I Once.

i once stayed in an abusive relationship cuz he threatened to take my life and his if i ever left him. but i did and im still here.
I once had sex with a girl during church. I ripped her pantyhose.
I watched her take communion with her leggings running and to this day I cant stop thinking how sexy that moment was.
i once bought a half ounce of mushrooms off a transvestite (couldnt tell if it was a dude or chick) for $80 and some dood hash for like $8 g
I once smoked a 1/4th with 2 of my friends sat there while one went to a store then smoked 2 more jays with the other friend
left my house to go see if we could find our other friend
got half a block stopped at the stop sign looked at my buddy, asked why we left, forgot why, turned back and smoked another jay waiting for said friend to show back up.
but when we got done with our jay said friend walked out of my bathroom and said "How long was i on the toilet?" turns out that he never left cuz he couldent find his keys but as stoned as we all were he forgot to check the ignition to his car. when we sobered up the next day we found out that he acually went to his car and sat in it.
I swear to god to this day that he went to the store, ate the food and came back.
man this was a story!
and a good bag!
I once went on a road trip in the middle of the night with my buddy...came back the next morning and nobody knew I was gone...
I once was gonna fool around on a GF but couldn't get it up no matter how hard I tried due to guilt:(.....true story. I didn't get any that day, and the chic was hot!:cry: Oh well,.....:joint: