Well-Known Member
Is the 36g up yet? Have you formulated a battle plan for the landscaping?
Nope, not yet...I should be cleaning a place for it right now, but I just got home from work and I'm about to break into some of my indoor, so I might be stuck for like an hour...I've discovered a new addiction to purchasing things online as well, good thing I only have a pre-paid credit card...cause I've been loading it every day, and depleating it every just say I have a little extra cash coming in, and since my birthday is coming up this week, I'm treating myself to gifts from the internet!
Anywho,back to the fish...No essential game plan yet...I'm assuming I want to cycle with my 'scape in place, correct? I was thinking since it's a tall tank, maybe some rocks forming caves, and then I'll try to see if I can work out a stealthy way to plant some aquatic plants on TOP on the caves, so as not to clutter the bottom of the tank and still have some greenery up towards the top. I would really like two rocky structures on either side, and maybe a rock bridge connecting the two...I have about 2.5' width and almost 2' height to play with, so I wanna make it feel full without being cluttered...As for fish, I have NO idea...but I'll be ready for some cherry shrimp as soon as I can...I'll drive up to ya, no need to mail 'em...