I need advice on keeping it short, but still have a good yeild?


Active Member
I bought myself an Aerogarden the other day becaus ei saw it on clearance, and like any other stoner, i love food. i decided it woudl be awsome to grow my own seasonings. When i got it home i couldnt help but notice it looked perfect for growing herb of another sort. a couple of seeds are sprouted now and ive realized the light fixure on it isnt tall enough, and i have very limited space. i have seen plants bent over before, and i thought it would be nice to bend it around the pot or something or maybe grow it on one side and bend it over. i also thought it would be good to make it bushy, and ive heard if you pinch the top at some point it will grow 2 colas or grow more bushy or something. any suggestions on how to keep it short but still have a decent yeild would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!:peace:

past times

Well-Known Member
if space is an issue i would top at about 6-9 inches..let grow for another week or 10 days then flower. should keep bush to about foot and a half. rule of thumbe is it will double to tripple in size in flowering...


Active Member
...if you're going to use an areogarden for a micro grow you'll probably only want to use 3 plants max. If you top or FIM them they'll get bushier and need room to spread-out.

...also you'll probably have to use the tomotoe/pepper setting otherwise the thing says on 18/6.

before i found this forum and before i built my cab (6 weeks ago) i also thought about using an areogarden, but it just seemed to difficult to control the light cycle and nutes...plus as you've pointed out the max ht. is 21"

i have read about people using them for their clones and being very happy.

- eyes88


Active Member
...i also thought about using an areogarden, but it just seemed to difficult to control the light cycle and nutes...
the light cycle just seems hard to control it isnt really, you can put the thing on a timer just like any other light, plus if you hold the botton down on the strawberry setting it stays on 24/7, which makes it easy to control with a timer. The height thing seems to be an issue definately, i think im going to train it to go around the edge of the resivoir thing, do maybe 2 "bigger"(still not big by any means) plants trained instead of 3 bushy little bastards. i havent seen any pics on here of people training a plant and useing the aerogarden, so i figure ill try experimenting.


Well-Known Member
Use the Salad Greens setting because it has the longest veg lighting cycle which is like 16.5 hrs of light with the pump on 24hrs. Look in your book that came with it it will show you the times for the different settings. Everyone has had the best results with the Salad Greens setting. You can pick up a figure 8 cord at Radio Shack and plug it into the light and plug it into a separate timer. That way you can control the light cycle. Also do not use the nutes that came with it they are too strong and will burn your plants. I use Foxfarm nutes with it. I have two Aerogarden Deluxes that i use to start seedlings and veg clones and mothers. Then i have a 2'x2'x7" ebb and flow tray under a 400wHPS i use for flowering. By doing this i can get a harvest every 2-3 weeks. Check out all of the Aerogarden posts under the Aerogarden club. If you are going to use the Aerogarden from start to finish then you will need extra CFL's and you will need to flower early. When i say early i mean like after 2 weeks or when the plant is like 12" tall.