If You Could Grow/Live Anywhere...


Active Member
i thought the same thing til i left the northeast lol.. i miss that area, PA

Well i suppose the grass is always greener, eh?
Lol, I'd love to come back some day, but variety is the spice of life.
And the more equatorial, the better as far as I'm concerned:
I've had some decades now of these 3ft+ snowfall winters and It's not getting any more fun or easy to bear as the years pass.


Well-Known Member
Soviet Russia has best potato vodka and communist buds. Come visit Joseph Stalin memorial stoned for great time with family and friends.


Well-Known Member
Brazil, my buddy that taught me how to grow weed moved there with his exotic dancer wife, and now he's got pretty much everything cause he's been growing for at least as long as I've been living if not more. so he did something with it, I think I can do the same, and it seems awesome there