Hey guys
This is my first grow.I seem to have a bit of a issue. My plant doesn't seem to grow much at this point.
Here are some stat:
Super Silver Haze
approx week 5-6 ( since the point of germination)
average temp: 75
lowest temp: 68
avg hum: 40%
lowest hum: 30%(i think the meter was broken at this point though, not sure)
on a 18-6 cycle (with a very small amount leaking in to the plant during the night cycle since its in the living room)
soil: great garden soil (some long island brand) with a bag of 8qt perlite
nurt: Biothrive Grow (4-3-3)
also some pics
I was thinking it might have been pot-bound so i switched it over to a 3 gallon pot.
This is my first grow.I seem to have a bit of a issue. My plant doesn't seem to grow much at this point.
Here are some stat:
Super Silver Haze
approx week 5-6 ( since the point of germination)
average temp: 75
lowest temp: 68
avg hum: 40%
lowest hum: 30%(i think the meter was broken at this point though, not sure)
on a 18-6 cycle (with a very small amount leaking in to the plant during the night cycle since its in the living room)
soil: great garden soil (some long island brand) with a bag of 8qt perlite
nurt: Biothrive Grow (4-3-3)
also some pics
I was thinking it might have been pot-bound so i switched it over to a 3 gallon pot.