Idea for making money, your thoughts?

So Australia has pretty much the same immigration problem.. except with legal Indians instead of illegal mexicans!!

Grow some weed.. or move the country and grow ur own food. That's what I'm going to be doing ;)


Well-Known Member
More importantly, what is Spain doing with them? Do they get free money, food, healthcare, education, etc?
Well tbh it's a sad state of affairs. The poor souls only sell a few fake handbags on the street to work (pardon the pun) en negro, means black money, not taxed. They can't fit into the system and get any sort of residency for years. They are only trying a chance at life, not robbing the tourists!
You should let us know next time you head down! Im pretty busy now but whenever its too hot i move there for a few days. We should meet at 420 though see what its like.
Come on dont buy gipsy weed. Tbh im kinda on extractions atm cause its even harder for me to get any rest withthe heat so i need to sleep somehow. im kinda converting to bho, sometimes i feel like im actually on some seriously outrageously potent medication and i think its doing me good.
Ive been goin g to costa brava sometimes, btw i hope your not paying the toll on the c32 nor the ap7 ye? you can get away without paying, ive saved hundreds of euros in tolls without any sweat. Its really nice the calas in costa brava especially cap de creus, far but soooo fucking worth it. im looking to buy land there..
Nice cat name btw lol mr minky. Mr business would be a cool cat name too
There's 2 routes yes. The gypsies are friends of his.


Well-Known Member
I have had a few donations, thank you, and am considering expanding to India. There;s a billion of them MFers that would love a chance to move to the US for free money, school, healthcare, etc. I bet some of them would open up a delicious curry restaurant, gas station, or 7-11, Can never have too many of those. This shit could be HUGE! I could get free food, gas, and blueberry slushees for life!

Red, kick rocks, you're out. Your hostility and shortsightedness always seems to bite you in the ass.