I want to put it in but how do I make it fit?

I use both. kelp meal goes into my soil mix, and then I just have a quart sized mason jar in the fridge that I fill half full w kelp meal and rest w water. let it sit for a week, meal settles, open jar slowly and u have instant kelp tea. 1tsp per gallon and they go crazy. top back off w water and put back in fridge. I've had the same jar going for a couple months.

also have used the liquid seaweed from Roots Organics - Extreme Serene. that stuff is great too.

Recharge works so good sometimes I feel it's like cheating lol. first time I used it wasn't til I was like 2nd or 3rd week of flower. that boost it gave thru transition and bud onset made the buds so heavy the stems couldn't keep up. now that I used bokashi in my soil mix and make fresh ewc tea I don't use it as much unless I feel they really need a kick.
That's interesting how you're doing the tea. I saw this at BAS, but I figured top dressing would do the same thing.

I figured I was just trying to use too much shit. No pun intended. I think I'll just use the kelp and seaweed one for the first couple weeks and then move to only using the added silica.
Silica is useless unless it’s started first feeding and given every feeding. So that should simplify it for you. Forget it now. Also molasses is to feed the beneficials and adds little to effective EC. Give it if not giving it keeps you awake at night. KISS.
That's interesting how you're doing the tea. I saw this at BAS, but I figured top dressing would do the same thing.

yup pretty much that method but I'm lazier i don't bother pureeing and all that i just do what I said in previous post and it works fine. Works good as a foliar too, usually only do that in early veg when they are in solo cups tho.
yup pretty much that method but I'm lazier i don't bother pureeing and all that i just do what I said in previous post and it works fine. Works good as a foliar too, usually only do that in early veg when they are in solo cups tho.
Does the tea get weaker each time?