I think flushing is a myth heres why

Violence is an extreme form of aggression, such as assault, rape or murder.

can you please point out the violence you perceive I dished out?
Also I never stated that changing feed ratios is without merit. And what does outdoor gardening techniques concerning turf have to do with indoor growing of cannabis?

And as stated above if treating your plants like a toilet makes you feel better go for it...done here. all have a great existence

^ Starting to dislike this dude...
^ Starting to dislike this dude...
I do t blame you, theres a good majority of amazing growers out there that dont need to flush since they havnt made their plants retarded. This sorry sod is the worst rep for them.. I dont need to tell you how....just shut up!! Which brings us back to the OP who says asses like this frig.....frigged his harrrrrrrrvest. Frig on on channel "read my mind for a good time".
Kyte high, do you like the bbq pork sticky bunz at the asian dim sum? Those are pork bellie, yup said bellie. Thats what my rep said,... What did yours say?
I grow in hydro, not organic, and don't flush. My weed is great, I never get any complaints, I smoke with other experienced growers, never any complaints from them either, just compliments. Maybe noobs that overfeed the shit out of their plants need to flush, due to the excess nitrogen which ends with more chlorophyll. You have the best around eh? I never take anyone seriously that makes those kind of claims. I've noticed people that don't have a whole lot of experience have a habit of saying shit like that. Fact is, you more than likely don't.

All you people that think you can taste chems, you're crazy. It's all in your head, or you're smoking on shit that hasn't been dried/cured properly, or pulled to early, or is just shitty genetics. If your shit burns funny and has black ash, it's because it's not dry. If your shit sparks and pops, its because you spray shit on your plants, and/or have bugs. Not a single scientific study has been posted that proves cannabis stores harmful chemicals from nutes in the buds. None. And your own biased taste buds don't count as a study. The human mind is easily fooled by itself. The Placebo Effect. Why don't tomato growers flush? 99.9% of a tomato is composed of water, wouldn't a tomato taste like nutes?

I have not read this whole thread. But there have been plenty of them. So don't panic its organic... Lollolol

You only need to flush if you have inorganic salt build up caused by chem and / or synthetic nutes. Organic nutes do not cause that. Nor do you have to flush with organics. Im 100% organic. I kind of flush. Not really. I mix dry nutes in the soil. Slow realease. They take time to break down for the plant to uptake. I just water with aerated tap water , but the nutes are stil there. I do a couple compost and guano teas too. A couple with only molasses and water. Mine are the best around so...

If organic, no need to flush.
I grow in hydro, not organic, and don't flush. My weed is great, I never get any complaints, I smoke with other experienced growers, never any complaints from them either, just compliments. Maybe noobs that overfeed the shit out of their plants need to flush, due to the excess nitrogen which ends with more chlorophyll. You have the best around eh? I never take anyone seriously that makes those kind of claims. I've noticed people that don't have a whole lot of experience have a habit of saying shit like that. Fact is, you more than likely don't.

All you people that think you can taste chems, you're crazy. It's all in your head, or you're smoking on shit that hasn't been dried/cured properly, or pulled to early, or is just shitty genetics. If your shit burns funny and has black ash, it's because it's not dry. If your shit sparks and pops, its because you spray shit on your plants, and/or have bugs. Not a single scientific study has been posted that proves cannabis stores harmful chemicals from nutes in the buds. None. And your own biased taste buds don't count as a study. The human mind is easily fooled by itself. The Placebo Effect. Why don't tomato growers flush? 99.9% of a tomato is composed of water, wouldn't a tomato taste like nutes?
When have you ever seen a tomato farmer feed their tomatos every other watering? Honest question, and if you do hydro, what kind of hydro? What do let your ppms get to? And really? No flush at all? Do you at least lower the feed percentage at the end or just keep er at 1000 until chop? Im not saying that i dont belive you, what i am saying theres a recent thread ive been following called somting like.....so i listened to people on RIU who told me not to flush, and this happens...his crop is garbage. Ya i said garbage. This guy aint happy lol Poor guy took advice from someone that said dont flush and now he wants to give it away. Oh, and i highly doubt a tomato is actually 99.9 % water, that sounds pretty high to me, and squishy. Oh ya, the questions i asked, id love to know the answers. Im a noob that hasnt even got a crop off yet, im just on here argueing with guys like you to search for the scientific truth before i do chop. Turns out that nobody actually has any science to post on the topic. Just opinions....without an explination. Is it really that simple? Just feed full strength until chop? My good friends at the hydro store, both of them i go to would laugh at me if i said i was about to do this with my hydro...Just called em about my hydro and they said flush. Dont fuck my harvest dude, answer my questions.
This has been posted quite a few times. https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/409622-truth-about-flushing.html

