I Once.

i once banged two girls in the back of my van while listening to the radio that was talking about a pole they had taken, on the pole the number one thing girls enjoyed was sex.

i met this girl because she txted my phone by accident.
how did that go over?
she just smiled haha. i didnt push the issue. its a long story cuz she stayed with us every night and they both called themselves my wives for fun. my woman said go ahead and ask her but i didnt know if it was a test to see if i would fuck her girl or if my girl was really down for it. they both teased me about it when we would get a buzz on and they would say we are ready:hump::hump:. but i figured if it really did happen it would probably ruin our relationship with jealousy.
she just smiled haha. i didnt push the issue. its a long story cuz she stayed with us every night and they both called themselves my wives for fun. my woman said go ahead and ask her but i didnt know if it was a test to see if i would fuck her girl or if my girl was really down for it. they both teased me about it when we would get a buzz on and they would say we are ready:hump::hump:. but i figured if it really did happen it would probably ruin our relationship with jealousy.

"i once walked into a room full of girls naked." lololol :clap::clap:
she just smiled haha. i didnt push the issue. its a long story cuz she stayed with us every night and they both called themselves my wives for fun. my woman said go ahead and ask her but i didnt know if it was a test to see if i would fuck her girl or if my girl was really down for it. they both teased me about it when we would get a buzz on and they would say we are ready:hump::hump:. but i figured if it really did happen it would probably ruin our relationship with jealousy.
yeah..a threesome would be fun, but you have to be able to walk away when your done...:-o
give em a call.

i once had a threesome.
it was awesome.
and a mistake.

I think it was kind of a mistake but now they are thousands of miles away calling them would be kind of silly after all these years. Hell one of them might be married that would just be weird.
"i once walked into a room full of girls naked." lololol :clap::clap:
i once said lucky bastard.:shock: any good stories that followed??

yeah..a threesome would be fun, but have to be able to walk away when your done...:-o
true and i could of had great stories to tell the kids when we are 70 about what their mom and kristen did lol. kids would:spew:. i heard all kinds of stories about the women who did this and left their man for the other woman.:-?