You're first sentence is what got my response.Well i guess it hasn't happend to me or anyone i help cause i don't feed unless i need to.. I read the plants pretty well... They DO need n in flower all u bottle heads.. And if u think about it they might need just as much... N makes shit grow.. Buds are growing.. They need n... But less is more in that case i guess as in a lot... Try this tim.. It may help.. It does for me.. Hit them w an MICROBIAL tea when u see a deficiencie...along w some humic and fulvic ..anything that will influence the uptake of ur gurls.. If they start getting better then ull prob be needing to add some soluble w.e u need asap.. Just add a lil... Iv never had bad taste.. Never had to flush.... Iv actually fed thw fuck outa plants w nute teas annd microbial teas and they still tasted amazing.. Lucky i guess... But i like the add a lil deal.. Wayy less cost and waste
Thats a very ignorant statement.
How the fuck do you teach plant nutrition? Just tell them to do what you do?
You called me out first,