I think i found the next location


New Member
well new info. In the past 2 years i have had 2 dogs shot in my yard...and 2 go missing to never be seen again. Tonight someone has jumped in my dog kennel which is a 6ft tall chainlink fence that is 8x8 long and wide. That is the only way it could have gotten out. the latch is too tight for the dog to paw open and yesterday it got flipped open when everyone was away from the house @ he got out.......tonight he gets out with it chained and pad locked shut? There are 6 ft metal poles hammered into the ground holding the cage to the ground and they did not dig out.....chain was still locked on the gate. He MUST have been pushed over the top.

And get this. I found my cousin in laws dog which has been missing for 2 days tied up in a barn up the road here. She was not there yesterday. They are from the same litter of pups too....
im doing a stake out tomorrow night gonna set up the halogen light on a drop cord with a switch if the weather permits and im taking a .22 to someones knees if i see anything get in that kennel.
Im done fucking around. I know the repercussions and i know every right that i got. All they can do is sue me for personal injuries in court. I say fire away, the thought of this bastard on a cane for the rest of his life is worth it for killing my dogs. shit aint happening again.

so im not sure if im gonna drop beans in this area yet or not. Im thinking i wanna go with autoflowering shit there but i gotta find some on the cheaper side, but im still looking for quality genetics too.


Well-Known Member
Damn. If someone did that to my dog, I'd be aiming higher than the knees. I'm pretty sure they couldnt sue you if they're trying to rob you on your property. Keep us updated.


New Member
Damn. If someone did that to my dog, I'd be aiming higher than the knees. I'm pretty sure they couldnt sue you if they're trying to rob you on your property. Keep us updated.
yes they can sue if they are on your property and something happens to them. and to kill them I have to see that they are carrying a weapon first and that they pose a life threatening danger. No judge will see it as so with me sitting on the top of the house waiting on them to show up like a sniper.
@ first i thought this was about robbery but now i know that its not. I dont know why this person/persons wants my dogs dead but it repeatedly keeps happening and Im not going to let it happen again. me and my associate are going to wait up on them tonight and if they happen to show it will be ugly.
im thinking of putting a bunch of nails in a piece of plywood and laying it out around the cage with leaves over it, but i really want them to get into the cage before i firs a shot. I think as soon as someone they dont know jumps into their cage, my dogs will immediatly go to the farthest corner from them, and that will give me a clear shot @ them.

ill take pics of the area today sometime b4 this evening so someone else could give me some ideas


Well-Known Member
i dont know bro.... especially with the chimney!!!! and it being a civil war area.....im sure people know about it....but other than that....looks good!


New Member
i dont know bro.... especially with the chimney!!!! and it being a civil war area.....im sure people know about it....but other than that....looks good!
yeah years ago someone scouted out all the shit that was around it and donated it all to the museum here in town....so there aint no one that ever comes up here anymore.


Well-Known Member
that isnt only ure spot in the pics alone ii can tell sumone else call that there second home but jus doesnt have the same ideas as u....ure best bet is to clear all that shit out(chimney ,barrels ect.)and jus leave the tree seat and grow


Well-Known Member
removing all that stuff ain't gonna stop ppl who already know it's there from coming. that and to remove that kinda stuff you'll be wearing a path with heavy trucks to drive it out. I doubt you can dispose of the stuff discreetly.

besides, it's a historical monument apparently, why destroy a piece of history?


New Member
that isnt only ure spot in the pics alone ii can tell sumone else call that there second home but jus doesnt have the same ideas as u....ure best bet is to clear all that shit out(chimney ,barrels ect.)and jus leave the tree seat and grow
man, that chimney has been there since about 10 years before the civil war so that would be about 150 years old. its been through fire, rain, ice, and wind. I dont think i really want to go through all the work to move it/ as nor do i really feel the need to tear it down.

and the barrel is an old still that has holes busted in in from where the cops found it.

my plants are going to be in the center of all these bushes. see the leaves on the bushes. looks very close to cannabis leaves to me, they have a long finger shape and are slightly serrated.

im more worried about the people fucking around out here than the area.
but i might have some help from a riu member soon i dunno........


New Member
removing all that stuff ain't gonna stop ppl who already know it's there from coming. that and to remove that kinda stuff you'll be wearing a path with heavy trucks to drive it out. I doubt you can dispose of the stuff discreetly.

besides, it's a historical monument apparently, why destroy a piece of history?
what historical monument? it was a regular old ass log cabin that burnt down during the civial war.... i didnt say it was a monument:neutral:. although it is kinda neat.


