If You are gunna do drugs... Do a REAL psychedelic

LSD is so super hard to find around my town, I looked for 10yrs, any time someone said they could get it, every time "Heres the money, make a call" ..........and nothing. Took a decade b4 someone was able to actually make good on their claim. Never managed to get near peyote... Shrroms I always had too much trouble getting past the fact I really hate mushrooms... the trip is always so.... ....mild... Feel like Id need to eat a shit ton to trip balls.....

You might. But be assured a large dosedose of mushrooms is anything mild. Many here will agree that short of dmt, mushrooms are the strongest, sure, I know led is what, two orders of magnitude more powerful, but that isn't what I mean. I go very carefully into the six gram and above land where I would have no hesitation approaching, 400 Mikes.
No one. I think that I read it somewhere.

I suppose, technically they could last ten to twelve but you would have to count every last vestige of effect.

There are many who are surprised at the short duration and quite a few will extend things with a second dose at hour two or three for the express purpose of more time.

Figure half to an hour to feel it at all. Forty five minutes to an hour and a half to peak, quick waves with high troughs for the next two to four and then a rather quick come down. I think to a land of peace in a few hours after your last slope down.

LSD is far longer, the troughs are lower so the waves more pronounced. I can recall times when I actually figured "oh shit, I guess it's over, that was pretty short" and then, like having passed into the eye of a hurricane, the wind and commotion and violence picked up. If you are on the up side, even stronger than the last wave.

Never had pronounced waves in mushrooms, more of an ebb then flow. You never really get to catch your breath.

Mescaline? If there are waves they are either very subtle or maybe very very quick.

Anyway, no, mushrooms are at the very most eight hours and that is on heroic doses.
No one. I think that I read it somewhere.

No, from someone who has took loads. 12 hours is a real stretch but it depends. I have had sessions that have lasted 12 hours but that's not just one tab. Plus took a fair few other stuff like ket which prolongs the effect.

For the best and longest effect you need liquid, that stuff is unreal. Can be lethal if you own the bottle lol.
Shrooms are one of my favourite, the effect are shorter but can be extended with weed and hippy crack. Effect can be intense and it's cheap to make. You can make unlimited shrooms for £15.
Shrooms are one of my favourite, the effect are shorter but can be extended with weed and hippy crack. Effect can be intense and it's cheap to make. You can make unlimited shrooms for £15.
What in the hell is "hippy crack"?
You might. But be assured a large dosedose of mushrooms is anything mild. Many here will agree that short of dmt, mushrooms are the strongest, sure, I know led is what, two orders of magnitude more powerful, but that isn't what I mean. I go very carefully into the six gram and above land where I would have no hesitation approaching, 400 Mikes.
the most powerful experience i've ever had was on 4 grams of azurescens. mushrooms are far from mild.
yeah i like acid too much, at one point in my life found my self doing it way more then anyone typically should but it was still alot of great times. Some of the best laughs I've ever had were on that drug lol
Me too, at one time in the past. Laughs till your face and gut literally hurt, in a good way of course
Mushrooms are the only thing that I've had, repeatedly, scare me to death. Even a heroic dose will end after 4 hours. Once the peak is over, you kind of just think, 'wow. Well that's not going on anymore I think I'm okay.'.
What kind of mushrooms are y'all eating?
you ever try the lemon tek? That stuff blew my mind out of the water a few times with mushrooms, can't wait to do it again.

man a quarter oz of some good shrooms will have me talking to mother Gaia, falling into rabbit holes and shit.

Tried lemon tek. Whenever I would do it. I would mince and soak a few grams. Eat those. Then eat a coupla grams regular style. To this day. I have never gone above 5.5 grams. Maybe...
Yeah. I remember the quick come on. This time around I will try 7 grams. But I will build up to it first. Its been almost 3years since my last trip. I will start with 4, 5.25, 6.25, then 7.
The last time I did 5.5 of alcabenzi I ended up rolling around my hard wood floor for over an hour and loved it. 5.5 of b+ had me super laughy and daffy. But yeah. I won't puss out this time round.