When have you heard of a tomato not feeding? I think you're confused how plants grow. I'm in DWC, yes I feed until harvest, whatever the plant is telling me it wants. Usually it's low levels they want toward the end (200-400 ppm) but some strains vary. A thing about hydro store employees, they THINK they know what they're talking about. I'll bet you anything they push snake oil all day in there. Yes (I just looked it up) tomatoes are 94% water. Not 99 but fucking close man. And break your paragraphs up a little, that shit is hard to read.
When have you ever seen a tomato farmer feed their tomatos every other watering? Honest question, and if you do hydro, what kind of hydro? What do let your ppms get to? And really? No flush at all? Do you at least lower the feed percentage at the end or just keep er at 1000 until chop? Im not saying that i dont belive you, what i am saying theres a recent thread ive been following called somting like.....so i listened to people on RIU who told me not to flush, and this happens...his crop is garbage. Ya i said garbage. This guy aint happy lol Poor guy took advice from someone that said dont flush and now he wants to give it away. Oh, and i highly doubt a tomato is actually 99.9 % water, that sounds pretty high to me, and squishy. Oh ya, the questions i asked, id love to know the answers. Im a noob that hasnt even got a crop off yet, im just on here argueing with guys like you to search for the scientific truth before i do chop. Turns out that nobody actually has any science to post on the topic. Just opinions....without an explination. Is it really that simple? Just feed full strength until chop? My good friends at the hydro store, both of them i go to would laugh at me if i said i was about to do this with my hydro...Just called em about my hydro and they said flush. Dont fuck my harvest dude, answer my questions.
Originally Posted by Ninjabowler
This thread is still rockin because nobody has killed the bull in this bull fight. Everyones just adding thier two cents and B.S. and theres been just about zero actual science added, about weed, not tomatos, tobbacco, bananas, or oranges. So far my recap has it with no flush posting a long ass list of links to things not related to ganja at all and im pissed that i wasted all that time reading about curing when the debate is about flushing, not apple fucking trees, stupid cigars, chocolate, or egg incubators. Furthermore the poster of this data makes just as many points for flushing as not flushing...

"Pre harvest flushing is a controversial topic. Flushing is supposed to improve taste of the final bud by either giving only pure water, clearing solutions or extensive flushing for the last 7-14 days of flowering. While many growers claim a positive effect, others deny any positive influence or even suggest reduced yield and quality. ".....wow this is conclusive...nope

"Not all nutrient compounds are moveable within the plant.

1) N, P, K, Mg and S are considered mobile: they can move up and down the plant in both xylem and phloem.
Deficiency appears on old leaves first.

2) Ca, Fe, Zn, Mo, B, Cu, Mn are considered immobile: they only move up the plant in the xylem.
Deficiency appears on new leaves first.


Storage organelles:

Salts and organic metabolites can be stored in storage organelles. The most important storage organelle is the vacuole, which can contribute up to 90% of the cell volume. The majority of compounds found in the vacuole are sugars, polysaccharides, organic acids and proteins though.



Now that the basics are explained, we can take a look at the translocation process. It should be already clear that only mobile elements can be translocated through the phloem. Immobile elements cant be translocated and are not more available to the plant for further metabolic processes and new plant growth.

Since flushing (in theory) induces a nutrient deficiency in the rootzone, the translocation process aids in the plants survival. Translocation is transportation of assimilates through the phloem from source (a net exporter of assimilate) to sink (a net importer of assimilate). Sources are mostly mature fan leaves and sinks are mostly apical meristems, lateral meristem, fruit, seed and developing leaves etc. "....so what i take off this is that NPK are all mobile and can move all over the plant, up down,side to side, in out, round and round. These are the MAIN ingredients in our fertilizer and the ones wed like to remove right? Right? Also, flushing (in theory) induces blabla five lines above....this isnt a theory. No nutes means deficiency, fact, thats an easy one, then the plant starts shuffleing its stored nutes around, up down, in OUT, round and round.
Then it adds that vacuoles store salts, translocation is possible, bla bla, some trace elements are immoble, but again the main elements are. This is the only real evidence in this whole pile of crap and it doesnt even make a difinitive point, the rest is about, drowning plants, drying, curing, chocolate and fermenting apples.....who cares..post this data in the farm report.

