all set.
and wear comfortable shoes. Once, I didn't . . . and after all the walking around tripping (yeah, in the 60's we walked around all night long) blisters had formed, BIG, UGLY, PULSATING blisters, with faces!


Active Member
Lol it can be alot of fun and can be done safely, no public places although that has all been said good advice above. I once saw the Moon burst into flames so yea outdoors is great. Have fun and no driving!


Active Member
Acid is AMAZING!!!!

i mean it wasn't too intense to the point where i went to different dimensions, i could totally function well on it.

I took 2 tabs and a friend & it didn't kick in til an hour and a 1/2 later.

I plan to try it again sooon, But i'm looking for liquid rather tan tabs, although in southern cali, its really dry. I could barely find tabs around here. I live by anaheim and i would have to go to riverside to get tabs.

But i heard liquid is deffffintely the best.

thank you guys, your advice really did help out!


Well-Known Member
i live in LA too; i know what you are saying, i have to go to san diego where the circles are all around me. thats cool you had fun, happy trippen bro


Well-Known Member
i always watch my friends trip out now ... dont do it myself but seeing as this fellow i used to work with triped out and thought he was some kind of fruit and peeled himself .. yea i make sure my pals are ok because im nice like that :)


Active Member
ah i wish i had friends like you. Most of them are assholes and mess with your trip. but i knew that they were messing around, they just wanted to have their own little fun.

its really dry around here nowadays. i wanted some liquid acid.



Well-Known Member
you can get great blotter. the key is knowing where it comes from. acid and powder drugs should never be bought from strangers. well, i guess that goes for most drugs, but especially those.


Active Member
take both hits, pussy! you won't even trip on one and you'll prolly wanna take three next time. I'm pretty sure the people who jump off building thinking they can fly take like 10 hits...so two will be good. I took one my first time, and was like, "wtf, i thought this was a gnarly drug..." so i took four next time and it was awesome, especially if youre open to a spiritual/insightful experience...but it can just be fun too. happy tripping!


Well-Known Member
everyone knows all acid is not created equal. saying someone is a pussy because they didn't take as much as you just makes no sense.


Well-Known Member
Lucy is incredible. Just listen to the knowledgeable veterans on here. You'll be fine as long as you know your fine. OH and if you wanna see something amazing then watch old godzilla movies(the ones that are dubbed from Japanese)...amazing.