Iding san pedro cactus


Well-Known Member
My friend had been telling me for a little while someone told him that they spotted a San Pedro cactus on his property (they're native down here in S. FLA), and it had pink blooms coming out of it. I scavanged through this guy's 10 acre property, I took a couple of pictures, and was wondering if you could correctly identify if this is a true San Pedro cactus? I would appreciate it greatly,
- your friendly hallucinogenic enthusiast, Haddaway.


No Im pretty sure it's not. I saw one like that in the outback steakhouse in Orlando and cut it down only to later find out it was not San pedro. There is another cactus in my neighborhood that looks exactly like a pedro. Also where you at?? I'm in south Florida in naples


Well-Known Member
...I took a couple of pictures, and was wondering if you could correctly identify if this is a true San Pedro cactus?...
no it is not.

if you want san pedro cactus go to homedepot or lowes or almost any cactus nursery & look for Trichocereus pachanoi (Echinopsis pachanoi) or Trichocereus peruvianus (Echinopsis pachanoi) it's more potent.

