I need help peoples! Bad problem! Help?!


Well-Known Member
I have a purple kush clone i took awhile ago, up too about 4-5 days ago it started to look rather pittyful but before it was quite healthy, i adjust PH to the correct value, i haven't given it fertilizer for awhile, i flushed with clean ph'ed balanced water to flush anything away if that was the problem, it gets air, i dont know if its bugs or what i looked at one of the yellow leafs with a microscope and noticed round clearish blobs everywhere, not sure if its eggs or small bits of trichromes.. i saw nothing alive yet everyday my 3 most mature leafs are being completely brutalized:wall: please help anyone!!!! its my only plant to hold on too great genetics!
btw the leafs are getting crispy and curling, im using T5's



Active Member
looks kinda droopy too possibly over watered...that wouldn't explain the yellowing. was the mother nute burned at all when you took the cut?


Well-Known Member
I dont think you would see thrichoms at this point but I never used a microscope so I dont know what your looking at. She dont look good thats for sure, purple stems too, stressing man. I think you saw eggs, were they under the leaf?


Well-Known Member
looks kinda droopy too possibly over watered...that wouldn't explain the yellowing. was the mother nute burned at all when you took the cut?

yeah its droopy, i water it when it gets dry,, but when it stop sucking water and started yellowing i flushed it well with fresh water,
the mother was just fine and very healthy, ive had this clone for about 2 months and just recently it started to go sideways on me so i dont know wtf to think cuz its nasty.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you would see thrichoms at this point but I never used a microscope so I dont know what your looking at. She dont look good thats for sure, purple stems too, stressing man. I think you saw eggs, were they under the leaf?
no on top of the leaf and yea not sure if they produce trichromes at that time or not but you would think if they were eggs and the leaf was dying that id probaly see somethin movin around! before this it was doing very well! now its like holdin on for dear life! is there ways of killing microscopic bugs? hydronperoxide? dish soap? something house hold perhaps? im low on cahs right now and cant go out and buy some intectidial soap so i need something that will help me soon!
the temps have been warm and chilly inside my house so its stressed from that but i highly doubt that that is enough for it too start keeling over consideringi grew this strain indoors last year and it didnt do this!


Well-Known Member
i looked under the leaves and didnt see anything moving with a microscope or with just my eye, i looked through the plant problems thread with the pics and i think it might be a really bad magnisum def, because i have really hard well water with lots of minerals and shit in it, i hear epsom salts are suppose to help? how does that work exsactly? and before i get the epsoms should i flush with phed rain water that i have stored? and should i give it any nutes? any help would be great on the situation i just really wanna save my baby, because im going to breed it so its very valuble too me!


Well-Known Member
im using sunshine number 4, but its being reused from my old grow.
but the above article seems to shine some light onto this situation many thanks! i shall try epsom salts and such see what happens!


Well-Known Member
I think you have a cal-mag problem but I think I would repot it first. 2 months in that little container could be causing you some problems, rootbound and lack of food! Try going up to the next size container.


Active Member
you've had it for 2 months in that pot? What kind of soil is in there? Have you fed this girl at all? You said that you haven't fed recently and you flushed her good, when was the last time you did feed her? She looks like she's starving to me. Also I just caught the part about you using well water, do you know the ppm of that water? Actually just get some reverse osmosis water from the store, it's one plant in a pot and won't be too much trouble to give it premium water.

Also I don't see any signs of bugs or anything, that stuff you see on the leaves are the plants stomata I believe, the hair like things that help them breath, I would not worry about that right now, just what is she getting to eat?

The reason your biggest fan leaves have yellowed and died off is because the plant is stripping nutrients from them to keep the main core alive, in my opinion this can be corrected by a nice dose a nutrients right this instant!


Active Member
Ok more info now that I see this is reused soil from another grow, the last plants you had in there took all the nutrients and didn't leave any for your new baby, epsom salts are just magnesium which I believe you in your case you probably need, but you also need some N,P,K right now so what nutrients do you have?


you need new dirt and a new pot... it looks like it is root bound. you can also get some seltzer water at the grocery store. it is CO2 charged water, it will add oxygen to your roots. just use it for watering. i have great results.


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I have corrected the problem, let me clear a few things up, the plant is not root bound, and it has not been in that pot for 2 months, i just recently repotted it into that pot and tied it down.
the problem i was having was a mag def, i have proper nutes and i have fed it, the soil got just a wee bit acidic and locked out nutes, so that was the main problem, i flushed alot with alkiline, clean pure water, and after a few good flushes it has stablized the ph, i am foliar feeding it kelp and epsom, plus i gave it a good dose of nutes after flushing, its sprung right back and is doing apsolutely great!
Thanks for all your helps and advice!
By the way, in the near future im going to start a new journal of my inside T5 grow, im crossing a few plants together and makin a new strain for next years outdoor!
i got purple kush, a mighty might hybread, blueberry/purpleindica/polecat mixture which i will be blending to make a whole new strain. if you like that sorta stuff stay tuned for that journal!


Well-Known Member
sweet man!
sounds like a good new strain to produce :)
look forward to seeing those results