If you are using tap water for your plants..


Well-Known Member
I got bored after the aluminum part. I typically don't drink liquid aluminum. (or even solid aluminum for that matter.)

But the friggin additives in *everything* we eat is a prob.
Grow and kill your own is the only safe way

Distiled isn't proven *pure* H2O. Corn mash, being 80% (ish) water, when distilled gives alcohol. Gotta be carefull of what is in the pot first. Crap/junk in the water being distilled will skew results. Solids will be left behind, but not *everything*

First. I am a noob to growing. Second. What im about to tell you is not a conspiracy theory.

About 60% of the United States (their goal is 75% by 2010(either 2010 or 2012, dont remember) tap water is "treated" with a heavy metal called Fluoride. Most people are sold on the sham that Fluoride is to help the teeth of people who cannot afford toothpaste, and children especially need fluoride to prevent tooth decay. These are total lies, and have been proven to be so by scientific studies that not only prove fluoride doesnt help your teeth (unless applied topically, like in toothpaste) but it actually can cause ugly browning of teeth, skeletal fluorosis (which can be, and is misdiagnosed as several things including arthritis), brain damage, and possibly Alzheimers disease (fluoride stays in your body, and attaches itself to aluminum, you do not want aluminum all up in your brain). I try to tell people this as often as possible as.. I think this is probably one of American's biggest drug problems. For those of you who enjoy Barrack Obama's socialist views, you can rest assured you already are victim to socialized medicine, as water fluoridation would have be considered mass medication. BTW - Fluoride is just about as poisonous as arsenic. And when you think fluoride or tap water, you should understand that it has a small amount of poison, which is not intended to kill you. Wonder why its there.

Before I get to the point you should also know that the first regime to use fluoride on humans was Adolf Hitler's. His genius scientists found out that if you give fluoride to your inmates, they are apathetic, and calm. INTERESTING.
Another interesting fact, is that the public relations master, Edward Bernays was with ALCOA using propaganda to push fluoride into America's water supply. who was credited with, asbestos in ceilings, lead in paint, cigarette smoking for women and fluoride in water, amongst other things. He was hailed in political circles as the godfather of public relations, his uncle was Sigmund Freud and he died at the ripe age of 103. SO INTERESTING! In Edward Bernay's book "Public Relations" he also says that telling lies to the public is essential for democracy. (THIS IS A REPUBLIC PEOPLE, NOT A DEMOCRACY, IRAQ HAS DEMOCRACY, FUCKING MOB RULE)

The point:
If you read this whole fucking thing, you should already know that Tap Water, even if it sat for 24 hours to get rid of the Chlorine, is no good for you, YOUR CHILDREN, OR your plants. I bought a water distiller for 100 dollars online and since seeing the nasty sludge just 1 gallon of tap can leave behind, I WILL NEVER GO BACK!!

Straight to the point:
If fluoride is strong enough to make children in China and India retarded, then fuck up their teeth, making them retards with fucked up teeth, then it is likely strong enough to rob you of an ounce or two.

Also about distilled water:
All kinds of propaganda about drinking distilled water. I can dispell all this propaganda by reminding you, that distilled water is pure H20. The water was evaporated into steam, then recollected. So its basically just 100% steam water. Don't put distilled water into shitty plastic bottles. If you gotta put it in plastic, put it in clear plastic - Reason being, distilled water is so pure it sucks stuff up, and will suck stuff out of the plastic.... BUT

I was told that distilled water is so pure fuck I dont know the word, but it just sucks shit up. I was told that it even sucks up the carbon dioxide in the air!
SO - This is something to be discovered if it has not already - Can you provide carbon dioxide to your plants through watering with distilled water? Who knows.


New Member
Yeah every company that sells a water distiller says it gets 99.9% of everything non-H20 out. So I guess you're right, but what is the alternative? Distilled is the best way I've found. It doesnt have to be perfect, it works.


Well-Known Member
Fine,I am going to go buy me some hydrogen and some oxygen, then blasting with a whole bunch of power and make me 100% pure molecular water. Or maybe a big explosion, not sure ATM.


Well-Known Member
Fine,I am going to go buy me some hydrogen and some oxygen, then blasting with a whole bunch of power and make me 100% pure molecular water. Or maybe a big explosion, not sure ATM.
But you will get some ozone into the mix along with vaporized metal from the electrodes.

