I Once.

I once put my brothers pet bird out of its cage and watched my cat catch it and eat it.. and i filmed it with my camera..
I once stabbed a guy with a pencil

I once watched my cat get hit by a car :(
I once got stabbed with a knife
I once ate half a sandwich out of the trash, that I had thrown in there several hours earlyer, that I bought from the super market 4 days prior.
I once thought I knew everything.

Every day is a new moment and challenge for me. I have a new found appreciation of life.

Thanks to you great people here on this site, and this nation, and the world.

From my heart and soul, Thank You Everybody, for showing me there are great things everywhere I may go. I'd like to help add to our development as people, and friends.

Find the things which make you happy... live, love and prosper.

Once again, thank you.
i once got the munchies so bad i ate 2 boxes of mac and cheese in 5 minutes and put myself in the hospital.
i once took a can of WD-40 and a lighter (flamethrower)

targeted a fly and lit my lawn on fire
I once spent the summer fooling around with a hot little number. Turns out, she was also fooling around with my two best friends. We each thought we were doing something sneaky (and grown up) keeping a hot little tart on the side. We got stoned one night, and it all came out. Oh, shit I'll never forget that conversation!
I once let a guy pat my pussy for a joint.