Then flush arguement kinda sounds like its writen by somone selling flushing solution but has some good points and mentions a key selling word..SAFETY. This word sells anything. Mention that to a pregnant woman and shell buy whatevers infront of her regardless of cost. This thread is about flushing or not flushing plants, started by someone who did a short flush instead of a longer flush. Everyone thats checking this thread wants to learn about flushing but theres no one posting RELEVENT facts. Just a bunch of reeeeeetards posting"I always flush the toilet.....absolute genius!! So what you mean is you have nothing important to add, no facts to mention, and you think if the same joke gets told a million times i keeps getting funnier. I hope that this pisses some people off on this thread so maybe we can get some real info up. Im a noob and i can see right through this smoke show. Post some real data and stop telling me about one time in band camp(american pie)when you took a dump and flushed or didnt. Turds. Lol

See above..lol.. Thers as much to support flushing as not flushing in this, pull out where it says dont flush for me because i cant find it. Im not trying to start a personal arguement with any of you but ive read this three times and its more about drying and curing than flushing. Stop posting it if you cant explain it.
Too bad your links are garbage and you still don't understand. You should stop posting moron. It would help if your dumbass actually understood what it is you're reading, or had experience, or both. Keep reading, I'm sure some of it will make sense eventually.....maybe. Since you know so much, why don't you show us some of your work.

Originally Posted by Ninjabowler
This thread is still rockin because nobody has killed the bull in this bull fight. Everyones just adding thier two cents and B.S. and theres been just about zero actual science added, about weed, not tomatos, tobbacco, bananas, or oranges. So far my recap has it with no flush posting a long ass list of links to things not related to ganja at all and im pissed that i wasted all that time reading about curing when the debate is about flushing, not apple fucking trees, stupid cigars, chocolate, or egg incubators. Furthermore the poster of this data makes just as many points for flushing as not flushing...

"Pre harvest flushing is a controversial topic. Flushing is supposed to improve taste of the final bud by either giving only pure water, clearing solutions or extensive flushing for the last 7-14 days of flowering. While many growers claim a positive effect, others deny any positive influence or even suggest reduced yield and quality. ".....wow this is conclusive...nope

"Not all nutrient compounds are moveable within the plant.

1) N, P, K, Mg and S are considered mobile: they can move up and down the plant in both xylem and phloem.
Deficiency appears on old leaves first.

2) Ca, Fe, Zn, Mo, B, Cu, Mn are considered immobile: they only move up the plant in the xylem.
Deficiency appears on new leaves first.


Storage organelles:

Salts and organic metabolites can be stored in storage organelles. The most important storage organelle is the vacuole, which can contribute up to 90% of the cell volume. The majority of compounds found in the vacuole are sugars, polysaccharides, organic acids and proteins though.



Now that the basics are explained, we can take a look at the translocation process. It should be already clear that only mobile elements can be translocated through the phloem. Immobile elements cant be translocated and are not more available to the plant for further metabolic processes and new plant growth.

Since flushing (in theory) induces a nutrient deficiency in the rootzone, the translocation process aids in the plants survival. Translocation is transportation of assimilates through the phloem from source (a net exporter of assimilate) to sink (a net importer of assimilate). Sources are mostly mature fan leaves and sinks are mostly apical meristems, lateral meristem, fruit, seed and developing leaves etc. "....so what i take off this is that NPK are all mobile and can move all over the plant, up down,side to side, in out, round and round. These are the MAIN ingredients in our fertilizer and the ones wed like to remove right? Right? Also, flushing (in theory) induces blabla five lines above....this isnt a theory. No nutes means deficiency, fact, thats an easy one, then the plant starts shuffleing its stored nutes around, up down, in OUT, round and round.
Then it adds that vacuoles store salts, translocation is possible, bla bla, some trace elements are immoble, but again the main elements are. This is the only real evidence in this whole pile of crap and it doesnt even make a difinitive point, the rest is about, drowning plants, drying, curing, chocolate and fermenting apples.....who cares..post this data in the farm report.

