I need some serious help here


New Member
Well I have been growin these jack the rippers forms seed for about a month now in roots organics soil only and only have been giving them water the past month but as of the past week they have been drooping and starting to get black and yellow spots on the leaves and also have like a shimmering spots on them in places they are only about 4 inches tall but I have been topping them since the beginning the last watering I gave them I gave them 1 tablespoon of earth juice grow in 1 gallon of water each plant I don't know what I'm doing wrong my ph is around 7 I think Is that bad I only have the test strips not the electronic kind but I am going to go and buy one to get my ph on point just would like to hear some comments and a little help for a newbie his is my first grow and it's helping to provide medicine for me and my dad



Well-Known Member
I hear what your staying but the pic's look like mild nute burn and over watering to me.. good luck


New Member
Ok should I be cleaning out where the drained water sits after I water the plants? How do you tell if you have spider mites? I only give them about a half gallon of water I think they are in 8 gallon pots thanks for the replies guys appreciate it