If tobacco were illegal, would people grow it?

Felix Something

Active Member
I was wondering if anyone thinks tobacco would worth growing if it were illegal, like a class C drug?

I wouldn't bother with it myself.


Well-Known Member
I guess there would be a black market for it so in financial terms it probably would be like weed and well worth growing, but it'd more likely be class A in the unlikely event that the government decided they can live without the billions of Pounds in taxes.

Personally I'd just stop smoking cigarettes.:peace:


Active Member
Im already not much of a tobacco smoker, but they would force me to smoke my weed pure. That's just way too expensive for me. Growing tobacco smells less than marijuana, so people would have it anyway.
Fake nicotin would sell veeery good then, with fake I mean nicotin gum and things like that.


Well-Known Member
Tobacco is just terrible in my opinion the smell of it is nauseating to me,if it were illegal i wouldnt have any qualms with that.Nothin like the sweet smell of the reefer.
Just imagine if weed were legal would they sell it in stores like cigarretes,by the carton,pack etc?...but the there is a horrible side to such a thing cuzz in that case youd never know what would be in yur Mj 100's just like you cant be sure about whats in cigarretes as far as carceinogens and such.mmmm how they hide the rocketfuel and heroin in the cigarrete butts!


Well-Known Member
IF the world ever outlawed tobacco (which would be wise) I suspect it'd give rise to an underground and black market that would dwarf the weed trade in scope.


Well-Known Member
The world will never Illegalize tobacco, They need it to Kill people, or else we will run out of room for anymore people. Think.....POPULATION CONTROL


Active Member
ahhhhaha atombomb^^

but we do neeed population control, it think we should give out free packs of cigarettes in china


Well-Known Member
ahhhhaha atombomb^^

but we do neeed population control, it think we should give out free packs of cigarettes in china
they practically are. look and see where our big tobacco companies are making most of their money these days. it's not in the US because they can't afford to keep up with the taxes anymore. they advertise and ship to developing countries and they sell it to the people for like 50 cents a pack.


Well-Known Member
1/6th of the world regularly smokes, if it went illegal the black market would be huge, but i'd say "u guys are dumbasses" either way it's illegal so why not go green?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone thinks tobacco would worth growing if it were illegal, like a class C drug?

I wouldn't bother with it myself.
There is always a market for contraband. You might not grow it, but some third world country would and they'd import it for our smoking needs. Funny how nicotine is legal and thc isn't. One is addictive, the other is not. hmm... high five, oh government of mine.



Well-Known Member
I grow tobacco and it yields fantastically; generally around 3-400g a plant and it is a very forgiving plant. Granted the curing process is much longer and fairly energy intensive but people would grow it, people already do. Something very appealing about organic tobacco with no additives.


Well-Known Member
Phillip Morris already has the patent on marley brand marijuana cigarettes so who knows, maybe tobacco will be outlawed one day and that will usher in the age of legal pot, lets all hope so


Well-Known Member
You can already find videos of people growing their own tobacco, makes me kinda wonder why... it's gotta be more expensive? But at least they know it wasn't sweeped off the ground.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone thinks tobacco would worth growing if it were illegal, like a class C drug?

I wouldn't bother with it myself.
Yep...Yes...I think they would....it is illegal to grow it here and people do it
there is a complete process of curing etc that takes years...enough for enthusiasts to get their teeth into:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Why are we still talking about this? why would anyone think they wouldn't grow it?
Let's see here... 1.) A free pre-established market that you don't have to do any work to get hooked. 2.) People are going to be pissed and having nic fits al the time. 3.) People like to make money. 4.) People don't care if things are illegal, especially when it makes money for them.
So, yeah, I think they would grow it. It would be more of a pain because of the curing process, but it wouldn't matter. Maybe they would skimp on the curing like some weed growers and put it out early. I don't see any reason why people wouldn't grow it. People grow it for personal amounts right now. I even grew 1 Nicotiana rustica (old indian ceremonial tobacco, VERY STRONG) plant outdoors a few years back. It sucked, but I still tried it. I didn't feel like putting in the time to cure it, but if people are super addicted to it (more addictive than heroin), they'll smoke it anyways.


Well-Known Member
id grow it and i would have grandmas who have been smoking 40 years lined up around the block to buy it from me


Well-Known Member
No I'd just never smoke another cigarette.

I'd rather green be legal than tobacco, for one it taste better to smoke and the smoke smells better.


Active Member
Not so sure... I smoke cigs, been trying to quit for a while. If they outlawed them, by the time I got a plant to grow I'd be done with it. With bud, most people are glad they smoke. With cigs, in my experience, most smokers wish they could just turn it off (but by no means do we want our government to do it for us!). Heck, you don't get a buzz other than those first few cigs I had as a kid and maybe after a couple weeks of trying to quit that first "cheater" cig might give me a mild, 2 minute buzz, but that's it. I think nicotine is by far worse than alcohol or weed, just sucks I'm addicted to it.