Then flush arguement kinda sounds like its writen by somone selling flushing solution but has some good points and mentions a key selling word..SAFETY. This word sells anything. Mention that to a pregnant woman and shell buy whatevers infront of her regardless of cost. This thread is about flushing or not flushing plants, started by someone who did a short flush instead of a longer flush. Everyone thats checking this thread wants to learn about flushing but theres no one posting RELEVENT facts. Just a bunch of reeeeeetards posting"I always flush the toilet.....absolute genius!! So what you mean is you have nothing important to add, no facts to mention, and you think if the same joke gets told a million times i keeps getting funnier. I hope that this pisses some people off on this thread so maybe we can get some real info up. Im a noob and i can see right through this smoke show. Post some real data and stop telling me about one time in band camp(american pie)when you took a dump and flushed or didnt. Turds. Lol

See above..lol.. Thers as much to support flushing as not flushing in this, pull out where it says dont flush for me because i cant find it. Im not trying to start a personal arguement with any of you but ive read this three times and its more about drying and curing than flushing. Stop posting it if you cant explain it.
That was my reply to that last time it was brought up in this thread. I really cant find where it says dont flush. Maybe i just dont understand it. Where is it in there? If you can find it let me know.
My tap water is 150 ppm so for me that would be like adding almost no ferts anyway. Almost like useing straight water. Ill assume your useing RO water and you have to add those 200 ppm but isnt that what a flushing solution is, a solution with low nutes that helps the plant while it dies?
There's something you should know about your "good friends" at the hydro store, they will tell you whatever will help them sell more product...

My good friends at the hydro store, both of them i go to would laugh at me if i said i was about to do this with my hydro...Just called em about my hydro and they said flush. Dont fuck my harvest dude, answer my questions.
Too bad your links are garbage and you still don't understand. You should stop posting moron. It would help if your dumbass actually understood what it is you're reading, or had experience, or both. Keep reading, I'm sure some of it will make sense eventually.....maybe. Since you know so much, why don't you show us some of your work.
Really?? Moron? Dumbass?My links? First off, those are the links that you posted for me to read. Second, resorting to name calling in a debate usually means you dont have a clue and your grasping for any tool to win the arguement. And lastly now lets see yours.
image.jpgView attachment 2461634View attachment 2461634

I have grown cannabis for about 2 yrs now. in soil, in rockwool, and my fav DWC.
I also have a good sized vegetable garden outdoors, mostly soil but some stuff ebb n flow.
which doesnt make me anything but another grower like you.
at first.... maybe first 10 to 20 plants were flushed.
then I got a little lazy, so i stopped flushing.
I could not notice any difference myself.
I did not tell anybody I stopped flushing, they did not notice either.
So I no longer worry about it. I use my energy keeping as healthy looking a plant can be to the end.
If I had to say flush or not, I say you dont need to.
I would rather say try both and see for yourself.
I am sure you will be happy with the end result regardless.

Happy growing!

I have grown cannabis for about 2 yrs now. in soil, in rockwool, and my fav DWC.
I also have a good sized vegetable garden outdoors, mostly soil but some stuff ebb n flow.
which doesnt make me anything but another grower like you.
at first.... maybe first 10 to 20 plants were flushed.
then I got a little lazy, so i stopped flushing.
I could not notice any difference myself.
I did not tell anybody I stopped flushing, they did not notice either.
So I no longer worry about it. I use my energy keeping as healthy looking a plant can be to the end.
If I had to say flush or not, I say you dont need to.
I would rather say try both and see for yourself.
I am sure you will be happy with the end result regardless.

