"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Pacific islanders entire tourism based economy is breaking from rising tides, bleaching coral, and increasing number of major weather events...
Meanwhile some third world people are burning animal dung for heat while residing on top of cheap fossil fuel energy. What's the cheapest way to power these peoples needed hospitals and schools at the moment, is it solar?
Recent study sho
There are an estimated 8.7 million species on earth. 86% of those on land and 91% of those at sea have yet to be discovered, described and cataloged. So the fact is that we are simply unaware of the existence of the vast majority of species, yet you contend we are responsible for a mass extinction, are you not giving us too much credit?
You're just trolling right?
Humans are dirrectly responsible for most specie's that go extict since the dinosaurs . deforestation urban encroachment, account for loss of habit pollution, lack of food. Human predation and eradication of undesired species. Thats just some of how we kill off animals and plants. Not to mention climate change. Plus we have to power to save species and add to nature but we use that power to destroy and kill.
Recent study sho

You're just trolling right?
Humans are dirrectly responsible for most specie's that go extict since the dinosaurs . deforestation urban encroachment, account for loss of habit pollution, lack of food. Human predation and eradication of undesired species. Thats just some of how we kill off animals and plants. Not to mention climate change. Plus we have to power to save species and add to nature but we use that power to destroy and kill.


Again. Comparing right now to the extinction of the dinosaurs is a little extreme and giving us credit where that credit is undue, is it not?
Is that how you became brain damaged?

So in the third world, our energy policy influence and philosophy will cause lots of people to continue to die needlessly. Clean water and functional hospitals and schools are only available with vast amounts of cheap energy. Why should the poorest in the third world not enjoy a refrigerator in their home as the poorest in our world does? Do you think that only vaccines that can keep off refrigeration should be allowed there or is this the part where you deny your support for a global initiative on this matter?
Meanwhile some third world people are burning animal dung for heat while residing on top of cheap fossil fuel energy. What's the cheapest way to power these peoples needed hospitals and schools at the moment, is it solar?
There's pretty much parity between the cost of installing solar and the cost of building new fossil fuel plants.
DF, Wonder what take these people have on climate change, and El Nino??
"Vast areas in Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil are being hit by the worst flooding in 50 years.. Not much they can do on a personal level to change it... The ones that might help say, "It's not my job man.."
Then there's the huge die off of coral in the Indian Ocean, that's not natural...... as the water gets deeper and warmer there'll be more of that....
What chance is there when so many would rather discuss OT issues like the holocaust... Only retards argue over settled issues... My only regret is that i'm not young enough to expect to see the great melt that's coming...
That would really be, "living in interesting times", when Greenland melts and shuts down the warm water currents.. Although, I wouldn't want to be around when the tundra thaws and out gases all the methane it contains...There will be little satisfaction in the phrase " i told you so " ..

TS should have said, coming extinction, within the next 50 years... You just leaped into the temporal gap to straighten him out... nit,nit, pickers.. Nowadays called trolls..
Everything under sunlight is a heat sink.... Some are much better than others, blacktop is excellent, it has the mass, and it's black... In july the road in front of my house climbs to over 170*f, it's still over 100*f at sunrise... The heat damn sure didn't go back to where it came from.... It heated the air... Anyone who says blacktop isn't a heat sink, doesn't understand the laws of thermodynamics....
The quality of the arguments against GW is simple and irrefutable proof that, ignorance is bliss....
I standby my first post in this thread...
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So in the third world, our energy policy influence and philosophy will cause lots of people to continue to die needlessly. Clean water and functional hospitals and schools are only available with vast amounts of cheap energy. Why should the poorest in the third world not enjoy a refrigerator in their home as the poorest in our world does? Do you think that only vaccines that can keep off refrigeration should be allowed there or is this the part where you deny your support for a global initiative on this matter?
The poorest in our world are homeless. They don't have a nice apartment with a fridge, stupid.

Maybe we should spend more time, energy- and yes, money- taking care of our own.

Surely we can shave 10% off our military budget.
DF, Wonder what take these people have on climate change, and El Nino??
"Vast areas in Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil are being hit by the worst flooding in 50 years.. Not much they can do on a personal level to change it... The ones that might help say, "It's not job man.."
Then there's the huge die off of coral in the Indian Ocean, that's not natural...... as the water gets deeper and warmer there'll be more of that....
What chance is there when so many would rather discuss OT issues like the holocaust... Only retards argue over settled issues... My only regret it that i'm not young enough to expect to see the great melt that's coming...
That would really be, "living in interesting times", when Greenland melts and shuts down the warm water currents.. Although, I wouldn't want to be around when the tundra thaws and out gases all the methane it contains...There will be little satisfaction in the phrase " i told you so " ..

TS should have said, coming extinction, within the next 50 years... You just leaped into the temporal gap to straighten him out... nit,nit, pickers.. Nowadays called trolls..
Everything under sunlight is a heat sink.... Some are much better than others, blacktop is excellent, it has the mass, and it's black... In july the road in front of my house climbs to over 170*f, it's still over 100*f at sunrise... The heat damn sure didn't go back to where it came from.... It heated the air... Anyone who says blacktop isn't a heat sink, doesn't understand the laws of thermodynamics....
The quality of the arguments against GW, is simple and irrefutable proof that, ignorance is bliss....
I standby my first post in this thread...
The Great Extinction of the modern age is well underway.

Some troll said that science estimates we only know of 10-20% of all the species out there.

Of course he conveniently glossed over the fact that they're dying off at least as quickly as those species we are aware of.

Humans have been driving species to extinction for millennia- woolly mammoth, anyone?- the difference is that our ability to do so has vastly accelerated, along with our willingness to tolerate it.

The monsters who put the characters into the Matrix in the movies is us.
So in the third world, our energy policy influence and philosophy will cause lots of people to continue to die needlessly. Clean water and functional hospitals and schools are only available with vast amounts of cheap energy. Why should the poorest in the third world not enjoy a refrigerator in their home as the poorest in our world does? Do you think that only vaccines that can keep off refrigeration should be allowed there or is this the part where you deny your support for a global initiative on this matter?
what are you saying? our energy polices now are stealing from the third world. If we go green we can share technology as well. what global initiative am i denying my support to?




seriously i'm always researching solutions.
The poorest in our world are homeless. They don't have a nice apartment with a fridge, stupid.

Maybe we should spend more time, energy- and yes, money- taking care of our own.

Surely we can shave 10% off our military budget.

No homelessness in the third world there according to tty, nothing to see there folks, move along.
There's pretty much parity between the cost of installing solar and the cost of building new fossil fuel plants.

What's the cost of US aid again to some of these places including defense? Refineries cost a certain amount, fair point. The middle east tells us how much and not counting unconstitutional wars gives some idea of cost/return.
Recent study sho

You're just trolling right?
Humans are dirrectly responsible for most specie's that go extict since the dinosaurs
you're so dense ,,never compared now to the dinosaurs,, clearly separated the two.
what does this overview you posted prove?

Hey you know words mean stuff and shit. Anyhow, what I posted is the best science that estimates the amount of species on earth right now and shows that at least 85% on land and sea are yet undiscovered.

Since we are simply unaware of 85% of species existence, how can you conclude a mass extinction....even if the total was the estimated 15% of species that are accounted for?