I Once.

i once knew a guy that spent way to much time on rollitup not to mention any names
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I once met a guy how was judgemental and pushed his beliefs on other....
OK so I've met lots of them.
I once had a tree fall on me and didn't get hurt. Thought the tree was only about 7-8ft tall and dead, but it happened. You should see the looks I get at parties when I tell that story!

I once got shot by one of my best friends. It was a .022 caliber ball, otherwise know as a b.b. It stuck in me pretty good and I had to dig it out. That hurt like hell!

I once went to Wal-Mart and walked around stoned off my ass. It was awesome.

I once tried to figure out what chicken tastes like. Yes I was high.
i once attempted a back flip on my trampoline, landed on the back of my neck, and bounced off into a fresh pile of dog shit.. i only do front flips now.. lol.