If you cant afford to tip don't go out to eat !!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, it's annoying when people come to your country and don't speak English. I made an extra effort to speak French in Normandy and they appreciate it not just because of convenience, but it shows an effort towards embracing their culture.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yes because our great systems is based on the restaurant business.:roll: The tipping system is there to make sure waiters actually work hard. Unlike every shitty European restaurant who get paid the same no matter how many times they refill drinks. They can give you cold food & dirty dishes but still get paid the same.

Americans work hard

Average European work week :32 hours

Average American work week :40 hours

Plus your 2 month vacations.
England is not Spain, just because the Spanish take a 2 hour lunch break doesn't mean we do. but right, Europe is just thie one big place of sameness :D

40 hours is the minimum work week in England on the whole, i would typically work 40-60.

I like that the wage paid is now making restaurants "shitty" :D Over here, yeah, there is a minimum wage, so no matter what the service, the wage is the same, but if the customer doens't think the guy is pulling his weight, that is to say doing everything asked or expected, then there is liable to be a complaint and the guy lose his job.

My situation, i do a full working week, i do not get a single vacation day sick pay or lunch break I work solid from morning till the afternoon and i refuse tip[s. But yup, i'm on a guaranteed wage so i do a shit job lol

Over here the tipping system is not to get folk to work hard, that's what a good boss is for last time i checked, to kick your ass into line where needs be. Here we tip because it's not some "mandatory" requirment else you get spit in your food, over here they know there is no guaranteed tip so they work hard ust in case they can get one. All i get from Yanks talking about this is if you don't tip you're a cunt and you'll have unpleasant additives included with your food. Seems it's giving folk a bad attitude towards folk who don't tip as opposed to a good attitude towards those that do.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anyone's mentioned this but waitresses in America get paid less than minimum wage because they get tips. It's part of their 'wage,' and how they survive.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Indeed, but it shouldn't. I've rarely not tipped, but it should not be some kind of requirement, as indicated by the title of this thread (although to be fair i don't really understand the logic in the title, even if you can't afford to tip, going to the restaurant anyway means trade, which means a requirement for said waitresses job, so by not going they could technically lose their job entirely :p)

Who here has tipped the kitchen staff? Kitchen staff unless in high end places, get paid bugger all, i myself run the kitchen at work and get minimum wage, it's a generally thankless job. But by all reasoning you should give those guys a tip i think. Saying that, i don't agree with the shared tipping systems some restaurants have where all the money goes in one jar then get's split out.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anyone's mentioned this but waitresses in America get paid less than minimum wage because they get tips. It's part of their 'wage,' and how they survive.
Thats what I was try'n to say...and alot of places don't make them count their tips, my ol'lady worked at Coney for years, the boss doesn't care how much they make...I know it's probable not 'legal', but it's the way it is at every place I know of. Some places they share tips with the busboy, but thats between them, not uncle sam.

...and no " what did she have to do for the tips" jokes


Well-Known Member
Thats what I was try'n to say...and alot of places don't make them count their tips, my ol'lady worked at Coney for years, the boss doesn't care how much they make...I know it's probable not 'legal', but it's the way it is at every place I know of. Some places they share tips with the busboy, but thats between them, not uncle sam.

...and no " what did she have to do for the tips" jokes
Yeah they share tips with the busboys normally. One place I worked at for a night the waitress gave me my share of tips in weed. That was nice.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't tip the kitchen staff because they get paid more than the waitresses.
But then they do a lot more work, in a hot steamy kitchen no less. I tip because of what has been done not because i'm aware of their pay level. I've eaten in restaurants where i've seen the manager waiting tables, should he get less of a tip than any other waiter?

I guess i'm just on a stoned crusade for fair wages or some such :p


Well-Known Member
But then they do a lot more work, in a hot steamy kitchen no less. I tip because of what has been done not because i'm aware of their pay level. I've eaten in restaurants where i've seen the manager waiting tables, should he get less of a tip than any other waiter?

I guess i'm just on a stoned crusade for fair wages or some such :p
Yes the manager should get less of a tip than a waiter. Although I'd probably not realize he was the manager and tip him normally, but if it's a great restaraunt I might tip the manager or owner more because of the great food. I drink at bars occasionally and like to tip too. Someone sue me.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Indeed, but it shouldn't. I've rarely not tipped, but it should not be some kind of requirement, as indicated by the title of this thread (although to be fair i don't really understand the logic in the title, even if you can't afford to tip, going to the restaurant anyway means trade, which means a requirement for said waitresses job, so by not going they could technically lose their job entirely :p)

Who here has tipped the kitchen staff? Kitchen staff unless in high end places, get paid bugger all, i myself run the kitchen at work and get minimum wage, it's a generally thankless job. But by all reasoning you should give those guys a tip i think. Saying that, i don't agree with the shared tipping systems some restaurants have where all the money goes in one jar then get's split out.
LOL You guys are going to want us to tip every employee before this thread is done!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
...All i get from Yanks talking about this is if you don't tip you're a cunt and you'll have unpleasant additives included with your food...

that about sums it up right there. in this country someone decided that was a good system, and customers here (whether they realize it or not) are enjoying their food for much cheaper than it would be if waitstaff was paid minimum wage. it's sort of like an honor system where people are "trusted" to do the "right thing". i think it's a douchebag system but if you know how it works, not tipping does in fact make someone a douche, and you will most definately get the "unpleasent additives". don't you just love it when people police themselves?