"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Hey you know words mean stuff and shit. Anyhow, what I posted is the best science that estimates the amount of species on earth right now and shows that at least 85% on land and sea are yet undiscovered.

Since we are simply unaware of 85% of species existence, how can you conclude a mass extinction....even if the total was the estimated 15% of species that are accounted for?

i guess you're not satisfied to deny obvious historical facts. moving on to denying obvious current events is so you.

Organic farming? Living wages? Teh fux?

Urea and cheap energy.

The most cost effective energy solution to the third world is the most extensively implementable solution. Would you disagree?
Some troll said that science estimates we only know of 10-20% of all the species out there.

Of course he conveniently glossed over the fact that they're dying off at least as quickly as those species we are aware of.

So the 80-90% of all species we are simply unaware of are dying off at least as quickly.........because we can be unaware of them and measure them.

What percentage of this science is privately funded yet again?

Crickets, every time.

it's a conspiracy. thousands of paid shills are going to university for 8-12 years at a time to get lucrative government stipends that keep them basically in poverty.

what a fucking scheme.

good thing there are trailer-dwelling, neo-nazi, racist neo-confederate nutjobs like you here to expose them all whenever you;re not busy taking a fishing trip with your 'heil hitler' tattooed buddy.
do you normally cower and delete your entire web presence across multiple web sites because you are scared of women from the view?

Remember when I found out you lived in Beaverton a few years back and you flipped shit calling me a script kiddie with the l33t skills? That was funny.
i've never lived in beaverton, but you did have to delete your entire web presence on youtube, google. and other forums.



Yeah yeah, next town over, whoops been a few years.

it's a conspiracy. thousands of paid shills are going to university for 8-12 years at a time to get lucrative government stipends that keep them basically in poverty.

what a fucking scheme.

good thing there are trailer-dwelling, neo-nazi, racist neo-confederate nutjobs like you here to expose them all whenever you;re not busy taking a fishing trip with your 'heil hitler' tattooed buddy.

So crickets on the percentage of research on climate change that is government funded as usual then? Thought so.
DF, Wonder what take these people have on climate change, and El Nino??
"Vast areas in Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil are being hit by the worst flooding in 50 years.. Not much they can do on a personal level to change it... The ones that might help say, "It's not my job man.."
Then there's the huge die off of coral in the Indian Ocean, that's not natural...... as the water gets deeper and warmer there'll be more of that....
What chance is there when so many would rather discuss OT issues like the holocaust... Only retards argue over settled issues... My only regret is that i'm not young enough to expect to see the great melt that's coming...
That would really be, "living in interesting times", when Greenland melts and shuts down the warm water currents.. Although, I wouldn't want to be around when the tundra thaws and out gases all the methane it contains...There will be little satisfaction in the phrase " i told you so " ..

TS should have said, coming extinction, within the next 50 years... You just leaped into the temporal gap to straighten him out... nit,nit, pickers.. Nowadays called trolls..
Everything under sunlight is a heat sink.... Some are much better than others, blacktop is excellent, it has the mass, and it's black... In july the road in front of my house climbs to over 170*f, it's still over 100*f at sunrise... The heat damn sure didn't go back to where it came from.... It heated the air... Anyone who says blacktop isn't a heat sink, doesn't understand the laws of thermodynamics....
The quality of the arguments against GW is simple and irrefutable proof that, ignorance is bliss....
I standby my first post in this thread...

Extinction in the next 50 years? How much do your Watchtowers cost again?
what's the percentage of climate denial research funded by exxon mobil?

Nothing on the percentage of government funded AGW research, yet again.
What percentage of exxon mobil is currently sec of state and previously accepted the idea of a carbon tax on fossil fuels?
Nothing on the percentage of government funded AGW research, yet again.
What percentage of exxon mobil is currently sec of state and previously accepted the idea of a carbon tax on fossil fuels?

what percentage of global warming is a marxist plot to destroy white people?
Hey you know words mean stuff and shit. Anyhow, what I posted is the best science that estimates the amount of species on earth right now and shows that at least 85% on land and sea are yet undiscovered.

Since we are simply unaware of 85% of species existence, how can you conclude a mass extinction....even if the total was the estimated 15% of species that are accounted for?
first of all " since the dinosaurs"
second; of the 15% of species we have studied live many go extinct due to humans. Of the other 85% we know exist but haven't got our hands on, many die off before we get to capture them. Researchers find dna in other animals and other evidence that disappears in future studies. Your logic doesn't make sense no one said mass extinction we said extinction as in species of life form disappearing from the world. If we know there are many species undiscovered in a habitat say a rain forest and we destroy that forest ..... what do you think happens to all those plants and animals???? they are gone!