I need help please someone


Active Member
OK i have a home made aero clone system my power went off in my other house where it was located for 5 days the roots are kinda brownish yello there the leafs are 80% brown 20% green the roots are very long about 19inches good roots untill this happen is there anything i can do to save them before its to late? nutes anything


Active Member
I would throw them away and use my time and effort on cloning more healthy specimens.

It will take week's for them to recover!

Sorry for the troubles, I am just waiting for that to happen too my friend(knock on wood).


Active Member
yes i know it really sucks the roots where 1 inch think round and 19 inches long was cloning for a month i would of had some nice plants fucking happen this morining and im still pissed off about it all i can think about


Active Member
was moving didnt want to plant them untill i got my new room going i just set everything up tpday and went to the old house and they were dead it sucks


Well-Known Member
wow those roots were that long and u didnt plant them u should of
even if they wernt in anything bigatleast they would have been ok in something untill everything was set up :0(
so what are u goin to do now?


Active Member
right now i have 8 plants total grown to the max they cant get anybigger there 64inches tall and about 2ft wide im going to try and pull more clones off them before i put them into 12/12. but i think ill make out good on my 8 plants i have 2 plants under a 1k hps with total of 4 1k's 1 for 2 plants trying to get max yeild out of plants maybe get 8 lb's


Well-Known Member
It would be fastest to take clones from them to start over rather than waiting for the whole plants to recover. It is going to be a slow recovery, by the time they're back full swing a new clone would have surpassed it. Or a bagseed planted now might even pass it by...

Added: I should have at least added a couple possible options to speed recovery... Sorry. You should add hydrogen peroxide to your water until the roots aren't brown any more. I don't recall the levels, check with the guys in the hydro section they have to do that more often than a dirt farmer like me.

Another option is to use bugs that eat dead plant material as odd as this will sound fungus gnats might speed it up and then kill them when they're done. I have never ever tried this, it is just a theory and the h2o2 is certainly the better choice unless you just want to try something odd.


Well-Known Member
damn thats tough....... i say start over man if they are yellowish brown then they are done. i had a plant that went from forest green to lime green and i couldnt help it. and i tried everything . i waited on it hand and foot. i didnt even leave my room and i watched as she died on me. so in my honest opinion i would junk the old ladies and start a new lone or maybe even planting a new mother so that way you can have twice the bud and make up for this harvest, next harvest.