Wait, if you add them into a vacuum chamber (glass) and zap it with RF, that could work. (just watch out got shattering glass)


Well-Known Member
I love you conspiracy nuts, I think you all started weed to young and let the wild rampant thoughts continue on into your sober mind. I have a nephew that is prescribed fouride drops since it's not in there water, by a Dr that ,yes I'm assuming, has nothing to do with the government.

Here comes some logic so get prepared to use your mind for logic and not taking coincidental facts and putting them together and then stop thinking when you get to a conclusion that fits what you want to believe. This theory has to be continued by someone, not only someone but someones, not one has come out to make millions of dollars about this, but the guy who started the claim may have made some money off of pushing the idea to the idiots that believe it. We've had many different administrations in the government that want to bash each others party for scams there running, but for this one you think they are working together....doesn't make sense does it. Presidents and Governors can't even keep sexual affairs secret but they are doing a dandy job on the big ol flouride scam.

Here is a good link that makes sense, always go for the one that makes more sense. Anne's Anti-Quackery & Science Blog: Countless studies have cleared fluoridation beyond doubt
he,s right flouride an vaccinations are killing us find out the real agenda go to infowars.com and listen for 1 hr what he says is right we,re <th smokers>are gonna be the 1st to be gotten rid of LIVE FREE OR DIE! NOW PASS TH DOOB!


Well-Known Member
I am a conspiracy nut also guys don't worry your not alone! Seriously though there is something in the making, I believe it is one world government by force or through manipulation.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I just hate when people take the effort to share important information about our shitty gov't (lords), to then be called a "nutty conspiracy theorist".
The only thing i don't under stand is why you threw Obama into the mix? We've had a republican admin for 8 years. . . . .if you're brainwash idea is right it would make sense.. .i mean bush did get re-elected!

:peace: ~~TLB


Well-Known Member
I am a conspiracy nut also guys don't worry your not alone! Seriously though there is something in the making, I believe it is one world government by force or through manipulation.

cant forget about the unification of the canadian, mexican, american currency... the amero...


Active Member
hey can anoyone tell me if its alright to cut off fan leaves from my plant in ode to get more light to te buds and nodes, its my first time growing and my plants have about a 3/4 oz on each and i want to know if i made a good decision to cut hem bitches off today


New Member
Anne's blog? And the logic is where? I like to read the scientific study before using my logic, how about you?

Fluoride & the Brain
Theres more, but I doubt you'd read it, and I dont wanna find it right now.

You can find all kinds of sites that push the propaganda you believe, I'd rather go off the science than hear-say, but you are free to be ignorant and spout lies whenever your reality is in question.

Coincidence theorists like you need to stop with this conspiracy theory shit. Fluoride has been proven to have these effects. Socialized fluoridation doesnt strike a chord with anybody? That alone should be enough to stop water fluoridation.
kidshealth.org - pro-fluoride propaganda website
whois.sc/http://kidshealth.org/ - its owned by THE NEMOURS FOUNDATION
THE NEMOURS FOUNDATION is controlled by DuPont Nemours Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
DuPont was sued several times during the creation of the Atom Bomb(Manhattan project) for accidentally releasing shitloads of fluoride, killing people, animals and crops. (The manhattan project is also why we know the government knew fluoride's effect on humans, as they had problems handling the materials outlined in declassified manhattan project documents, which Ive read, doubt you have).

Of course no pro-fluoride argument is backed by science, they are more likely backed by Dupont chemical company or "Anne's blog".

People like Alex Jones do talk about water fluoridation, but the claims of water fluoridation should not just be lumped into conspiracy theory category just cause you want it to. I LIKE FACTS YOU SHOULD TOO. And destroy your TV, please for your own good.

I love you conspiracy nuts, I think you all started weed to young and let the wild rampant thoughts continue on into your sober mind. I have a nephew that is prescribed fouride drops since it's not in there water, by a Dr that ,yes I'm assuming, has nothing to do with the government.

