I think I understand why minorities tend to not vote Republican.

New White Supremacist Party has Mass Electoral Ambitions

Now, Los Angeles lawyer William Daniel Johnson — joined by California psychology professor Kevin MacDonald, whose anti-Semitic writings have become as important to the neo-Nazi movement as Hitler's Mein Kampf — is attempting to fill the white supremacist void with the formation of a fledgling political party, the American Third Position or A3P, with the aim of uniting disaffected racists.

Then, in 2006, Johnson showed up in Arizona, filing a ballot-qualifying petition with 1,431 registered voters to become a candidate in a Democratic primary for the 8th Congressional District seat.http://www.splcenter.org/get-inform...rowse-all-issues/2010/summer/filling-the-void

ron paul and rand paul actively coordinated with A3PO in the last election cycle.
you don't have to be a participant of stormfront to read what they write, copy and paste it, compare it to what you have to say, and notice the exact similarities in opinion.

proceed at your own peril.

It wouldn't bother me so much if you weren't so fucking hypocritical about it.
If you're a racist, at least have the sack to come out and admit it, enough of your phony ass coverup.

I hate racists and I hate closet racists even more.
If you're a racist, at least have the sack to come out and admit it, enough of your phony ass coverup.

is that why you denied, then admitted, and then denied again that you called chesus a "nigga" because you didn't like his spending habits?
if you could prove that you wave to your neighbors it would be better ...... the way it is it aint............ive already looked and im guessing you have to........are you getting hung up on the word all?......

I tend to get hung up on blanket statements of ignorance backed by nothing....which is why I paid you any mind.

The convo moved to the point of "if you're dissing the south you are dissing black people since the majority of black folks live in the south".....then you say all black people live near the river or in a city.....I say no bueno....you say I need proof.

You say proof is google LOL... I say proof is black rednecks that live in the county.

I say lulz.

What say you?
is that why you denied, then admitted, and then denied again that you called chesus a "nigga" because you didn't like his spending habits?

I've never called anyone on here a nigga, and I never been on stormfront, can you say the same?
Can ya, UncleBuck??? Please tell me no so I can prove you're a liar again.
What number? so he drops dimes but doesn't rat? I know its not logical to talk to this fucker but this is a whole new level

It was a 1800 number to the Collin County Sheriffs Department. I remember it because it is the county I live in(it's north of Dallas). And no, I think it was a typical Buck troll. I don't think he ratted anyone out, personally.

It was in a thread that disappeared when RIU got hacked a while back. RIU lost a ton of threads and posts.
I tend to get hung up on blanket statements of ignorance backed by nothing....which is why I paid you any mind.

The convo moved to the point of "if you're dissing the south you are dissing black people since the majority of black folks live in the south".....then you say all black people live near the river or in a city.....I say no bueno....you say I need proof.

You say proof is google LOL... I say proof is black rednecks that live in the county.

I say lulz.

What say you?

I say if the Johnson family moved in down the road from me our county would have a segregated jail....
I believe local communities should deal with their racism without federal help.

behold the magic of bettedavisthere:

I never denied calling Cheezy nigga rich, you insinuated I called him a racial slur, I did not.
That's like saying nigga pleeze or your my nigga, not a bit of racism in either phrase.
You can disagree all you want, you're a 100% white boy, I'm not.
In fact "you're my nigga" is a compliment.

here's my entire quote you misrepresented UncleBuck.
So, show me where I called Cheezy any kind of name.

Like I've said before, Ive never called anyone a nigga or have I been on Stormfront, now, can you say the same or not?
Easy friken question, dude.
Minorities are just not voting against their interests yet. Republicans have yet to convince them that they care.

I would disagree. Minorities THINK they are voting in their own best interest by voting for handouts, but they are really voting for their destruction by doing so. You know why there not being a man in the house is a requirement to get some of these handouts right?
civil rights were already covered by the constitution.....that's my view of it....for the record.

Do be sure to include that in future cross posts.
civil rights were already covered by the constitution.....that's my view of it....for the record.

Do be sure to include that in future cross posts.

why do you believe it is OK for local towns to deprive blacks of equal protection of the law? that's unconstitutional.