ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

everytime i make ice water it looks like burrs sometimes lighter i could never get the concictency of wax. my whipped bho or butter or ear wax or whatever you wanna call it always comes out like 50 times better, made from same high quality trim and jumbo popcorn nugs. whats the trick?
What is "burrs sometimes lighter"? I don't understand.

The trick is to do 100 tricks, which are all detailed in this thread. rize up!
hey matt, I watched the shout out from subby..... he's one cool cat! I can't wait to attempt to make some ice wax from a pollen slinging cross of his cheese quake and his qrazytrain. frostiest bug i ever grew!!!!!!! but till they are ready......

i am so pumped to extract some of this! my latest harvest of black sour bubble!! Just bought a brand new micro plane to!!!!!! about how aften to you replace yours? what is your favorite brand?

My apologies I jizzed right at the moment I meet post # 558 Good Mother of Mary that has got to be the dankest veganic ice extract Ive ever seen! Mucho Grande Respect m8!!!!

Truly Unbelievable and Truly Priceless!! Kudos to U Matt!!~Keep It Kushy
What is "burrs sometimes lighter"? I don't understand.

The trick is to do 100 tricks, which are all detailed in this thread. rize up!

I am burrr, and i just posted some pics of my IWE. I believe the difference in appearance we are asking about is from this step you talk about back on page 4.
  • [h=2]Drying and Curing Bubble Hash aka Part 2[/h]
    Thanks for following along. This part is going to be pictures instead of video.

    To allow my wet hash to dry:
    1) I lay it out as-is overnight, sometimes 24 hours if it is cold out.
    2) I grate it to a sand texture with my micro-plane, used ONLY for this purpose. Consider this a disposable tool that needs to be replaced if you are a big hash maker. They can't be sharpened like knives/scissors.
    3) I lay this wet sandy bubble hash out on a baking sheet used ONLY for this purpose. I use a non-stick, so no metal for the next step.
    4) I let it slowly dry, covered with a silk screen, and occasionally 'cut' it up with a card to let it dry from all sides.
    5) As soon as it is dry it goes into my hash curing jar.​

hey matt, I watched the shout out from subby..... he's one cool cat! I can't wait to attempt to make some ice wax from a pollen slinging cross of his cheese quake and his qrazytrain. frostiest bug i ever grew!!!!!!! but till they are ready......

i am so pumped to extract some of this! my latest harvest of black sour bubble!! Just bought a brand new micro plane to!!!!!! about how aften to you replace yours? what is your favorite brand?
microplane is the brand. change when its dull, no sharpening a microplane.

My apologies I jizzed right at the moment I meet post # 558 Good Mother of Mary that has got to be the dankest veganic ice extract Ive ever seen! Mucho Grande Respect m8!!!!
Truly Unbelievable and Truly Priceless!! Kudos to U Matt!!~Keep It Kushy
LOL. Go change your pants.

I am burrr, and i just posted some pics of my IWE. I believe the difference in appearance we are asking about is from this step you talk about back on page...
Yeah. gotta break that up before its completely stuck together forever. How do you expect it to really dry in a mass like that? Sometimes I wait an hour, sometimes, 12, sometimes 24+. It really depends on the extract and what i want from the finished product.
So ice water extract it is. Sorry, I don't know anyone in Australia that does this or even knows of this except the guy that sold me the bags (who is the Australia rep for bubble bags, hence me calling it bubble hash, as well as sub calling it bubble...sorry, I know now).

I have been keen on chernobyl after seeing your ice water extract. I also like it as it is a cross of the trinity x trainwreck, which sub says himself has anti mold properties :) Which should be good for the greenhouse. The lime slurpee/sherbet taste sounds intriguing as well. What was the odour on this strain like matt?

So ice water extract it is. Sorry, I don't know anyone in Australia that does this or even knows of this except the guy that sold me the bags (who is the Australia rep for bubble bags, hence me calling it bubble hash, as well as sub calling it bubble...sorry, I know now).I have been keen on chernobyl after seeing your ice water extract. I also like it as it is a cross of the trinity x trainwreck, which sub says himself has anti mold properties :) Which should be good for the greenhouse. The lime slurpee/sherbet taste sounds intriguing as well. What was the odour on this strain like matt?Cheers
No worries man. I'm just busting your balls. Changing the entire industry off that term is hard work. And Bubbleman is not down with the change lol[TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
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Hey nikka t.. thanks for sharing.. i enjoyed the article and yes its definitly the bubble process.. but personaly i would change the name back to bubblehash.. which is what people know it as... and more importantly.. its not a solventless processas water is a solvent... now if you wanted to call it a chemical solvent free process that would be more accurate.. but definitely waterhash or bubblehash is a good name that people know.. my two centshere is a link telling about water's wonderful properties as a solvent scroll down to water is a solvent.[/TD]
LMAO like "bubblehash" is anymore accurate than "solventless wax". Its tough to realize when you have been usurped. If I'm ever tripping like that, let me know.
From the wikipedia link he put in his message...