Here comes some logic so get prepared to use your mind for logic and not taking coincidental facts and putting them together and then stop thinking when you get to a conclusion that fits what you want to believe. This theory has to be continued by someone, not only someone but someones, not one has come out to make millions of dollars about this, but the guy who started the claim may have made some money off of pushing the idea to the idiots that believe it. We've had many different administrations in the government that want to bash each others party for scams there running, but for this one you think they are working together....doesn't make sense does it. Presidents and Governors can't even keep sexual affairs secret but they are doing a dandy job on the big ol flouride scam.

Here is a good link that makes sense, always go for the one that makes more sense. Anne's Anti-Quackery & Science Blog: Countless studies have cleared fluoridation beyond doubt
Last edited:


New Member
The only thing i don't under stand is why you threw Obama into the mix? We've had a republican admin for 8 years. . . . .if you're brainwash idea is right it would make sense.. .i mean bush did get re-elected!

:peace: ~~TLB

Obama is scum just like Bush - Sorry, I just like America, and America is not supposed to embrace socialism(again). Oh, and fuck John McCain and every other republican candidate, except Ron Paul. And I hope Obama wins so we can all witness 80% of America get their hopes up and get duped again, while the other 20% gets ridiculed, called conspiracy nuts, and FUCKED by the retarded 80%.
Its probably more 90/10.


New Member
well you said by 2012 so the would will be gone by then anyway...
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who is predicting the future? I havent known anyone able to do so.

2012 end of the world shit is for the birds. This post is about Fluoride, not fantasy. When people put Fluoride next to 2012 conspiracies, 911 conspiracies, world government conspiracies and the rest, it loses all credibility and people need to start getting that. I know that 2 plains cannot knock down 3 steel frame buildings at freefall speed, but I think if less people were drinking and eating fluoride in EVERYTHING they might realize that. They may turn off the TV and realize its all a distraction and finally wake up.


Well-Known Member
That should be the least of your worries. Just check with your local water supply company websites. You will find several contaminates much worse then the fluoride. In my tap water there is several things however one of them, arsonic is at 10 times the "safe" amount. I live in silicon valley CA not some desert either.
fluoride? ha!

In regards to there being minerals in the water and thats good for plants well let me tell you this. You dont know what minerals are in there.
You take a glass of tap water and put a ppm meter in there. It will be between 250 and 350 parts per million (ppm)

Now you want to use this for hydro grow and you want to start your plants at 400ppms. well there is already 350 in there! and you dont have a clue what is in there. Along with the other crap.

Simply put, if you use tap water on a hydro grow you will have several problems. not to mention PH level Tap is 7.0 you want 5.7 You may get away with it in soil because soil acts as a buffer.

But why even use the buffer soil provides when you can give them what they need without question.

Use Distilled Water. Then add what you need, you will be glad you did.


New Member
Any fishermen out there? http://www.nofluoride.com/presentations/NOAA Technical Memorandum Salmon.pdf
Flouride and plants Fluoride concerns plants, not just human beings
More on Animals

National Research Council report:
The report can also be purchased online at the NAS website.
The report "should be a wake-up call."
- Dr. Robert Isaacson, NRC Panel Member.
“The thyroid changes do worry me. There are some things there that need to be explored. What the committee found is that we’ve gone with the status quo regarding fluoride for many years—for too long, really—and now we need to take a fresh look. In the scientific community, people tend to think this is settled. I mean, when the U.S. surgeon general comes out and says this is one of the 10 greatest achievements of the 20th century, that’s a hard hurdle to get over. But when we looked at the studies that have been done, we found that many of these questions are unsettled and we have much less information than we should, considering how long this [fluoridation] has been going on. I think that’s why fluoridation is still being challenged so many years after it began. In the face of ignorance, controversy is rampant.”
- Dr. John Doull , NRC Panel Chair
“The difference between the levels of fluoride causing toxic effects and the levels added to water to prevent tooth decay is vanishingly small and deeply troubling.”
- Dr. J. William Hirzy, Vice President, Environmental Protection Agency's Headquarters Union, Washington DC.
"l personally feel that the NRC report is relevant to many aspects of the water fluoridation debate... [T]he report discusses the wide range of drinking water intake among members of the population, which means that groups with different fluoride concentrations in their drinking water may still have overlapping distributions of individual fluoride exposure. ln other words, the range of individual fluoride exposures at 1 mg/L will overlap the range of individual exposures at 2 mg/L or even 4 mg/L. Thus, even without consideration of differences in individual susceptibility to various effects, the margin of safety between 1 and 4 mg/L is very low."
- Dr. Kathleen Thiessen, NRC Panel Member.
“The crucial message of this report is that the highest scientific authority in the US has determined that low levels of fluoride in drinking water may have serious adverse health effects."
- Dr. Paul Connett, Executive Director, Fluoride Action Network.
"In my opinion, the evidence that fluoridation is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming and policy makers who avoid thoroughly reviewing recent data before introducing new fluoridation schemes do so at risk of future litigation."
- Dr. Hardy Limeback, NRC Panel Member.