Well-Known Member
sorry, It's just something I interpreted after you saying the land is owned by the museum now. thought it had some sort of historic significance. I do like too, it'd be a shame to see it torn down


Well-Known Member
yes they can sue if they are on your property and something happens to them. and to kill them I have to see that they are carrying a weapon first and that they pose a life threatening danger. No judge will see it as so with me sitting on the top of the house waiting on them to show up like a sniper.
@ first i thought this was about robbery but now i know that its not. I dont know why this person/persons wants my dogs dead but it repeatedly keeps happening and Im not going to let it happen again. me and my associate are going to wait up on them tonight and if they happen to show it will be ugly.
im thinking of putting a bunch of nails in a piece of plywood and laying it out around the cage with leaves over it, but i really want them to get into the cage before i firs a shot. I think as soon as someone they dont know jumps into their cage, my dogs will immediatly go to the farthest corner from them, and that will give me a clear shot @ them.

ill take pics of the area today sometime b4 this evening so someone else could give me some ideas
That's so messed up. I know in Britain a guy was being robbed and he beat the crap out of the guy w/ his cane and then went to jail for it. If you were to put a "no trespassing" or "trespassers will be shot on sight" sign on the cage or some sort of warning would that change things?


Well-Known Member
man that shit about the dogs is fucked, probably some crazy ass bush people that eating your dogs man thats fucked!


New Member
no i dont think a sign on the cage would make a matter or not. if they are in a dog cage that is padlocked i think a judge would deem that as self explanatory.
and its raining tonight so i cant do a stake out. I dont want my rifle fucked up

Any body got a good/decent place to get some autoflowering beans that aint going to rape me on the price? $60 bucks or so would be fine....

oh and here are some pictures of the start of land conditioning. Fdd.....the dirt there is SHIT. Not in the good way either....its clay after 1ft down. the only shovel i had today when i went out there was a flat shovel.....i took it anyways cause i thought itd be good soft dirt and it wasnt in any way. :( so there is a almost 2 ft deep hole out there thats about 1.5 x 1.5 ft

although we have been for-warned that raft is such a late finisher as finishing in late November by the breeder...At the current moment we dont have anything stronger in stock at the moment so 4 clones of the raft are going out there from the 2 plants of it that are still in veg. we dont know the sex of them yet but i would like the pollen from some males anyway for my stock ill need in the future so im not really worried about it. when they get preflowers I will be doing a bit more with em.
this just could be a bush of dreams this year.

if i can get some auto flowering beans theyll go out there too somewhere.
oh heres a 360 view of the area.


New Member
look i aint telling no body where the spots @ so fuck off about the chimney.....
i really just shoulda put up a picture of just the bush now.....
damn. is an old burnt down cabin that has a still next to it. An old guy lived there in his family heirloom cabin and his brother shot his still with a shot gun and blew his brother up and the house burned to the ground. NOTHING historical about the house.
but i do all my gardening there before nightfall because i have seen a ghost out there.:neutral:

someone let the dog out again tonight in a fucking thunderstorm. then when we let him out to go shit an hour later....all the other 4 dogs came back cept the one that was let out. we heard him whine in the woods after calling his ass for 10 mins and we turned to get the rifle and he was at the door right when we get back. rain or shine im sniping this mofo tomorrow night.


Well-Known Member
if a tale that old made it your ears I'd say that story is history. what else happened there?, and what's with this ghost you see? sounds intriguing!


Active Member
yeah seriously the ghost thing sounds insane man but its a good spot much better than anything i got going for me around here id be creeped out like a mofo about the ghosts tho man ( also man shoot that mother fucker fucking wth someones dogs isnt cool man i had someone steal my red pitt and my boxer on me down home ways and i woulda shot the mofo if i had seen him )


New Member
yeah seriously the ghost thing sounds insane man but its a good spot much better than anything i got going for me around here id be creeped out like a mofo about the ghosts tho man ( also man shoot that mother fucker fucking wth someones dogs isnt cool man i had someone steal my red pitt and my boxer on me down home ways and i woulda shot the mofo if i had seen him )
you believe that id spoon feed someone some lead for this shit.

but the story of the old guy getting killed was told to me after I had told my family in law after i had seen the ghost.