I Used To See Auras


Active Member
Right up untill I was a freshmen in high school...before then, I saw them on every living thing...humans,animals...plants....some sort of colered shimmer around them. Then one day...right at an apex...it was gone.

I still dont understand why I saw them...or why they're gone...


Well-Known Member
oh yea?
and so what purpose did these aura's serve ?
did you gain some insight having been the beneficiary of this most unusual vision?
or was it more like here today, gone tomorrow, oh well, i can see clearly now


Well-Known Member
Check out Synaesthesia.

You may find out those auras were crossed signals in the sensory wiring of the brain. :)


Active Member
I dont think it was any of that shit.

A kid from the 70s-80s didnt think about that shit....all I know is I saw what I saw, and I don't know why, or why it left....maybe it was cause I was getting older.

Thought someone my have had some sort of the same experaince.


Active Member
No I didn't need glasses...that wasn't it.
They looked like a colored heat shimmer. different colors for different folks...I think it was their mood or emotions.


Well-Known Member
See when I hear/see stuff like this and you provide a perfectly logical explanation, like mild synesthesia, and they say no it couldn't have been that, but in fact synesthesia is produced in drug states which could be connected to a hallucinated or imagined set of parameters.

This may just be an overload of endogenous psychoactive chemicals rendering your vision with an indiscernible glow of colour or fantastical display.



Active Member
that was only ONE explanation, and what does seeing numbers by color have to do with what I discribed?

Besides, neither of my parents took drugs. Hell, they don't even drink alcohol. Neither did I, I was a kid.


Well-Known Member
ive seen auras of people one time when i was tripping of a strip of acid. i was at a concert and everybody there was giving off a different vibration with a different color or shade and intensity. it was like everyone's differing auras were swirling together and projecting twards the heavens. it was a really intense tripp


Well-Known Member
A sort of Clairvoyance? Summing up the character of any being instantly in this case. The fact that you saw auras from animals too is most interesting.

It's quite possible. I was born of a mother who has too had unusual abilities; sudden detection of emotion and semi-psychic pre-sight, but of course, earlier in life, where it cannot be proven.

I too have differences, like an over-whelmingly powerful emotional response to certain music, often causing cerebral explosions of colour, maybe persued by blacking out. This sounds more likely related to Synaethesia.

The mind is very special and very individual, but certainly can confuse its bearer in both positive and negative ways. I'm always surprised to hear the similarity of conditions which may be percieved as super-natural or extra-sensory, which only seem to effect the young. In what way do you remember the auras changing between completely different people etc?

I very much believe in scientific evidence for anything, but hypothetically speaking, if you do have a 'skill', it may be possible to retrieve, even enhance it from the brains mental desert of memory. Ah, I do go on.


Active Member
A sort of Clairvoyance? Summing up the character of any being instantly in this case. The fact that you saw auras from animals too is most interesting.

Maybe....I knew who to stay away from, when I saw the "dark" colors....it didn't take long to figure out the color code....even with animals....dogs showed the most varieance. But if they had a dark blue, purple or black aura, it usually meant they were just bad individuals, and the lighter auras were "friendly", so to speak...

Lol, I wasn't on acid Kaleo.


stays relevant.
That's cool... I wish I could see auras... Either way, give me 5 minutes with you and I can pretty much tell if you're worth talking to, or just typical scum. Of course it doesn't involve glowing, or colors- just psychiatric analysis. :lol:


Well-Known Member
There are many mysteries, the creation and perfection of ever element in the universe,Necromancers who claim to foresee the events of the future, the theory of random chaos from a predetermined, definate natural equation or something I once heard about transparent rods which hover around in motion, passing through any form of material for seemingly no reason. What you describe sounds plausible and I can only wish I had such an amazing insight into life. Some would say you saw the feelings , the will, the soul, the stability, the spirit or the presence. Whatever your gift and whatever you make of it, it has been a joy to hear of.

Just a question or two if you want to answer. Are you male or female? Did any particular event or distinctive period of time seem to cease the skills existance?


Active Member
First of all, thanks for not flaming me.
I'm male...
The Apex...
...One morning I was walking into the lobby of my high school, and all the students and teachers radiated with auras. I was bewildered...confused...I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and never seen so much at one time. For a second I thought about going to the office and talk to someone about it, decided not to and went to a classroom, put it out of my head. After a while I went back out to where my classmates were and it was gone. I never saw them after that.

It has always bugged me ever since...


Well-Known Member
that was only ONE explanation, and what does seeing numbers by color have to do with what I discribed?
It's considerably more than that.

Do some reading on the subject.
Imagine seeing songs as colors or feeling them as touch, tasting words that you hear, seeing an aura around an individual based on your emotional response to that person...


Active Member
NO. I saw them all through childhood, but that particular day it was the strongest, then that was it. Gone.
Hence the word "Apex".