Nothing to worry about. Feed your plants, children and yourself fluoridated water and food all day long. - The Coincidence theorist



Well-Known Member
hey can anoyone tell me if its alright to cut off fan leaves from my plant in ode to get more light to te buds and nodes, its my first time growing and my plants have about a 3/4 oz on each and i want to know if i made a good decision to cut hem bitches off today
ive seen u have posted that in a few different threads the reason ppl arent answering u is prolly cuz u need to make ur own thread im not trying to be bossy but dont try to jack someones thread make a new thread about ur question and ill bet ull get much better results goood luck dude


New Member
That should be the least of your worries. Just check with your local water supply company websites. You will find several contaminates much worse then the fluoride. In my tap water there is several things however one of them, arsonic is at 10 times the "safe" amount. I live in silicon valley CA not some desert either.
fluoride? ha!
Arsenic is slightly more poisonous than fluoride. Both are used as rat poison.

I am so glad to see so many people awake to these facts. I just hope people think twice before making the (a)pathetic choice of not making a change. My primary concern is kids... If you go to the grocery store and buy bottled water(Before I got my distiller I was doing this alot) you will see a bottle of water with a picture of a infant on it. It has a yellow star that says "Now with added fluoride!".

Its completely disgusting. Looking at the decline of tooth decay in the United States since fluoride made fluoride one of the "top 10 scientific discoveries of the century" even though, non-fluoridated countries had tooth decay declines of the SAME MAGNITUDE. This alone proves drinking fluoride does not help prevent tooth decay - science has gone further to prove fluoride is actually detrimental to human teeth. A child fed fluoride will never reach his/her full potential, and may get fucked up teeth. People don't seem to realize the severity of the fluoride situation because its so passive! What are you doing? Im drinking a glass of water - so harmless. How would you ever know without scientifically examining the effects fluoride is having on humans, plants and animals? I have even been told "Fluoride doesnt make you stupid, I been drinking fluoride my whole life and I don't feel any dumber."

Yeah well Ive been avoiding fluoride for a year and I don't feel any smarter. Maybe im smart enough to know that,, im not going to notice the difference myself. Im a big fat guy, and sometimes ill get on a kick to loose some weight. I never notice the weight I lose, somebody always has to tell me - I dont notice shit.

Fuck check your own teeth. Got any brown spots or white spots you cant explain? White spots are caused by dental fluorosis, and it may not look so menacing until those white spots turn brown, but imagine what might be going on with your entire skeletal system or worse, your brain.

Ill never give up telling people the truth about fluoride. If you ask your dentist, there is a 50% chance he knows the truth as well.


New Member
I got bored after the aluminum part. I typically don't drink liquid aluminum. (or even solid aluminum for that matter.)

But the friggin additives in *everything* we eat is a prob.
Grow and kill your own is the only safe way

Distiled isn't proven *pure* H2O. Corn mash, being 80% (ish) water, when distilled gives alcohol. Gotta be carefull of what is in the pot first. Crap/junk in the water being distilled will skew results. Solids will be left behind, but not *everything*
You probably do intake some Aluminum. Do you use deoderant? I actually don't and don't need to (Some people don't wreak or sweat profusely, even so, I used deoderant for a long time in my fluoride drinking days). Aluminum is also in some food coloring, buffered asprin, some antacids. Aluminum sulfate is also used by water treatment plants to clarify water whatever that means.

The main issue to me is fluoride, but fluoride+aluminum is supposed to be bad news. Fluoride Toxicity :: Health-Science.Com ::