3 gal. salt water?...lol...are you sure thats not the filter size?...just saying, 3 gal??
Yeah, I like a challenge....these Pico reefs are awesome, and I've been looking for a new hobby...I assure you, I fully intend to do this right...lol
I would reccomend the ammonia cycle as a matter of fact Metasynth. It's my way of cycling,ensures youll get a full cycle the right way without the other risk factors when you just dump "starter fish" in and prey they live long enough to ccycle the tank. No chance of introducing any unwanted parasites and yucky stuff

Since i started doing the whole planted aquarium thing i've used this expensive plant subsrate thet is equivelant to planting soil but is baked into little balls. That stuff has sooooo much nutrients in the stuff that i just put the tank together and add water,the ammonia leaches out of the substrate and thats my ammonia source. With the stuff,Aquasoil< you HAVE TO CYCLE A LIL LONGER BUT WAY WORTH IT.
Not to shit in your cereal bowl or anything but id reccomend at least a 10 gallon for saltwater. Youll find it extremely hard to keep water stable in anything smaller,20 would be ideal starter. Just my $0.02 u.s.d.
Definately intend to cycle the tanks, I have patience...and yeah, I understand that pico reefs aren't the easiest things in the world, but I'm willing to throw myself at it with all I've got!
Small salt water picos are hard?

Damn you youtube!!
Haha...Naw, I have been checking out a couple marine aquarium forums, and there are more than a few first timers there who started with pico reefs, and they're beautiful now...Like most things in life, you get out of it what you put into it...so if you're willing to really go for it, i don't see why it wouldn't work out.
That would make a beautifull paper weight on your desk...but for fish...I'm not to convinced.
Okay, it's a reef, no fish...whats the point??...a couple shrimp maybe?...lol
Yeah, the plan in the pico reef is to have ONE fish, a few invertebrates, and grow coral...what can I say, i'm addicted to growing.....And hey, I think shrimp are pretty cool!
...lol...I'm sorry, but I feel guilty putting a guppy in a tank that small.
Yeah, we'll see what sorta fish I can find, i'll look for one that requires the least amount of space, and doesn't grow large at all.
Must I remind you that anemones are animals - I counted like 14... 14! No way I could pack that many predators into a fresh water 3 gallon tank
I think I could totally rock a "fish less" fish tank. It would be fun to have 10 of those pico on a wall all planted with different fresh water bio types as well and fill em to the brim with shrimp.
I think that would fucking rock...I'm totally on board.....
yeah, i wouldnt want to put any fish in such a small tank. shrimp maybe or crabs.
find the 180l actually a bit small for my guppies. and its way too small for my bristlenose catfish.
Shrimp, crabs, snails, coral...It really is just my desire to have a micro-reef...the fish is optional, thats why I bought the 36 gallon freshwater...for fish...the 3 gallon pico is for a tiny itty bitty reef....lol
I spotted my first tank hatched cherry shrimp today just now

I knew I had gravid females but wasn't sure if they would survive the fish - guess they did
He is
If I have one baby I must have many - and if that's true, when you're ready for it, let me know if you want some shrimp in the mail.
Sweeeeet!!!! I'm still cleaning my room...I have to rearrange some furniture, because the desk I have that will support the weight of the tank is currently in front of a window, so I gotta swap it with my couch...But as soon as I set the tank up and cycle, I'm definately gonna be hitting you up! I'm so glad to see your tank thriving!!