I Once.

i once smoked a super blunt( foot long blunt wrap) after not smokin any chron for 2 months, and greened out hardcore when i got home, my gf (ex now) bitched at me for gettin high, nd i was like " fuck you, try n stop me bitch" pulled out a small dub my friend had givin me as we had parted, nd i sparked it, blew the smoke in her face and walked out, got my shit like 2 weeks later nd was like "pce... bitch :lol:" , now im bangin her "ex" best friend,.... thats how i roll :hump:
I once wished for a time machine THAT ACTUALLY WORKED!
so did you get it
are you the ghost from the past or you're back from the future?
i'm just curious

I once got so high i was flying, that was 14 years ago
now i need a stone on my head just to touch the ground once in a while.