I think flushing is a myth heres why

The price of the dyna grow is good thats why i like it, hows the price of those roots organics? Oh ya, thanks for the above comment on hydro. I think were finaly on the same page now.

It's not to bad. I mean it's more then dyna gro but cheaper then say AN which is just ridiculously priced.

Dyna gro makes a really great product line and it is by far the most complete nute line up I've ever used.
Dont you hate when people call someone retarded because they're to retarded to read what the first called retard wrote..... He only flushed BECAUSE IT HERMIED so he's considering that bud not flushed as compared to previous that has been. In conclusion for everyone else saying what drolove is saying....reread the post.
what flushing does and what flushing doesnt to by jack handy:
flushing removes nutrient salts from the soil as well as nutrients and everything in soil. flushing flushes out beneficial microbes as well as unbenficial microbes depending on how you have taken care of your grow medium. flushing is very useful for ridding excess nitrogen from the soil as well as other harsh tasting chemicals. flushing floods the roots and provides a highly un oxygenated environment. flushing shoudl be done close to harvest at most twice within the last 2 weeks and stopped 2 days before harvest. by harvest time you will know if your flush has been successful if the color of most fan leaves are yellow thus indicating the plant is using up its last energy stores unable to produce and store any energy from the nutrients in the soil(or lack thereof) this will improve the taste of the bud and result in a white ash although if its really good bud most if not all save the elite connoisseurs will not be able to detect a difference in taste as they'll be stoned off their ass
what flushing does and what flushing doesnt to by jack handy:
flushing removes nutrient salts from the soil as well as nutrients and everything in soil. flushing flushes out beneficial microbes as well as unbenficial microbes depending on how you have taken care of your grow medium. flushing is very useful for ridding excess nitrogen from the soil as well as other harsh tasting chemicals. flushing floods the roots and provides a highly un oxygenated environment. flushing shoudl be done close to harvest at most twice within the last 2 weeks and stopped 2 days before harvest. by harvest time you will know if your flush has been successful if the color of most fan leaves are yellow thus indicating the plant is using up its last energy stores unable to produce and store any energy from the nutrients in the soil(or lack thereof) this will improve the taste of the bud and result in a white ash although if its really good bud most if not all save the elite connoisseurs will not be able to detect a difference in taste as they'll be stoned off their ass
pure bullshit and against every botanical paper I have ever read
pure bullshit and against every botanical paper I have ever read
Well post one of the botanical papers youve read to dispute it. Not the same one posted...what six times in here that doesnt prove anything. Im not disagreeing or agreeing, just learning. All im sayin is back it up ^^ that guy did.
i usually flush good, three times. when they are near dry, i flush again. the first flush, shows me the horrible stuff that comes out of the plants waste. yes, i flush. not as maniacally as some, but i have been told they love my smoke, for the flavor of weed, not ferts. of course, outdoor i just dont give anything but water the last two weeks.
Just to update, i flushed my basil plant that was growing in dwc and it tasted better after a two week straight water flush. I made a big bowl of pesto, luvin it.
Don't care what anyone says.

I slow flush ( Fade ) and am very happy with results.

I will continue to do so.

I've done it both ways and slow flush gives me the smoothest taste, cleanest burning and better all around buzz.

You could post 20 articles that it makes no difference...and I would not care.

