I really need help with my first grow!!!


I ordered 5 autoberry seeds. I just need to know the basics.
I will be planting all 5 At the same time.

What is are the best lights for this grow?

What kind of soil should i use and nutrients? (Please be Specific)

I will have them on a 20/4 light schedule. Should this follow up for flowering to?
Will start them in 2 gal pots from start to finish.

I am very new to this i chose an auto strain because its my first grow and i do not mind small yields. But nothing less then an ounce. I kinda have a tight budget but any advice is helpful. Thank you!


I have been. But i can never find a specific answer. Just like opinions on whats best for that grow and what you would use if you were in my situation.


Active Member
I ordered 5 autoberry seeds. I just need to know the basics.
I will be planting all 5 At the same time.

What is are the best lights for this grow?

What kind of soil should i use and nutrients? (Please be Specific)

I will have them on a 20/4 light schedule. Should this follow up for flowering to?
Will start them in 2 gal pots from start to finish.

I am very new to this i chose an auto strain because its my first grow and i do not mind small yields. But nothing less then an ounce. I kinda have a tight budget but any advice is helpful. Thank you!
Research is a must. Listen to infinitescrog. It'd be a shame to waste good seeds you paid for.
I can answer what you asked, but you still need to research as much as you can.

What is are the best lights for this grow?
: Depends on your area. For 5 autos, don't expect anything too big.
CFLs are not only good for small grows, but good for beginners. The 5 plants might take up 4 square feet when it's time for harvest.
So, take that into consideration.

What kind of soil should i use and nutrients?
(Please be Specific) Don't use Miracle Grow.
And don't use anything with time release nutes.

I will have them on a 20/4 light schedule. Should this follow up for flowering to?
Will start them in 2 gal pots from start to finish
24/0 is not necessary. 16/8 should provide close to
the best results for autos. 16/8 from seed to harvest.

Watch Jorge Cervantezs DVDs, he knows his stuff, and you will learn the most from his DVDs.

I hope this helps.


Active Member
Yea I didn't mean to come across as a prick, more power to those that want to start growing ganja. There is a WEALTH of GOOD knowledge on the internet (as well as even more bad knowledge) and if you just pick a couple decent journals to read through, you can apply everything to your grow. You mentioned you can never find anything "Specific" enough, but you can apply the knowledge of growing regardless of the environmental conditions. Plants are going to look a certain way if they are deficient, overfed, underwatered, etc regardless of the "style" the grower chooses to use. Basically you just need to read up on info on HOW TO GROW PLANTS and then pop them in the ground.

By the intelligence in the questions you asked it just makes it seem like you really DIDN'T attempt to learn any info on your own before asking, because they are answered EXTREMELY easily by searching on google. Growing MJ is not difficult, I think that is the best advice I can give you, is keep it simple.

Maybe I just feel that way because my degree is very heavy in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, so when I decided to start growing it all seems like commen knowledge to me.


Thanks for all the advice. I will do what you guys have said. When i start my grow i will be sure to keep you guy updated on it.

If you have any tips or anything it will be helpful and is greatly appreciated lol


Active Member
How about next time you actually read and research a bit before posting completely retarded questions?
Dont make the same mistake I have made. I germinated then researched :( I have paid for it by having to rush everything although it was a good way to make myself learn.

Head to the newbies forum (https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/1326-101-already-asked-questions.html), there are loads of guides about all your questions, they will help much like they have helped me.

There is no one way to grow, it is mostly opinion and preference all be it some ways maybe proven...


Well-Known Member
Lol LowTimes, take it easy :eyesmoke:. OP, above Jorge Cervantes is mentioned. This is a great suggestion. Get all of his DVDs and his horticulture book even and watch/read and learn. He's a master grower. A lot of this stuff comes from experience naturally anyway, you'll find yourself innovating and finding shortcuts with profitable/proficient results.

Although these are good suggestions, you really should've started with some good bagseed you had just layin around. You shouldn't go for the costly online seeds until you get an idea of what you're doing and you're comfortable with the way you do things. :-o



That is what im doing now. I found only one seed out of my last bag an planted it last friday it seems to be going okay.


Active Member
That is what im doing now. I found only one seed out of my last bag an planted it last friday it seems to be going okay.
Just about everything I know I got from Jorge's books and DVDs. The rest is from trial and error, and hands on experience.
You can download all his stuff for free online. It can be found very easily.