Happy growing!
Im sure one day i will try it both ways. Do you reduce the feeding like pirate for the last stretch? I just dont want to end up like the guy that recently started the thread " so i listened to people on RIU about not flushing ...and this happened ". His crop is fuuucked.
Let Me help you guys out.... On Soil My "flush" is aprox 1/2gallon per pot size, with plain water, 3 days before chop..., I have found this to be be the best time to clear excess waste from the system... on a hydro system I lower PPM to around 400-500 5 days before chop a full 4x4 or 8x8 table will eat most of that in about 3-5 days depending on resivoir size...

now let me explain the theory..., Picture a Shrimp... now picture eating a shrimp that has a full waste tract (poop)... bitter and nasty... yuck... unlike shrimp, on a plant you can't "de-vain it"... stop the suckers for eating for a day or two... then the garbage is excreeted from the shrimp and it tastes good... This is the same with the plant... flush most of the chemicals out of the plant and it will taste "fresh and natrual"... but if you insist on flushing multiple times, then you will be underfeeding the plant, creating deficiencies and Ruin some of your work... and possibly ruin the yield of your crop because of starvation...

also... for those of you that use molasses/honey/budcandy/etc... cut it out at least 1 week before chop... I can smell that crap in the plant after harvest... you don't need to be feeding "benificial bacteria" on the last week... and it will NOT add any weight to the plants... it also does not improve the "smell", nor the "taste" or the "resin count"... your best bet instead is to add some MPK... (mono-potassium-phosphate 0-52-34)... (big bud/ Mother of all bloom/liquid cool bloom/etc...) the last two weeks... don't go over 2.8 EC (1400ppm on Ec x 500) and use a base of 700ppm..., last week cut base down to 600ppm and stay at 1400ppm (2.8 Ec) untill flush with tap water... you should bairly get leaf yellowing on the last week... clearing Nitrogen out of the system... and YES... I sugest forceing some yellowing on the last week... as it clears more Nitrogen out and smells better...

Hang drying with leaves on, fan blowing air around to prevent mold, dehumidifier at 50%, and it should take about 1 week to finish drying... if you Trim before it's totally dry... you'll loose smell, and if you trim and bag it before it fully dries... it may smell musky/damp... and get moldy on the inside... and if you don't add the fan circulating air around, you're also more likely to get mold...

hope this info helps...
A small sample. I have plenty. This plant was harvested that day. Notice the green leaves from not starving it?


Cool, they look good, not as big as mine lol but seriously back to the topic,1) N, P, K, Mg and S are considered mobile: they can move up and down the plant in both xylem and phloem. Thats from the text. So if they are mobile then you can get excess levels in check by makeing the plant use up whats in it, yes or no? And if your running 200 ppm for the last weeks then wouldnt that be considered somewhat of a flush?
Remember that it took me challengeing you to get the info that you bring it down that low before chop. Most people wouldnt challenge you since you are a respected member of the riu community and they would think what i thought when i started to see flushing is for turds by you experts and run 1200 till chop.
I do have alot of run on sentences and dont break anything into paragraphs. I wasnt the best student in school but i fixed this post for you except the run on sentences cause thats just how i talk when im drinking and typeing at the poker table with my budz lol
Im sure one day i will try it both ways. Do you reduce the feeding like pirate for the last stretch? I just dont want to end up like the guy that recently started the thread " so i listened to people on RIU about not flushing ...and this happened ". His crop is fuuucked.

i cannot explain any science behind it, but i've done DWC grows where I ran ONLY H2O for 2 weeks prior to harvest,
I also did some of the easing off.... like I said, me personally, could not notice any difference.
sometimes my fan leaves yellowed, much more when i DID flush, but once again, that to me did not make any difference in the taste of the bud.
Also in soil, did the same, tried the before mentioned ways..... ditto.
In my opinion, the dry and cure will make much much more difference in the quality of your buds assuming the grow went well.
I can only speak about my own experiences....
I think whichever way you go, just pay attention to how your ladies react to whatever it is you are doing. They WILL show you
i cannot explain any science behind it, but i've done DWC grows where I ran ONLY H2O for 2 weeks prior to harvest,
I also did some of the easing off.... like I said, me personally, could not notice any difference.
sometimes my fan leaves yellowed, much more when i DID flush, but once again, that to me did not make any difference in the taste of the bud.
Also in soil, did the same, tried the before mentioned ways..... ditto.
In my opinion, the dry and cure will make much much more difference in the quality of your buds assuming the grow went well.
I can only speak about my own experiences....
I think whichever way you go, just pay attention to how your ladies react to whatever it is you are doing. They WILL show you

Welcome to RIU Burwood, glad you are with us today.
Hope you hang around, you seem to have valuable experience that you can share with others.
Nice post too. :cool: