Sorry guys I dont know how to multi quote I clicked it but there was just too much code I didnt wanna mess with so I deleted because I didnt want random characters inside quotes.. I just dont know how to do it im sorry guys

Doc 08 if you are going to ignore what I typed i urge you to read the end man because thats coming from the heart and despite our differences It contains advice that will benefit you in life AND your dream job man.
"You seem pretty defenseless, and a whole bunch of big words that Psych101 didn't cover."
"In that case I forgive you, and don't hate you for not using paragraphs."
-----Sweet! thanx for understanding! xD
"Your post seemed pretty self-conscious especially for a dude."
-------Thats what a year of not working out gets you dropping you from almost 200 to 169. (bear in mind of not working out)
"Me, I'm like 5'10" / 150lbs...yet as a result from all the beers I consume on the regular I can push my stomach out and look like I'm about 8 and a half months along."
----LMFAO your funny man I like that type of humor.
"If someone ever called me fat, I'd prolly just pat my gut and say I'm overdue."
---------Yeah well thats cuz you made the decision of drinking, for me my only gym in the city shut down due to budget issues, I never had a car to take me to the other gym. nor the will to spend the 100 bucks starting up fee and the 70-80 dollar monthly fee. either way I wasnt going to head over 5 miles on foot id get tired by the time I get there and my timing for my supplements would be off track.
"I always wanted to be an astronaut so I went on a lot of airplanes to get used to flying. I'll never be an astronaut, and you'll never be a bodybuilder"
-------LOL you not becoming an astronaut is because of your attitude right there. and ANYONE can become a bodybuilder thats the glory of it! thats why im so willing to help you guys out in something im ACTUALLY knowledgable in, but thats because I love how everyone actually CARES for people they dont know, and thats EXACTLY what goes on in the gym, I dont know the people there, yet I still help them out with form if they need it, or I would spot them so they dont smash the weights on themselves, thats just the type of guy I am, I dont want to see anyone get hurt, and I dont like seeing people waste there time.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is; don't lose your dinosaur."
----Im sorry I dont understand what the dinosaur is in this case..please explain? :]
"Trust me, I go after content and not format. You use paragraphs on Facebook though?"
----Yeah lol but only in messages, for comments its not necessary so I just type a couple sentences.
"Perhaps using the computer while at work is what's causing your obesity"
---------You forgot that Muscle mass is something to account for in that chart. im 16% body fat but my lats are huge, legs are still good in size and triceps are big too.
BTW those are the only parts on me that are still cut that are big enough to be worthy for me to type in. my abs are still showing but Its not necessary to even include that because im only discussing big parts of my body and abs are kinda just.. small.
"I'm not saying to take advice from a fat guy, but if I cared about my weight I'd prolly be working out rather than smoking, eating, and posting."
----Lol I care about my weight n all but maan I just love to burn, and im starting to just drink flavored waters instead of eating lmfao dont you think thats more effecient? worst case scenario is that my body will stay hydrated ha
"You have no one to blame but yourself."
True, but the same could be said for anyone in any aspect of their life, after all.. it is YOUR life.. so of course, why would I be blaming anyone else?
and its just the fact that i was talking to him about my SYMPTOMS which was either carpel tunnel or early sign of stroke.. and he said this.. THATS why im calling him an asshole.. people shouldnt be acting like that to some guy who had a genuine question, and I looked it up and its common for young people to have strokes, its scary man. I seriously hope you dont have to go through what I did.
"I have 1,000+ posts and grow dense full buds and nobody respects my posts around here."
----Well.. of course man, your acting like a dick...well at least to me and since we have been posting for a bit im sure its safe to say you are actually a dick.. lmfao
"Also, I would never push that as a reason why someone should respect my posts about my weight problem."
---No I pushed it as a reason to show that people who you talk shit to, could end up better than you and heck, we could be giving each other advice one time or another, but being an asshole isnt the way to start it.
"Post count is meaningless. Post count to angry people ratio is what this thread boosted. You're right about not being obese, my mistake. However, 19% body fat is the cutoff from healthy to overfat for 20 to 29 year old males. I figured since as the age goes up, the acceptable fat % goes up, inversely, when the age goes down so does the acceptable fat % in each category. Considering the fact that 19 is too young for the charts, I'll subtract 3% to make 16% the cutoff for overfat, and you sir, are overfat. "
----once again the charts are wrong I had just went to my doctor 2 weeks ago and he OBVIOUSLY could see I wasnt over weight I even told him based on the charts it appears im unhealthy, thats when he mentioned muscle mass being a factor thats tough to account for.
"It's crazy how easy I slept last night without worrying if anyone at work thinks I'm fat."
----Lol thats cuz you drink and dont really care bro, people go to the gym because they care about there body and WORRY about the condition of their health...duuurrp
"Wasn't an emotional wreck all night tossing and turning and sobbing."
----I actually went to sleep in less than 5 min knowing my bodys recovering and rebuilding my muscle, and pretty soon Ill be able to say my plants are growin go0d! with my room smoked out lmfao xD
"Certainly you attempted to call me out, but considering how I've addressed and flipped every point you made, I'd say that backfired."
---True but now im at home this time where I can take the time to address everything YOUR saying and tell you this.
Everything you are saying would be valid IF you werent wrong lmfao, you think im fat, im not, it doesnt even seem you are factoring WHAT I asked him first, You are not factoring in that im a really nice guy with a genuine concern about my life, You are just a negative person especially with that astronaut story, you just gotta do the small things to get you there, and drinking until you can look 8 months pregnant on command isnt taking you closer to your goal. and the cool part is, its still not too late for you man! if you can still get ur ass on that plane than I challenge you to take the necessary baby steps to get your ass on that space shuttle my friend!
Thank you roll it up.