Well-Known Member
Quite sad really, have you had your medication yet?THE ONLY GOOD COMMIE IS A FUCKING DEAD ONE....OOORRRRAHHHHH
Quite sad really, have you had your medication yet?THE ONLY GOOD COMMIE IS A FUCKING DEAD ONE....OOORRRRAHHHHH
Welcome to the "deep state", it never existed before, but Trump created it and you will live in fear of it. They won't have formal meetings or even discussions among themselves, they are way too smart for that, besides there is no need, they all swore an oath to protect and defend the constitution. They now know who the enemy is, those who declared war upon the constitution and democracy, you no longer have any supporters among them, only enemies. Even your politicians in Washington are considered enemies and traitors by the vast majority of them, if not all of them. The deep state is gonna be deep in some assholes soon, this will not be forgotten and is not forgivable either.1....2...THE BOOG IS COMING FOR YOU...3...4....BETTER LOCK THE COMMIE DOOR.....5.....6......556......7....8.....GONNA STACK EM STRIGHT....9.....10....MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!
Hope you bbbbooooiiiiisss got the AR550 plates ready!
hope you got you plate carrier locked and loaded!I guess the FBI will be interested in your post, since there is sedition in the land and it represents a real and present danger. Better watch what you say Cletus, the toleration for bullshit just got a lot less among patriots and you are a traitor.
"Packing mags"?Well SCOTUS fucked us lol
Time to start packin mags and duffle bags. Looking forward to collecting some scalps from RIU members in THE BOOG. LET ME RED MAN RUN DEEP.
This harmless, f'en rodent is strapped into his crusty gaming chair, a trump toy filling his thought hole, fapping and gunning down his fears on a hand-me-down game boy.hope you got you plate carrier locked and loaded!
Especially if you attend the meetings with your cellphone on record or wear a $20. wire bought online. I figure lot's of people will be joining their clubs with the intention of putting them in prison for the rest of their lives. That won't be hard to do either, cause they ain't too bright, just bring a bottle of whiskey along to the meeting to loosen up a few tongues...I often wonder how they are going to choose the people to kill once they form their gangs. Like we wont be able to trick them.
I already bought my maga hat, cool flag and gun. I sound like trump. I can say the N word very well. I got my "Get me a beer, woman" t-shirt.
How will you know what I am or who I am?
Quite sad really, have you had your medication yet?
Sho’ thing, Jonnie Reb - I got something for you1....2...THE BOOG IS COMING FOR YOU...3...4....BETTER LOCK THE COMMIE DOOR.....5.....6......556......7....8.....GONNA STACK EM STRIGHT....9.....10....MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!
Hope you bbbbooooiiiiisss got the AR550 plates ready!
I'm still waiting on the Supreme Court. What are all you Sheeps gonna do then?
Boog is coming bbboooiiiiiiiisssss
The vast majority of America waiting too.BOOOG IS COMING
Looks like the insane asylum had its internet connection restored.1....2...THE BOOG IS COMING FOR YOU...3...4....BETTER LOCK THE COMMIE DOOR.....5.....6......556......7....8.....GONNA STACK EM STRIGHT....9.....10....MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!
Hope you bbbbooooiiiiisss got the AR550 plates ready!
Just your friendly neighborhood Boog reminder!Looks like the insane asylum had its internet connection restored.
Yep that's the big complaint about the parlor, no libs to trigger there, they get rid of anybody with a brain real quick there in the land of snowflakes. It's all about collecting suckers to sell shit to and when they gather enough up, they sell the forum and the suckers to a millionaire, so he can own their asses. It's easy, just give em what they want, bullshit and a place to whine and bitch, Facebook and twitter banned them. They have mods who must keep the liberals off parlor, or the FBI and secret service will come calling, as the suckers and losers are sparked off by easy trolls.Just your friendly neighborhood Boog reminder!
But you’re not pissing anyone off. WE WONI just like to piss you commies off now! It's a fucking blast.
Dunno how successful you are, since there are no commies here and few if any socialists. It's not about economic ideology with you, you don't know shit about the subject. Commie and socialist are just dog whistle words for racists who would rather starve themselves than see the brown folks get some too.I just like to piss you commies off now! It's a fucking blast.
Just wanted to highlight this part.WE WON