I grow my pot...my way.
pure bullshit and against every botanical paper I have ever read
have you ever flushed? try flushing and testing the ppm of the runoff. do this twice and see if the ppm decreases the second time. do the 2 flushes sequentially and post your results, or i will be tempted to call bullshit on you
washes out salts, and plant wastes. lets the plant absorb more water, and less ferts or salts. so lets plant use up the crap. its like our bodies. more water we drink, more easily the bad moves out with it. makes sense to me. and i learned myself. i did not even know about flushing. and my smoke tasted like bitter. now, its allways getting compliments on its allways smoooooooth taste. and i dont put tons of water thru em; on a normal water, they get half gal of fluid each. on a flush, about 2 gal ea. i do this three times. trying to time it, so when the plants are again needing water, i chop!
have you ever flushed? try flushing and testing the ppm of the runoff. do this twice and see if the ppm decreases the second time. do the 2 flushes sequentially and post your results, or i will be tempted to call bullshit on you
preharvest flush does nothing but cause deficiencies which in turn FUCKS UP THE CURE. It is ONLY. Cannabis growers with little to no botanical knowledge which employ this practice. No other people who grow anything for consumption do this practice. Why not you may ask? Because it is detrimental at best and in no way beneficial. But if it makes you feel better go ahead and waste your time. I indeed tried it and only difference I noticed was sick looking plant and a strangeness to the taste. I implore you to show me ANY botanical papers which recommend this pre harvest flush practice or a scientific study which concludes such a practice ie with merit. I await your reply.
And wtf does ppm of runoff prove? Only that you rinsed out the medium and are now causing deficiencies. Yes this always HELPS the plant. Use your brain dude. You have one so use it.
And wtf does ppm of runoff prove? Only that you rinsed out the medium and are now causing deficiencies. Yes this always HELPS the plant. Use your brain dude. You have one so use it.
Your a little outta control, you need to relax, its only the interweb. Hes saying he does it three times, not for two weeks straight. Im still waiting to see a paper, (not the apple tree drowning one), that proves that the plant needs a full feed until chop.
And with regards to the run off hes saying that the ppms will drop in the run off when the soil is leached. Is that the right terminology? Leached? Then the plant is forced to use internal excess to finnish...for about 6 days in the above case ^.....i belive. That gives him the best results. Theres no good posted info yet on either side. Lets have some science instead of violence.
Chill out dude.
Simple fact that that there are so many variables involved that there is no single answer.
Soil/hydro types (cec, infiltration, percolation and drainage rates), pH, fertilisers (I could write a whole page on this. From Simple things like Nitrogen being far more mobile to most other macro nutes to different types of Nitroge (No3/No4 etc dependant upon oxygen atoms and the effect on cation/anion exchange)
VPD, Co2 levels, Plant variety, curing/drying times or methods of trimming/temps/humidity levels are all other variables.
A simple example is I grow my own tobacco and we have to run phosphates down long before cropping or it causes poor burning.
I have also managed many sports venues turf surfaces and, although slighly off-subject, the principles of nutrient requirement for summer sports are the same. The year consists of late spring slowly upping N into bid summer then slowly switching we shut down in mid-late summer before a strip and re-seed in autumn with a very light p/k app. We don't run ferts late because of problems with disease caused by too lush vegitation.
Another method we use is both plant tissue and soil nute content (along with a particle size analysis and obviously pH). It's interesting to watch the interactions. Often not as you would expect. The more we look, the more we realise how much more we need to look.
Anyhow, rambling now but my point is that each growers situation is subject to too many variables to have one answer. I could probably flush my Hydroton tray of nutes in 1/50th of the time as someone in a clay/humus mix.
You won't find published dissertations or theses on the merits of flushing weed as, to the best of my knowledge, there are no educational establishments currently running Higher Education courses in weed growing.
Your a little outta control, you need to relax, its only the interweb. Hes saying he does it three times, not for two weeks straight. Im still waiting to see a paper, (not the apple tree drowning one), that proves that the plant needs a full feed until chop.
And with regards to the run off hes saying that the ppms will drop in the run off when the soil is leached. Is that the right terminology? Leached? Then the plant is forced to use internal excess to finnish...for about 6 days in the above case ^.....i belive. That gives him the best results. Theres no good posted info yet on either side. Lets have some science instead of violence.

Violence is an extreme form of aggression, such as assault, rape or murder.

can you please point out the violence you perceive I dished out?
Also I never stated that changing feed ratios is without merit. And what does outdoor gardening techniques concerning turf have to do with indoor growing of cannabis?

And as stated above if treating your plants like a toilet makes you feel better go for it...done here. all have a great existence
Proof that not flushing doesn't produce the 'chilled out' effect but ends up with you coughing phlegm.
So, now we have the answer........:lol:
I have not read this whole thread. But there have been plenty of them. So don't panic its organic... Lollolol

You only need to flush if you have inorganic salt build up caused by chem and / or synthetic nutes. Organic nutes do not cause that. Nor do you have to flush with organics. Im 100% organic. I kind of flush. Not really. I mix dry nutes in the soil. Slow realease. They take time to break down for the plant to uptake. I just water with aerated tap water , but the nutes are stil there. I do a couple compost and guano teas too. A couple with only molasses and water. Mine are the best around so...

If organic, no need to flush.
preharvest flush does nothing but cause deficiencies which in turn FUCKS UP THE CURE. It is ONLY. Cannabis growers with little to no botanical knowledge which employ this practice. No other people who grow anything for consumption do this practice. Why not you may ask? Because it is detrimental at best and in no way beneficial. But if it makes you feel better go ahead and waste your time. I indeed tried it and only difference I noticed was sick looking plant and a strangeness to the taste. I implore you to show me ANY botanical papers which recommend this pre harvest flush practice or a scientific study which concludes such a practice ie with merit. I await your reply.
Are youthat guy that says "botany" and everyone listens? ......im waiting??! Post somthing relevant further than your short coming to explain your "basics" on flushing and ill spin tassles....run your mouth, im waiting...f......it....