I use both. kelp meal goes into my soil mix, and then I just have a quart sized mason jar in the fridge that I fill half full w kelp meal and rest w water. let it sit for a week, meal settles, open jar slowly and u have instant kelp tea. 1tsp per gallon and they go crazy. top back off w water and put back in fridge. I've had the same jar going for a couple months.
also have used the liquid seaweed from Roots Organics - Extreme Serene. that stuff is great too.
Recharge works so good sometimes I feel it's like cheating lol. first time I used it wasn't til I was like 2nd or 3rd week of flower. that boost it gave thru transition and bud onset made the buds so heavy the stems couldn't keep up. now that I used bokashi in my soil mix and make fresh ewc tea I don't use it as much unless I feel they really need a kick.