If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

oh good! so i wanted to discuss 2A and how you feel about it. how would you feel if you knew your party was keeping a secret about it?
Ohhhh cause I'm sure you have some super secret info on it? Lol
2A I just bought another Glock 19 last friday. Picking up a fresh Tax Stamp AR today. My 2A is strong.
Ohhhh cause I'm sure you have some super secret info on it? Lol
2A I just bought another Glock 19 last friday. Picking up a fresh Tax Stamp AR today. My 2A is strong.
As an American, is your silence on Trump bending a knee to Putin mean you are ok with it but too embarrassed to admit it, or that you really do understand that it is horrifyingly weak of Trump to allow Putin to attack our nation's citizens with no response.
Can't get a gaming licence but invited Inna's President, stole cancer children's money and our it in his own bank account, I'd be ashamed to have voted for him ffs.
He has no sense and he has no shame, most Trumpers don't, that takes a conscience, some personal integrity, and self knowledge enough to know that he is a asshole, he lacks these basic qualities.