If You are gunna do drugs... Do a REAL psychedelic

whats it like? any hallucinations?
I assume you mean DOM for me it's like a 12 hour body high with some light hallucinations mixed in. But everybody reacts differently to psychedelics I have had some of my friends tell me they get crazy visuals from DOM think LSD but much lighter and longer lasting.
LSD hands down best visuals ever.
Some of the craziest closed and opened on visuals in my life.
God bless Albert Hoffman, man is the definition of OG

Ugghhh. LSD used to be one of my friends for a long time back in the day. I haven't gone looking for it bc I know...
Anyway. Pancyans. Or a really good level cubensis are also great to just "chill" with and smoke. But, lsd, you can do everything with. Drink, smoke, coke, dope. Whatever your heart desires. The only thing I had a problem with was eating. I always had to listen to music with headphones on to distract my senses. That sucked.
Ugghhh. LSD used to be one of my friends for a long time back in the day. I haven't gone looking for it bc I know...
Anyway. Pancyans. Or a really good level cubensis are also great to just "chill" with and smoke. But, lsd, you can do everything with. Drink, smoke, coke, dope. Whatever your heart desires. The only thing I had a problem with was eating. I always had to listen to music with headphones on to distract my senses. That sucked.
yeah i like acid too much, at one point in my life found my self doing it way more then anyone typically should but it was still alot of great times. Some of the best laughs I've ever had were on that drug lol
yeah i like acid too much, at one point in my life found my self doing it way more then anyone typically should but it was still alot of great times. Some of the best laughs I've ever had were on that drug lol

Waaayyyyy too many laughs! Lol! So many inappropriate but yeat appropriate laughs!

Too many good times.

F*cking lsd.
Waaayyyyy too many laughs! Lol! So many inappropriate but yeat appropriate laughs!

Too many good times.

F*cking lsd.
LOL last month took 2 tabs of some really dank lucy and literally cried i was laughing so hard because some kid i knows dad direct tweeted on him twitter saying something along the lines of "if you dont like the internet take that ass out of my house!" cause the kid was complaining how his wifi sucked
Shit I probably would have laughed at it sober but it made it that much more funnier while tripping hahahaha
Also laughed so hard because one day i was tripping sack in my buddys house and was in his living room and saw a family picture and the whole family looked like a bunch of hillbillies to me
that one was a golden moment lol
LOL last month took 2 tabs of some really dank lucy and literally cried i was laughing so hard because some kid i knows dad direct tweeted on him twitter saying something along the lines of "if you dont like the internet take that ass out of my house!" cause the kid was complaining how his wifi sucked
Shit I probably would have laughed at it sober but it made it that much more funnier while tripping hahahaha

Also laughed so hard because one day i was tripping sack in my buddys house and was in his living room and saw a family picture and the whole family looked like a bunch of hillbillies to me
that one was a golden moment lol

I would have died at each situation. Your friends would have been pissed off by me!
I would have died at each situation. Your friends would have been pissed off by me!
Yeah when i was laughing at there family portrait he was like "whats so funny?" (i dont even think he was tripping) and i couldn't make eye contact with him for a good 10 minutes because every time i would i would just burst out laughing.
Cant really say "Dude your family looks like a bunch of neanderthals" after all lolololol
Yeah when i was laughing at there family portrait he was like "whats so funny?" (i dont even think he was tripping) and i couldn't make eye contact with him for a good 10 minutes because every time i would i would just burst out laughing.
Cant really say "Dude your family looks like a bunch of neanderthals" after all lolololol

Haaahaa ha ha ha!!!!
Also laughed so hard because one day i was tripping sack in my buddys house and was in his living room and saw a family picture and the whole family looked like a bunch of hillbillies to me
that one was a golden moment lol

I must be honesyt. That had me dying. For like half an hour. That was like some "national lampoons" movie throwback senario. I could just imagine tripping. And then seeing a still of some f*cked up family photo. Priceless. I have had a few "inconvenient" personal moments occur while tripping. Including sex stuff. Where I would just burst out laughing. Bc it was just too funny to hold back.

That's it. I'm done.

Thanks man. Later.
I must be honesyt. That had me dying. For like half an hour. That was like some "national lampoons" movie throwback senario. I could just imagine tripping. And then seeing a still of some f*cked up family photo. Priceless. I have had a few "inconvenient" personal moments occur while tripping. Including sex stuff. Where I would just burst out laughing. Bc it was just too funny to hold back.

That's it. I'm done.

Thanks man. Later.
Hahahahaha if i could like your post i would, but LOL omg i know exactly what you mean, there has been some moments where I couldn't control myself when I was about to get it in and have literally killed the vibe because I was laughing too hard at the stupidest things that come to my mind.
Glad I could entertain you lol
Take care man
LSD hands down best visuals ever.
Some of the craziest closed and opened on visuals in my life.
God bless Albert Hoffman, man is the definition of OG

Nah, it's like saying messi is better than Ronaldo. It's all opinion. What works for some doesn't work for others.

I have had every lsd under the sun, even had a bottle of liquid at one stage. My visuals were nothing special.most of the time I didn't get any. Some friends got some crazy ones. A friend talking to a purple elephant on the cooker.

Special K and shrooms have given me crazy visuals at times. Alcohol and shrooms are just plain mental, went to an old bar that had crazy carpets and it was like a scene out of fear and loathing, you know when he is checking in.

Really want to try dmt, have no contact with any dealers so I won't be having any.