Well-Known Member
Reported for too many reports,Reported as blatantly obvious alt account.
And for being too retarded to properly operate a computer/dress yourself.
makes you look like a wanker, please control youself
Reported for too many reports,Reported as blatantly obvious alt account.
And for being too retarded to properly operate a computer/dress yourself.
You are just like our reactionary right wing Trump supporters. You confuse facts, which are verifiable and consistent, with religion which requires belief without proof. You've asked for proof and facts and have been provided with them. But you already believe what you like and are just trolling.Just like every other post on here, no facts just propaganda, and an undying belief in fantasy
Still waiting for any real proof
Youre so full of shit.They may well have, the markets been turning for a week or more
I only play on the ASX
You are just like our reactionary right wing Trump supporters. You confuse facts, which are verifiable and consistent with religion, which requires belief without proof. You've asked for proof and facts and have been provided with them. But you already believe what you like and are just trolling.
You are just like our reactionary right wing Trump supporters. You confuse facts, which are verifiable and consistent with religion, which requires belief without proof. You've asked for proof and facts and have been provided with them. But you already believe what you like and are just trolling.
well...Didn't say reverse global warming. The stuff I've read about geo-engineering is on par with the super idea of building nuclear reactors. Global temperatures are on pace to rise 1-2 C and that's baked in to the environment. I am saying that there is time to prevent 3-5 C global warming. Not reverse, just prevent.
There is thermal coal and coking coal, both went up, prices hit $300 a tonYoure so full of shit.
Coal has been in a downward trend for over 5 years and has lost 10% in the last 12 months alone.
the scary thing is that it's getting much hotter, much faster, than even the most paranoid scientist anticipated.
so at first they said we'll see that big of an increase by 2100.
now it seems it may be even faster than that
problem was they didn't realize how much of a global cooling effect that the polar ice provided.
and of course as the ice melts, theres LESS of it to cool off the planet
just like a cocktail with no ice cubes in it.. gets warm..
typically i'm an optimist, but I don't see much of a future..
in a mere 200 yrs we've wrecked the planet.
we invented the combustion engine juuuuust a lil while ago (comparitavely speaking)
and now it's all sideways..
something bad is gonna happen to mankind in the next 30 yrs or so, maybe less
the scary thing is that it's getting much hotter, much faster, than even the most paranoid scientist anticipated.
so at first they said we'll see that big of an increase by 2100.
now it seems it may be even faster than that
problem was they didn't realize how much of a global cooling effect that the polar ice provided.
and of course as the ice melts, theres LESS of it to cool off the planet
just like a cocktail with no ice cubes in it.. gets warm..
typically i'm an optimist, but I don't see much of a future..
in a mere 200 yrs we've wrecked the planet.
we invented the combustion engine juuuuust a lil while ago (comparitavely speaking)
and now it's all sideways..
something bad is gonna happen to mankind in the next 30 yrs or so, maybe less
that response proves your ignorance.Oh no were all going to die
Come on, there is no need to be that freaked out about the weather
The planet has seen much hotter and colder in the past, and its fine
If you're worried, stop buying useless shit and plant a tree
that response proves your ignorance.
what part of the planet is fine?
Climate is not the same as "what's today's weather".Oh no were all going to die
Come on, there is no need to be that freaked out about the weather
The planet has seen much hotter and colder in the past, and its fine
If you're worried, stop buying useless shit and plant a tree
In the planning ahead department, I recently added central air to my home.Didn't say reverse global warming. The stuff I've read about geo-engineering is on par with the super idea of building nuclear reactors. Global temperatures are on pace to rise 1-2 C and that's baked in to the environment. I am saying that there is time to prevent 3-5 C global warming. Not reverse, just prevent.
heh, yeaa, i'm a lil late to the party..THAT response proved it??
here you go
Nuclear power provides around 14% of the world’s electricity not to hard to replace. from that 14% hundreds of billions in proerty damage and all the deaths and environmental damage is high.
Three Mile Island Nuclear Power
Church Rock uranium mill spill
Goiania Accident – September 13, 1987...
Nuclear radiation enters and effects DNA so you may live and produce offspring with health defects as in golf war syndrome where they later admired to using nuclear weapons
Nuclear energy systems have a long stay time. The completion of the sequence of activities related to one commercial nuclear power station, from the start of construction through the safe disposal of its last radioactive waste, may take 100–150 years then the few hundred - few thousand years starts.
In West Germany the `information disaster' after Chernobyl offered an opportunity to study the credibility of different information sources. A representative survey conducted in May 1987 of the West German population showed that on average the Federal Government—although heavily criticized because of its information policy and risk management—was rated most credible while the nuclear industry was judged least credible.
Many technologies and materials associated with the creation of a nuclear power program have a dual-use capability, in that they can be used to make nuclear weapons if a country chooses to do so
In 1976, four nuclear engineers -three from GE and one from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission- resigned, stating that nuclear power was not as safe as their superiors were claiming. These men were engineers who had spent most of their working life building reactors, and their defection galvanized anti-nuclear groups across the country.They testified to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy that:
"the cumulative effect of all design defects and deficiencies in the design, construction and operations of nuclear power plants makes a nuclear power plant accident, in our opinion, a certain event. The only question is when, and where.
Thankfully, 'global warming' is merely a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese and perpetuated by UNamerican globalist liberals. I've seen no REAL evidence that the planet is warming up at an inordinately high rate. I mean, it's perfectly normal to run the air conditioning during Christmas, right?
Also, with the earth being flat, once the planet has become TOO heavy with trash we can just tilt it on it's axis and spill all the garbage into space -- simple!
Play with fire, eventually you get burned. But the burn heals and the lesson is learned.here you go
Nuclear power provides around 14% of the world’s electricity not to hard to replace. from that 14% hundreds of billions in proerty damage and all the deaths and environmental damage is high.
Three Mile Island Nuclear Power
Church Rock uranium mill spill
Goiania Accident – September 13, 1987...
Nuclear radiation enters and effects DNA so you may live and produce offspring with health defects as in golf war syndrome where they later admired to using nuclear weapons
Nuclear energy systems have a long stay time. The completion of the sequence of activities related to one commercial nuclear power station, from the start of construction through the safe disposal of its last radioactive waste, may take 100–150 years then the few hundred - few thousand years starts.
In West Germany the `information disaster' after Chernobyl offered an opportunity to study the credibility of different information sources. A representative survey conducted in May 1987 of the West German population showed that on average the Federal Government—although heavily criticized because of its information policy and risk management—was rated most credible while the nuclear industry was judged least credible.
Many technologies and materials associated with the creation of a nuclear power program have a dual-use capability, in that they can be used to make nuclear weapons if a country chooses to do so
In 1976, four nuclear engineers -three from GE and one from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission- resigned, stating that nuclear power was not as safe as their superiors were claiming. These men were engineers who had spent most of their working life building reactors, and their defection galvanized anti-nuclear groups across the country.They testified to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy that:
"the cumulative effect of all design defects and deficiencies in the design, construction and operations of nuclear power plants makes a nuclear power plant accident, in our opinion, a certain event. The only question is when, and where.
What has any of that got to do with global warming