ive heard lots about this,person and people are two totally different words, come on this is law 101. stop looking up words with websters or you will never learn anything.
You must have a Blacks, or Bouvier law dictionary. This is pretty basic shit. A Person is a corporate legal fiction. you are not a Person unless you accept that definition and live it.
Seriously, im not even interested in carrying on a dialog about this. Im to tired of trying to explain this stuff to people. if your interested, look it all up. thats the only way youll believe it anyways.
Just to get you started....
We live in a world where it is a possibility.Corporations are not people.
Listen to yourselves.
Do you buy into their rhetoric so heavily that you literally believe that what they say is fact? God.
It is all VERY close to possible though...Well, the language applied has a lot to do with defining one's beliefs. If you want to reinforce their rhetoric, keep using phrases like "the day corporations became people" ...if you want to defeat it, use words like "the day the morons declared corporations people..."
just my 2 cents.
I've never heard this...ive heard lots about this,
a person is a legal fiction, as in your birth certificate is a person.
im not sure how it works over the pond but here its all about common law.
Everything you said implies this IS your view...All very valid questions. when you can answer them, you will have a slight clue, until then, may as well be in a pen, bhaahaing like the sheep you truly are (their view of you, not mine).....
All under the impression this is mere rhetoric are severly mis-informed. Congress recently proposed a bill giving corporations the rights of a citizen. This is a serious issue. The fact that about 90% of people dont know about this political move is a sign. A sign from the government and a sign of the disease of complacency imposed on the american people. If you think im full of shit, do your research. I believe the "Koch Brothers" is a good place to start.Corporations are not people.
Listen to yourselves.
Do you buy into their rhetoric so heavily that you literally believe that what they say is fact? God.
You're underestimating people...yes it is my view, just as the current debacle we deal with is the results of someone else's view. all anything is is a idea. the whole United States is just an idea. One in which I had no say in creating, why would you be subject to someone else's idea? Only if you agreed to it, or belong to them. if you walk into Walmart, you are not subject to their dress code, you dont work for them, you never agreed to it.
if neither were true, then you would do as you please. thats all im saying. Did you sign your drivers license? you entered into a contract. anything you sign for paper work is a contract, the way it is setup is how it gains control over you. Yes, you absolutely can go about ignoring these facts, doesnt matter to me what you do.
Chances are, that whatever you are being charged with, is not even a crime as far as the founding fathers were concerned. you probably violated a statute that doesnt actually apply to you as a human, and if you knew, and can prove it, then you wouldnt have to pay anything to anybody....
The Constitution isnt even for you, its the foundation for the government and the rules it must follow. if people understood this, we wouldnt have the civil rights violations we have today.
* side note, just found this site, pretty good shit right here also:
Any ways, just want to bring a couple points up that people need to consider, when thinking in terms of being governed. I am only showing information for those who wish to educate themselves, matters not to me.. I do my own thing, everybody else is free to theirs.....