ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

woah woah matt they came from plush? question you do a hand stir on your bubble adventures?
Looks great, Matt. But then again, the Strawberry Kush, Vortex, Chernobyl and Mendo Lavender are part of my hash porn favorites too. Is this going to be available up in Hopland?
woah woah matt they came from plush? question you do a hand stir on your bubble adventures?
Yeah, plushberry grown from seed. I selected a purp and pink pheno to run again, mostly for ice water extraction. My hash video is on this thread. I do not hand stir.
Looks great, Matt. But then again, the Strawberry Kush, Vortex, Chernobyl and Mendo Lavender are part of my hash porn favorites too. Is this going to be available up in Hopland?
Haha, thanks. I call tell you for a fact that this extract is on the top tier, up with my veganic Chernobyl, in the top 5 extracts I've ever seen. I think a large part of that is my garden/gardening yielding higher quality extracts than most. Making a really good OG Kush or Sour Deez extract is easy. Coaxing this oily quality from an indica ice water extract is not.

Can you run the bubblenow xl with 5 gallon bags or does it only work with the 20 gallon sized bags? Because it looks like a much better machine then the 5 gal bubble now version, the 5 gal version doesnt have the same draining (?) and not the same speed and time functions and they are 100$ different in prices thats why i ask. i have been looking on your guids on medical marijuana, you and nikka t are truely great hash artists, much respect!! Bte, i am also thinking of the plush berry or vortex and chernobyl maybe all of them, seems like great genetics from what ive heard! im thinking of these strains much because of the extracts i can make from it, you have good taste!
Can you run the bubblenow xl with 5 gallon bags or does it only work with the 20 gallon sized bags? Because it looks like a much better machine then the 5 gal bubble now version, the 5 gal version doesnt have the same draining (?) and not the same speed and time functions and they are 100$ different in prices thats why i ask. i have been looking on your guids on medical marijuana, you and nikka t are truely great hash artists, much respect!!
Hey thanks for the feedback. Of course you can use the smaller bags with the larger machine. Probags is making a much better washing machine than bubblenow, and my friends at Extraction King will get you a MUCH better price than dealing with the famous hash guy. Tell them I sent you for the hookup.
Thanks for the link Matt! Will def be trying out one of those 5 gallon machines from 'em. Unless......... What ya think the bottom dollar on the 20 gallon machine and a 4 set of bags would be w/ the "Matt Rize Discount"? Could go that route if the price was right.

Just now scrolled up and seen the Plushberry kool-aid! That was awesome Matt. Unreal how that water changed colors like that.
This awesome! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! Have you worked with any other kinds of ice extraction? Such as the gravity one. I think it called the XTR 1000. Just curious. Thanks again!*
Thanks for the link Matt! Will def be trying out one of those 5 gallon machines from 'em. Unless......... What ya think the bottom dollar on the 20 gallon machine and a 4 set of bags would be w/ the "Matt Rize Discount"? Could go that route if the price was right.
Just now scrolled up and seen the Plushberry kool-aid! That was awesome Matt. Unreal how that water changed colors like that.
Im not certain, but I know he is charging very close to at cost.

This awesome! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! Have you worked with any other kinds of ice extraction? Such as the gravity one. I think it called the XTR 1000. Just curious. Thanks again!*
XTR 1000 is the most overpriced hash machine ever. On top of that, the guy who sells it is batshit crazy, and hella rude. I would talk to the Extraction King (link in my last post) about a "probags" machine.
Hey thanks for the feedback. Of course you can use the smaller bags with the larger machine. Probags is making a much better washing machine than bubblenow, and my friends at Extraction King will get you a MUCH better price than dealing with the famous hash guy. Tell them I sent you for the hookup.

Ahh cool! just a problem with the probags machine they dont work on 50hz and thats what i need since i live in europe! but if i can ask what makes the probag machine so much better? Are their bags good too? Thanks alot for the good answer and really appriciate the hookup mane :)
Ahh cool! just a problem with the probags machine they dont work on 50hz and thats what i need since i live in europe! but if i can ask what makes the probag machine so much better? Are their bags good too? Thanks alot for the good answer and really appriciate the hookup mane :)
The probag machines are larger than most of the other machines, and they have a slightly more powerful motor. Really, I like the company for their quality at reasonable prices. There is serious price gouging going on with Bubbleman's AND Mila's companies (Freshheadies aka Bubblenow/Bubblebags and Ice-o-lator)

If you are over in Europe, you might want to contact Mila at Ice-o-lator for a machine.
The probag machines are larger than most of the other machines, and they have a slightly more powerful motor. Really, I like the company for their quality at reasonable prices. There is serious price gouging going on with Bubbleman's AND Mila's companies (Freshheadies aka Bubblenow/Bubblebags and Ice-o-lator)

If you are over in Europe, you might want to contact Mila at Ice-o-lator for a machine.

lol long live da king of concentrates!
another day, another beautiful ice water extract.

Dutch Treat 73 micron Ice Wax. First pic is with diffused sunlight. Second is full sun


Wow , this thread dont fuck around??? How could I acquire some of this glass??? oh save me jebus! :D
thank man. I was begging for a sticky!

Contact Dustin Revere, bo$$man at Revere Glass School. Super nice guy, really can't stress that enough, and drop my name for the hook up. Some of the newest pieces right now have removable dishes with "hand ground" joints. I'll try to get a pic of one this week. I was watching them make the hand ground joint perfectly level so it stands. I was like "damn, thats no joke".