Water is also a good solvent due to its polarity. Substances that will mix well and dissolve in water (e.g. salts) are known as hydrophilic ("water-loving") substances, while those that do not mix well with water (e.g. fats and oils), are known as hydrophobic ("water-fearing") substances.


In general, ionic and polar substances such as acids, alcohols, and salts are relatively soluble in water, and non-polar substances such as fats and oils are not.

So water is a solvent, but not for anything we are dealing the trichomes do not actually dissolve into the 'solvent'...

wasn't it called jelly hash back in the beginning?

I have a bootleg video of cannabis cup footage from years ago and i believe they referred to it as jelly hash.... i gotta look for that dvd in my collection!!!

I've been calling it "full melt"

***malignant - check out my grow in my sig. i just posted the chop down today!
wasn't it called jelly hash back in the beginning?

I have a bootleg video of cannabis cup footage from years ago and i believe they referred to it as jelly hash.... i gotta look for that dvd in my collection!!!

I've been calling it "full melt"
i thought jelly hash was a mixture of ice water extract and bho.
full melt is a decent term, but get this. Some of the best quality ice water extracts don't melt. Melt is very strain related and has to do with factors that are not THC dependent like terpenoids and cell wall thickness/composition.
I have been to only 5 different dispensarys, but all of them display their hash in clumps or balls. will I see a better product if i grind it up? still seems to dry ok as a clump, just takes a week.
I have been to only 5 different dispensarys, but all of them display their hash in clumps or balls. will I see a better product if i grind it up? still seems to dry ok as a clump, just takes a week.
thats cause my style is cutting edge and folks don't even know how to make proper ice water extract. this is mostly due to bubbleman's horrible tutorials, and the other hashmasters being secretive about their techs.
Hey Matt, how ya been? Good I hope.

How are the probags working out for you? Are they worth the money saved, vs. the bubble bags?

I'm shopping around for a birthday gift for myself (yesterday was my b-day, whoo..), and I'm thinking about getting some bags.

I need to get a more sustainable form of hash making, no more cans, or dangerous fumes for me (if I get bags at least), I've been wanting to get bags for about a year now but I haven't been able to considering other financial concerns, I almost got the cheap-o ebay ones, but I did some research and decided against it.

Anyways, I found some bubblebags for $80 on ebay, but I also checked out the probags which were around $70... so yeah I just wanted to see what you thought about them in comparison after using them and such.:leaf:
Hey Matt, how ya been? Good I hope.

How are the probags working out for you? Are they worth the money saved, vs. the bubble bags?

I'm shopping around for a birthday gift for myself (yesterday was my b-day, whoo..), and I'm thinking about getting some bags.

I need to get a more sustainable form of hash making, no more cans, or dangerous fumes for me (if I get bags at least), I've been wanting to get bags for about a year now but I haven't been able to considering other financial concerns, I almost got the cheap-o ebay ones, but I did some research and decided against it.

Anyways, I found some bubblebags for $80 on ebay, but I also checked out the probags which were around $70... so yeah I just wanted to see what you thought about them in comparison after using them and such.:leaf:
yes, probags are working out well, they are new so they fit a little tight, but for the price im happy. hit up and tell them Rize sent you for the hook up.
the real inside tip is that my bwoi Selecta Nikka T is about to release his own line of bags, and I should be able to link you direct with him.
Got any spare, used bags laying around ;) :lol:

Joking aside, what kind of "hook up" would that be (hope you don't mind me asking), you could PM if you don't want to post it. I also don't mind waiting a bit for Nikka's line, as I'm sure they would be top quality. Do you know when they are coming out?

Sorry if I'm pestering you Matt, I just wanna make some hash!

Got any spare, used bags laying around ;) :lol:

Joking aside, what kind of "hook up" would that be (hope you don't mind me asking), you could PM if you don't want to post it. I also don't mind waiting a bit for Nikka's line, as I'm sure they would be top quality. Do you know when they are coming out?

Sorry if I'm pestering you Matt, I just wanna make some hash!

i do have extra bags lol, maybe we should talk. nikka's bags are not ready yet, i wouldnt wait but i did want to give him a shout out. hopefully his prices will be on point.
not sure about the hook up, slightly over cost I assume.